I know this is from a while back, but it bears saying anyway. The above is not true at all to my mind. Sure you don't get players holding two power weapons as a matter of solid tactics or established role within the team, but that's not to say it doesn't happen, not by a long shot. I've seen players with both Rockets and Sniper on the main stage at MLG multiple times, T2 seems to have a particular fondness for the combination, as did Mackeo quite often. It's generally a little sketchy, seeing players grab both in an attempt to just control power weapons and keep them out of the other teams hands, hopefully bringing them back to their own team in the end, is fair enough. And whilst picking up both when not under real pressure isn't generally the best tactical move, when some people are on fire it helps to have two big guns. Even then, the Snipe/Mauler combo on Guardian is (or rather was) a solid favourite throughout the pro circuit in the right situations. Basically, don't count it out as a possibility when designing an MLG map, not by any means, as long as the map can support that amount of power weapon placement. Rockets and Sniper together on one map is only really a concern in terms of size and layout, if it's big enough and can handle them then it's fine, and people will sometimes pick up both.
I was thinking more along the lines or the crypt, after looking over the plan, for spawning there would need to be a wider area, i was thinking of "hollowing" out the bottom of the bases and connecting them with a ring on their own below the two platform rings. So basically there are 3 rings around the central bowl each at different heights. Agreed, if i see a power weapon on an MLG playlist and no1 else is there to collect, i'll openly take both and either waste them or put them to use depending on what situation i get in. (purposely waste them btw lol)
Thanks for the input guys, I understand now people want a nice power weaponed map, not overdone but design so that every so often a player will drop their br for different weapons. Okay now suggestions for different layouts? Steve thanks for your design but the middle is too open. any other ideas?
My idea may not be as aesthetic as you'd like but it was only built for gameplay and to make it play like I wanted to I had to use almost all of the budget so there is like nothing to do extra aesthetics with. Anyway. Here is the map (I had some built butit had gotten deleted) I'd liek to work on with you if you'd like the design. Lift room/snipe tower Looking into mid where you can see legs leading to the highgrounds Bridge. Red side Player movement and lines of sight are all though out as well as weapons for an MLG and a regular version.
I like it, all those sort of buildings and bridges are really well built and are the sort of stuff that I want included, I also found the map on SWB2, heres the wiki page Kamino: Cloning Facility - Star Wars Battlefront I just loved that map, its perfect for hill games ;p
So you want to colab? If so would you like me to start working on the map then? The other map you showed looks sweet but for halo, the lines of sight in the map is way to long and it would be wayto easy to get killed and way to hard to find cover.
Im not rushing into anything, im just collecting ideas etc atm, I have a vision already but I need more ideas. Plus im not using that SWB map, its just inspiration.
well i couldnt really illustrate it very well with paint (xD) but i was thinking with the bowl having a diamter of about a double block bigger than guardians central ring, so its rather large, and then have some form of structure in the centre? I have the image in my head but its kinda hard to explain it..
Just explain however you can, maybe a view from above and at the side draw some structures etc. Okay pointless post much?
I just had an idea of the shape of the map, a Hexagon Not many maps use hexagons, and its easily made rotationally symmetrical. Also, I drew up a design that could be used, although probabably not amazingly good for Hills, unless the top side points are large enough to be hills, and the bottoms are open enough to support a possible hill point along with each base. Basicallly, its a bit like Ldown, Both bases are multi-teered, with access from the back. The only other way to get upto the first floor is to jump on the objects (marked out by black squares on floor diagram), the bases immediately run onto ramps at each side which rise upto the towers. The towers could easily be the same size as the bases, which would give elevated hills. The centre has a single block, then double block on its end, then single block again. (if made on foundry they could be made as box opens to create either 1 long tunnel through the middle yielding a CPU?, or geo'd Tube pieces so it remains smooth and have same effect) This cuts off direct LoS from base to base. Two walls underneath the towers rise up to meet the tower floor (2 walls high basically) and can be made aesthetically to look like support beams. Each base has a ramp / stairs leading into the base from the very back. Each base has Double blocks on end to block LoS (Like Onslaught). All red parts of the map cant be reached (without nade jumping stacking etc...) on the current floor level. LOLOLOL JUST NOTICED: SECOND FLOOR IS DETAILED IN WHITE NOT BLACK. BLACK = WALLS xD
I think that hexagon idea is really sic, but the flow of a semi-circular shape always fits 1v1 better than any other gametype. If you really want to do something amazing, try making your hexagon absolutely massive and making a walkway with multiple elevations around the outside, a two leveled base in the same locations as your, just rescessed into the wall much farther with at least four entry points (walkways, gravlifes, jumps, doors, anything works as long as you have four) and design something almost like a large symmetrical building in the middle of the hexagon with lost of pathways between the bases, the ground, and the walkways around the outside. I have a vision! Edit: Ehh... I just told you, without realizing it, to build and hexagon shaped onslaught. Do what you want with it...
Good! Thats the sort of stuff I need, just ideas upon ideas, get me thinking lol! Just been looking at some onslaught footage, I like the map alot, I may use some of the features of that map, im also thinking of a hill type structure like insanes new map, thoughts? Okay so are you saying you want sharp set shapes or obscure ones. Ill play some mlg games soon get a look at some of the maps setup and see how I can get this into the map. BTW I will be looking to forge with an MLG player, someone who knows forge well (they dont need to forge great, ill be doing most the forging) and will be able to guide me and give advice during the making, so a co-forge. Any MLG players willing to help in about a month or so? I will be working with this person closely during this stage of design so the sooner I find someone, the better. Good stuff
I could help once i get my xbox back? Heres my YouTube Channel if you want to see what types of maps I've managed to produce since starting forge.. I'll agree with you before you say it aswell, not all of them are great lol. But structurely they are similar styles. I noticed a lot of people have very open bare walkways in their maps, whilst most of my maps are made up of intricate rooms or multileveled floors.
I can see you have some great ideas, i dont think your mlg are you? What i think i can do, i work with you, you suggest ideas i will tweak them with you and an mlg player, you forge closely with me, the mlg player will overlook the project. Up for it?
yeah i guess, i dont really know what mlg player your after then cause i have a 35 in it and play mlg customs for warmups lol...
I didnt know if you were or not, tbh im looking for someone who does MLG who is more into the theory and is quite experienced. But if you would say you fit under that category then sure why not. Okay, thanks for the input, I think we have now decided that it will be a non symetric map but it will be rotational symetry, if its got atleast a chance to get into the MLG playlist then it cant be totally asymetrical.
I was right, Citadel is still a symmetrical map. Halopedia - Citadel Its on wikipedia, i know why in my head but cant really word it properly so just read up.