Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Never ever listen to these voices you hear. Don't act upon them, don't humor them, and don't talk back. Say "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ leave this place." It is some sort of mental trigger for you to cease the hallucinations. Your family is always understanding and supportive of you and your teachers are not here to harm you. Whatever this voice says about them ignore them.

    What I want you to do, anytime and everytime you hear these voices is repeat these words to yourself," God is real. God loves me. God protects me and would allow no unjust harm to come to me. God is my teacher and provider and I only answer to him."

    Okay? Please just do it.

    In the off chance that the voice is god or takes the appearance of god be sure it is him before you act upon it. Don't hurt anyone, God doesn't wish harm to your family or friends for any reason. He is all loving.

    I believe you are suffering from some sort of dementia or Schizoaffective disorder. Both of these have no chemical cure and require psychiatric attention. Please inform your parent or guardian of these voices you hear and talk to them about getting treatment.

    Chances are though you are suffering from an acute psychosis which could be caused by some medication you are taking. You don't have any childhood illnesses that require a regimented medication do you? Or have you had strep throat recently? Cycloserine (an ingredient in most strep meds) could be causing the psychosis especially if taken with a regimented medication (which I suspect you take). Stop taking the medication. If you experience mental anguish or withdrawals seek medical attention. Don't worry its a nonaddictive substance so you are not suffering from a physical addiction which means you will have no long-term affects to cognitive and emotional function.
  2. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Sid, i'll tell you right now that your are very lucky that i don't remember how to put people on my ignore list, 'Cause thats where you'll be as soon as i find out how

    ... ... ... Okay, you lost me on the last two paragraphs

    Okay there is kind of a traveling "Show" that tours the USA called The 99. The 99 gets its name because of the tragic statement that 99 teenagers die every hour from Drinking while driving, Drugs, Bad choices, gangs, suicide, etc. etc.
    So they literally walk you through 6 frighteningly realistic scenes which is a Car Wreck between a family of four and a group of drunk teens, A room with a group of teens melting drugs on a spoon (You can smell them too) and one wearing a gas mask attached to a bottle of melted drugs, a gang beating an 11 year old to death on the way to the bus, then a room showing a video of someone with a gun to they're head, then you hear a gunshot, and a curtain is pulled back and you see the girl lying on the floor with a bullet hole in her head, then, at last, you take a brief trip to hell where your leader who has been taking you through the scenes stands on a pedestal and pulls back his hood, revealing that he is satan, then you see the victims of the previous rooms locked in cages, the suicide girl tethered to a wall via chains, and one person appearing to be burning in a shoulder-deep pit and then horrifyingly realistic demons come up from atop the fence behind the audience (One grabbed my shoulder! AUGHHH) and then you are lead into a room showing the scene from The Passion when Jesus is crucified.

    Now the cool part about all of this is that my older brother took me and a small group of atheists to The 99 and i'll tell you the mood of that small group of atheists

    Car Wreck Mood: Calm

    Drug Room Mood: Uncomfortable

    Gang Room Mood: Sorry

    Suicide Room: Distressed

    Hell Room: Scared

    Heaven Room/Crucified Room: Sad

    Lobby: Weeping

    See that? five atheists were weeping by the end of this thing and i'm proud to say, God got five new members of His kingdom that night
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Save them from what? He created sin. He is omnipotent, he has the power to destroy sin or evil or hell or demons, he could save everyone. But he doesn't. The story of Adam and Eve is flawed because it says they sinned, but they had no concept of sin or good and evil. Not until after they ate the apple did they get that. So is it fair that they were punished? They had no idea why it was wrong. Yes they knew they were told not to do it, but they didn't understand why not to. So that created a curiosity in them that would only be easily unfolded by the snake. Which of course, God could have stopped the snake, since he'd have known from the start that would happen. But he let it happen anyway of course.

    God chooses to send people to hell, to create people KNOWING that they'll go to hell when they die, but still creating them anyway. As in, when you are born, from before then God would know how your life would turn out. If it is someone going to hell, destined to go, he let them live and go to hell instead of preventing their birth so they wouldn't have to go through that misery. He also has killed millions for his selfish reasons, and is extremely morally inferior to most any human being. That being with his prejudice to homosexuality, his allowance of slavery and the fact he opposes any who think differently than him and his followers. Those are some reasons he isn't all that great.

    First off, no one trusts your stories because they're just that- stories. They have no evidence or facts backing them, no proof they ever really happened, and nothing to support them in any way compared to other arguments made in this thread, which use evidence to back up their points.

    And secondly, no one distrusts you because you're a "grey member." Besides the fact that makes no sense, since the majority of people debating are normal members, what does rank on a video game website have to do with anything?

    First off, he didn't say the guy was from Hollywood. He's saying that any Hollywood sound mixer could create the same effect. Or really, anyone who has a sound editing software has the ability to do this. It isn't difficult, at all. You can make some pretty insane sounds with those systems. Just watch a movie like Transformers where they get the noises for the transformations, or a horror movie with a monster... they can easily make those noises. That's what he is saying.

    Plus you back up our point here. "You weren't there, so you wouldn't know." That's the EXACT reason you DON'T use personal experiences in a debate. They can't be proved, and if you try to argue them, the person recounting the tale can say that you had to be there. In that case, don't use that as evidence.

    So really, they used scare tactics and faked, traumatizing movies to send fear down kids spines to get them to realize they must follow Christianity or suffer dire consequences.

    I don't know what to say... the fact they faked videos as a way to say this is FOR SURE what happens, or the fact that God would ever want people to believe in him because they are afraid not to. (that goes back to the point on if he is "good" or not.

    And the fact they managed to convince a few Atheists to convert isn't surprising when those Atheists were being shown horrifying fake videos about what is believed by Christians to happen to heretics after death.

    And one last point- even if those kids in the videos did those horrible things, they could easily get into heaven. All they need to do is repent sincerely for their sins and be a faithful christian, and they won't be punished for acts of torture, violence and murder. Like handing God a five dollar bill as you kill someone so he turns the other way.
  4. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    The Purpose of The 99 isn't to convert people to christianity, Its meant to show what can happen to you if you do that stuff. The hell room is for what you said about it

    Maybe you should actually go see or look at pictures of The 99 before you assume things

    And P.S. I never said that every thing was on a screen. you must have not really read the whole thing because i said they literally walk you through the scenes meaning the only screens in the entire 19,000 square foot tent is in the suicide room and the heaven room
    #3344 GR4V3mind117, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    @Greatjedi7: I don't know why you're still trying to argue the point, honestly it's not going anywhere. I'm not going to side with either way, but you're not going anywhere with this, and the other side will consistently attack you personally without actually bothering to know the real details

    "And one last point- even if those kids in the videos did those horrible things, they could easily get into heaven. All they need to do is repent sincerely for their sins and be a faithful christian, and they won't be punished for acts of torture, violence and murder. Like handing God a five dollar bill as you kill someone so he turns the other way."
    ....really? I mean...come on, there was really no reason to include that.

    I'd say just do whatever makes you as happy as you can be, and don't worry about people that try to keep you from that.

    On that general note, the personal attacks are ridiculous...
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    First off, thank you for responding to the whole post.

    Second, I read the whole thing. And I saw you said they walk through. I was talking about the fact they used videos to portray hell.

    And I did what you said and looked up the 99. After finding a superhero site (lol) I found it, and as much as it said it wasn't meant to use scare tactics, thats what I saw. The website had a grungy, evil feel with a person with demon red eyes in the front. The video I watched under the media section talked about how it is meant to convey the reality, which I understand, but at the same time it is instilling fear. If they want to convey REALITY, they can do that with the car accident room, and drug overdose parts and domestic violence parts. That stuff hits home, but the second they show demons, hell and the devil, it has lost its touch with reality. At the point I would walk out, demand my 8 dollars back and explain that instead of sticking to reality they tried scaring me with visions and scenes of torture by demons.

    I never attacked him personally Insane. I never called him an idiot or stupid or something. If anything I claimed his arguments were far fetched. But I never said he was [insert derogatory remark here].

    And I guess you're referring to the metaphor in what I said? Why can't I say that? I just base my argument off of what I've been told in this thread and other debates, what I've been told is believed. And I've been told a lot of Christians believe you can murder and go to heaven if you repent sincerely, convert and lead a great life after that. The only unforgivable sin, as far as this thread has said, is blasphemy of the Holy spirit. Murder therefore is forgivable. So repenting for murder, or just saying sorry to God, is the same as paying him off to forget you did what you did. The same wouldn't hold in a court of law, if I said I'm sorry for murder, I wouldn't get freedom. But again, this is just based on what everyone says they believe. As far as I know, nothing said in this thread is how God does or perceives anything. But since we can't know what God, if he exists, really believes, I have to go on what I'm told. I think I went over this before though...
  7. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    What you're told.. on a site about Halo?
    Come on, you can do better than that!
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    No I've debated with other people on other sites. And I can do better than that? This is partly info from you and other people on this site. So if I can do better than that, you should get better evidence.

    But really, like I said, since we can't know what God really thinks, I'm going by the bible and what you and others have told me they believe. As in I'm going to respond based on the beliefs posted. If you told me you believed fairies live in gardens I wouldn't respond about bigfoot. I'm just saying I'm responding based on what you said.
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I'm not sure you've ever been in a serious, real life debate (actually I doubt most of you have...), but post on an opinion like that with a "metaphor" that was just meant to insult it IS a personal attack. At least in a serious debate...which this really isn't.

    In addition, "what I've heard" is totally irrelevant. You need to use facts to back up everything in a real debate. Now, I could probably bring you some proofs of people declaring people who had committed a crime like murder to be fine because they repented, if I looked around enough, sure. Again, though, that's irrelevant. We're talking about religion itself and you're pinpointing it straight on a rare instance or interpretation you don't like and exaggerating it.
  10. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Eyeless Sid on the other hand...
  11. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I didn't say I'm arguing by not using facts. I'm using facts to go against the points made. And I have been in a serious, real life debate, though it was on Cloning ethics, and not religion. Though religion came up.

    I'm not sure you've ever been open to any other interpretation other than the hebrew interpreted one you made. Which can't be taken as fact since there are thousands of possible interpretations, and no one has agreed on any one exact interpretation. To say otherwise is false, simply put. Furthermore, I don't think debating how we are debating is about God.

    I COULD critique heavily on the fact people are using personal experiences as fact. I could debate if using the Bible is a valid source. But I'm not. I'm just taking what is said and debating against that, sorta keeps us on track, following a more linear line of progression by not randomly pointing to different things. In reality, you asserted angrily at how bad it is with the personal attacks. I've made none, you just attacked my debating instead of my points. If my points are so weak you feel you can rebuttal efficiently, then do so. Don't dilly dally on the way I gave my argument.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    It's not an argument. You just said his opinion is negated because you feel like it. I'm not angry, and this is exactly what I was talking about.

    Get on topic.
  13. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Thank you. That's totally what I said verbatim.

    I actually said you can't go on personal experiences because they can't be proven and have no evidence to support them besides the person's word of truth. If I took it as truth, I'd question why God lets there to be demon's when I think he has the power to rid them from existence. I'd assume that'd be from a lack of motivation to do so or something but I don't know. Answer that. Get back to the actual debate maybe?

    WHOA! Don't EVEN say to me to get on topic. I WAS on topic. You came in here and started critiquing my debating and getting off topic. To say to me to get on topic is to have a murder advocate peace.

    And what are you talking about? Personal attacks? I've made none. You have. I never said anything, again, about negating his personal experience. I just said it isn't very valid since there's no proof for it.
    #3353 Pigglez, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    That's a personal attack if I've ever seen one. Say what you just said, and that's more than necessary to get your point across. You don't need to go on and on about how wrong he must be because you say so.

    By "get on topic" I was referring to everyone, not you.

    And I have personally attacked your debating skills. I'm sorry. Now, let's get back to...wherever the topic was.
  15. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Well I included that bit because he asked in the post before that, "Prove to me God isn't good" so that's why I discussed that.
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Yes, because all they would need to do is repent all of this sincerely. Easy as taking candy from a baby.

    My point is, it's not as easy as it may sound. Going from a murderer to a true follower of God is like going from a guy to a girl. Sure, it's easy to fake, but you know it isn't true on the inside.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I disagree. If the Holy Spirit enters the body there should be a complete change in the individual. If you say that the person should have to work to change themselves then God isn't really controlling the person, the person is just striving to be good.
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I like this little fact I found:
    Oldest know religion approximately 60,000 years old.

    Oldest Human remains aproximately 3.9-4 million years old

    What this means is that Humans created religion not the other way around.

    Im no genius in Math but theres obviously a big old gap from when humans started walking the Earth and when we created religion.
    #3358 Eyeless Sid, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    You're wrong. Where did you get the 3.9 million years thing.

    Dawn of human race uncovered - life - New Scientist
    #3359 RadiantRain, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  20. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Oldest human remains found in Ethiopia

    Well theres no religion before then because Humans had no vocal cords nor ability to read or write.

    So im right we created religion not the other way around.

    Also thats the oldest KNOWN human remains meaning theres probably older remains. Religion is only a fraction of the age of humans .
    #3360 Eyeless Sid, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
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