
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ac3Snip3r, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Gametypes: Save one bullet and Alpha Zombie

    Recommended Players: 4-10
    In 2035, there is only chaos, poverty in the world as the UN continues to fight terrorist groups in the Middle East and across Western Asia. The UN attempts to break apart the terrorists group and stop the struggle throughout the world is futile, and no living thing on the planet is safe. In the years prior, suicide bombings and nuclear threats have escalated. The terrorists will not stop until every country has been laid waste to, every infidel decapitated, and every innocence in the world vanquished.
    Deep within the mountains of northeastern Afghanistan, bio-terrorists have led a mounting campaign through the acts of disease and the project has neared its completion. The infestation can't be cured, and the virus spreads quickly. Once in the bowels of its human host, the virus takes over all functions and eats away at the brain to sustain itself until there is nothing left. Then it gets hungry. Soon it will find the need to hunt down each and every human. Their super senses can track anything down from hundreds of miles away, and with its superhuman strength it will bash open the skull of its prey and begin to devour the brains of the once living, turning the corpse into an animated being.
    Upon nearing completion however, even the bio-terrorists thought of it being too much of a risk to release it, for fear that they along with everyone in the world would be consumed by the virus. They were executed though, for cowardice in the name of God, and from then on it spread, and nothing could contain it. It was free. And soon the entire world succumbed to its power.
    One group, the last of human kind on this earth, were exploring in the dense forests of Peru. About halfway through the journey, as they were about to rest for the night. Beasts that blended in with the darkness, beasts that were victims of the virus, started attacking from all sides. They were eager for their food. The small band of adventurers, quickly grabbed out their weapons and started firing. They made their way to a cave at the base of a great mountain and thought that it would be easier to hold out at the top. They made their way through the confined narrows of the cave up to the top.
    It took about an hour and a half of intense hiking and shooting to get to the top. They reached an opening in the tunnel that revealed the cliff's edge, a precipice. What they did not know was there was a campsite, with a fire and several scattered, empty magazines of ammunition. What they did now was that there were already people on the precipice, but they had no brains. The beasts had already made their way up and they were hungry. Very hungry. Starving. Will they last?

    Precipice is a map I made to try out geomerging. I haven't posted a map in a really long time, so I thought I would try out at the Hub of the Dead contest. When I made this map I was inspired by the design of a conflict map I saw (although I don't think I did as good of a job) and Rat's Nest. In this map, I wanted to make the map easier for the zombies, and make the humans lives, well, short. I did my best to prevent camping and I wanted to level the map, make it so you can use height to your advantage. I have tried to make the both the gameplay and the aesthetics great. I am very proud of my map.

    This is where the zombies start out, where the campers had been killed by the beasts.

    I'm tired of pallets and firebombs as a fire, so I made this kick-ass one!

    The entrance of the cave where the humans start out.

    The inside of the cave, trust me, not a good place to camp. Go camp in the campsite or you will suffer your fate prematurely.

    After you become a zombie or once all the zombies die for their first time, they spawn up here. Use the height to your advantage.

    Up where the zombies respawn, there is a speed boost that respawns every 30 seconds.

    Side view from the inside

    Overview 2

    Random Shots:

    Lastly, I would like some constructive criticism and if I catch anyone spamming or putting
    Nice job. Keep it up 5/5
    I swear I will rat them out, kill them, and throw them into the fiery pits of hell. Spammers on my thread have a special place in hell! Thank You, and if I don't win good luck to RC, Crypto nv, and padres1944 (they paid me). Well at least those were my favorites. Don't take it personally, I just chose my top 3. Remember constructive criticism! No spamming. Got it. Good!

    Download Precipice
    #1 Ac3Snip3r, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  2. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    Great map, great aesthetics, great gameplay.
    How long did it take to get the walls and the rocks, and a all those aesthetics done like that? Look so real. Then red tinting makes it looks perfect! Blue could be used for a little water area, like some caves haves.

    9.9repeating/10 Nothing can be perfect.
  3. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    I don't know if it's THAT good. But I had a nice time making the map. Who knows, maybe I can make a v2 and incorporate a blue light. But for the small size of the map, I'll just stick with the red light I have now. Thanks for the comment!
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    so this is default save one bullet? nice. this looks amazing, like the hollows on a larger zombie scale. aesthetics equal amazing, campability looks low, and a dl is coming from me. until i get some plays on it, 4.5/5 based on aesthetcs from pics, legit gameplay rating will come sometime tommorow cuz im going to football soon.
    if it plays half as good as it looks, then you, my friend, have a winner up in here. this is amazzzzing looks. and add me on xbl so we can play somegames on it like tommorow or whenever.
    #4 xWooden leafx, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol, you think mine is good? Thanks man, this looks pretty good, ill give it a dl when I get home in 30 min. but I do have to say that I've been seeing a **** ton of caves being done.

    P.s. Being that I was mentioned first in your three names, does that mean you thought mine is best? Or is it just random order? (Just wonderin)
  6. padres1944

    padres1944 Ancient
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    No, it must've been reverse order, which makes yours third and mine first, duh.

    But, from the pictures it looks like a very well forged map. I'll queue it up for download and try to get some games on it when I get some time on the Xbox(which is sparse midweek). I'll be back with a more in-depth review of what I think of the map then. Good luck to you in the comptetition, may the best map win.
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    I am not the one to judge who has a good chance of winning and I didn't put it in any particular order. If I had a favorite and said it I would be getting a lot of very angry messages anyway.

    Hollows, that was it! That map was an inspiration for me because the aesthetics and gameplay just flowed nicely, and the aesthetics were some of the best I've seen. Thanx for the comments (again), and if anyone finds something that I need to fix or improve on this map, just tell me.
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lolz anyways, I know what you mean, people will get angry no matter what you say so might as well not say it. Ill send you a friend request when I dl it cuz I have to do it manually on my xbox today.

    Edit: it looks good man, one thing I noticed is that it is pretty small... Now don't take that as a bad thing, I am one to know that small maps can play infection well... The thing is that it looks like the zombie spawn up top, correct? If so, they will domi-rape the humans because that upper rock thing overlooks everything but the little area behind the tent and the cavish area, if humans had the ability to get up there too it might be fine but it looks like it could cause some issues with the integrity of gameplay replayablilty.
    #8 Aschur, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  9. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    In reply to RC:

    Well, depending on the traits of the humans and zombies, the zombies spawning on top may actually be a good thing. Now I'm only saying this because of balance issues. Almost every infection game that I've played in where I started as a zombie has sucked, because the humans have such a power advantage over them. Personally, I think the zombies should get some advantage, maybe a 50% damage resistance increase or giving humans just a small damage decrease--or something. So I think that the fact that they spawn on top gives the zombies a nice fair advantage.
  10. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Excellent job, TARuetz. You always were better at putting levels together than I was. I'll give you a 4.999/5 for effort. That massive polygon roof is amazing!
  11. guitaristtuck

    guitaristtuck Ancient
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    This map makes being a human incredibly hard, but I like it! Some people may complain about the size of the map, but I love playing split-screen with my friends, and this map made for some fun zombie hunting. It really does look like a cave, too- there are no awkward aesthetics. This will stay on my hard drive for a long time.
  12. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Just cause you my friend doesn't mean you have to say it's that good. Sides it lost in the contest anyway so it can't be that good.

    Thanks tried to make it as hard for the humans as I can just by using natural elements (no switches, no weapons, no camping spots). Well I hope you enjoy.

    Holy ****, 94 DL's, not that much but still. YES!! Thanx peoples.

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