YouTube - Beautiful Cheerleader Develops Dystonia After Taking Flu Shot Seriously? I feel bad for her. Damn.
Never took one when I was past 10. Only had the Flu once. Feel bad for such thing to happen to a very healthy woman.
That's ****ing weird. 10 days past the flu shot though... I'm not convinced it was the shot that did this to her, wouldn't it have happened in the first few days while the immune system is fighting the hardest? Plus, since the flu shot is just dead and inactivated flu viruses, would she have had this reaction, or worse, if she had gotten the flu normally at full strength? Logic says yes to me. There's more to this story than just flu shot ---> dystonia. Even if it is the vaccine, it was the same vaccine being given to millions developed using the same processes as the flu vaccines of previous years, so doctors need to identify what about her made it react this way, and in the future add whatever condition led to this to the list of things that you should not get the flu shot if you have. The news story doesn't say any of this though, they just spout the misleading lines about how this happened just 10 days after receiving a flu shot. Carefully never saying the shot caused it, but also deliberately failing to mention that it might not have been the shot. All just to play on peoples' irrational fear of vaccinations and cause an uproar that will score them better ratings. Journalism!
Aye seems very logical but tbh i'd reckon it was the flu shot. Injecting potentially dangerous substances into any human without knowing exactly what they suffer from is very dangerous.. my guess is she had something wrong with her physically before, bearing in mind shes a cheerleader who probably didnt eat a balanced diet to stay in shape, probably caused problems in her body which eventually caused dystonia from a bad reaction with the flu shot. Shes damn n mighty fine though!! I bet her husbands stoked getting an Extra hot wife cheerleader heavily disabled, but still ****able wife
Wow, I feel really sorry for her, truly, truly sorry...... :cry: Wait... Oh sh**, I just got my flu shot 4 days ago!