The perfect MLG map?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Heretic isnt rotaional, nor is citadel. They are both just symmetric from a horizontol line through the middle. Both bases are identical but each side point isnt, the line of symmetry runs from both middle points instead of the usual both base points.

    Nope the reason why Onslaught is a sucess is because of its spawns. It allows spawnkilling (like narrows and pit and amplified and guardian (catch my drift?)) But Amplified is the one that got it wrong, it hasnt got enough spawn areas to prevent spawn killing at all.. All areas are constantly controlled which is why some people spawn and just beatdown instantly and actually get kills because its so messed up. Basing spawns on Onslaught would be a good shout though.

    Agreed, Citadel is definately symmetric :p
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    My brain hurts.

    -Heretic is just plain symmetric.

    -Citadel is inverse symmetric, which also makes it rotationally symmetric because if you rotate it 180 degrees it still looks exactly the same.

    -Guardian is clearly asymmetric, but the gameplay flows in one rotational direction due to the lifts, and the two sides share somewhat similar features for balance's sake.

    Symmetrical maps are easier to balance, but MLG wouldn't outright refuse a well balanced asymmetric map. The fact that Guardian was in, and maps like Blackout and Regicide were tested for MLG is a clear indicator that they're perfectly fine with an asymmetric map if it manages to pull off the difficult feat of being balanced and fun.
  3. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Uh.. yea it is.
    What? You just said that allowing spawn killing was a good thing, but amplified sucks because it doesn't prevent spawn killing? Which means Amp doesn't work because it allows spawn killing... What???
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I think weve now deciphered that citadel is a rotational symetry map and this is what the map is going to be like.

    We now need suggestions for map layout and features! :)
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I could work on one with you. I have plenty designs that would be AMAZING. In fact I have one that's about done that I will be releasing soon. I could either do a collaboration or sketch one up. Let em know if you want help.
  6. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    I moreso mean give them a reason, nay-a need-to grab other weapons.

    I understand the no self-respecting MLG play would ever ditch his BR; it is far to vauluble.

    However, what annoys me is when I see players pass up snipers and maulers under the excuse of "Oh, I got my BR..."

    Slightly off topic: I have a MLG map idea which uses the default "U" shape of foundry. Could it work?
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Sure, only do a quick sketchup of your idea, if its good ill let you know and we can work together, we can do a collaberation!

    Sure im up for any idea, if its plausable and others like it then why not, just give me a quick pitch of it :)
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok fair enough, i agree with citadel, but for matters sake, its still technically symmetric as each side has the same exact features.

    And read the amplified thing properly. In all maps, Spawn killing is POSSIBLE which is good. In Amplified, Spawn killing is INEVITABLE! You cant go through 1 match of Amplified without either spawnkilling someone withing 2 seconds of being alive, or you cant spawn without being killed within 2 seconds from someone just turning around at the right time and beating you down before you get your bearings. THAT is why Amplified fails. Onslaught always has a spawn available that isnt always covered. (Either Back or top A, Back of Top B, Bottom B, Bottom A, Base) Notice there are 5 spawn areas, there are only 4 people to a team, the team cant control every spawn area, Thus there is an exit to the spawn killing. Amplified only has 4 main spawns (that actually work) And all are relatively out in the open.

    If you think Foundry would be a viable map for MLG it would work. I hate to be negative but I dont think it would. Orbital grasps the U shape at its best. Because U's should come in pairs. I'd like to see a map variant try isolate the U shape though. Foundry is probably THE worst example of a U shaped map every... its so unbelievably biast.
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Okay okay, so spawn killing in quantity is okay but nothing insanely over the top.
    If a team works hard enough they can control the spawns so that they can get a team to spawn in a specific spot where they can get some easy kills?

    BTW im going to edit this post with an idea, I need some critisism :)

    It will be a picture BTW
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol its a bit basic, but you'll want to look at building something similar. I've gone for an onslaught style. But obviously don't go for this exactly, just what i mean with the spawns, and overall structuring. It gives an example of what you could get with the rotational symmetry your after, as its not directly symmetrical, but you get the idea.


    **** forgot to write this on the actual picture:
    Black = Pitfall
    Green = Walkable land
    Grey = Direct route, but not an actual pathway. Its just a drop down from base, run along map floor, reach destination, which is why its grey. Its just the A - C route, not A - B - C if you get me?
    #30 Stevo, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  11. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Thats my idea, the diagonal pathways are ramps up and down, you can sorta tell, if you dont understand from this image just tell me what and ill explain!
  12. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    So does it darken with hight, with the darkest parts being the highest, or vice-versa?
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    darker = Higher, I know it should be the opposite way round but yeah you still get the idea :)
  14. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Yes, but you would have to work around the spawns. Spawn killing would be too easy.

    Spawn traps should be possible, BUT NOT SO EASY.
    For example: on Onslaught spawn killing is just too easy.

    Amplified is horrible because:
    A - You spawn kill people even accidentally, because they spawn in front of you.
    B- You can get constantly assassinated because they spawn behind you.

    The maps with best spawn in MLG currently are The Pit and Heretic, that possibilities spawn killing, but only with a good setup and teamwork. That's how you should make the map. Hard to spawn killing, not impossible, but hard.
  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay so people want the rotational symetry and spawn kill enabled but not easy to do?
    BTW can we have some more ideas posted? Paint, hand drawn, photoshop, just text, w/e I need more ideas. I want a swarm of ideas in here and ill squash them all into one. Im good at that :p
  16. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I tried to draw this best i could, but using your idea, i've changed it into this >

    If you can understand it, basically the centre piece is at the bottom instead of creating a central controlled map, The "lower" pathway then has another room linked to it, which could be utilized as another hillspot. I actually have an idea sort of in my head that using the layout similar between mine and yours (i liked your cross over thing, but couldnt draw it >.<) and it has a mix of heretic in it, basically the central part is wall in, with slanted walls that aren't climbable on. The "lower" passages have their paths built into the circular curved surface, whilst the "higher" passage is concealed behind the wall, and then is fully exposed on the entrance to the central room. At the point where the Higher passageway passes over the lower passageway, i've put little disks indicating more hillspots, the upper passage way could have drop down spots (like in cold storage above gold room) to gain access to the exposed hills from above (like on constructs first hill).
  17. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    Try an asymmetrical map that still works with symmetrical gametypes. Those are full of win.

    Because of BR starts, MLG maps need a good balance of cover and lines of sight. Towers and walkways work great because they offer a height advantage. Id go for something kinda like Guardian/Blackout style, but be original with it.
  18. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    not a great representation, and i kinda drew it wrong from what i originally wanted, paint is god damn hard >.<
    But it looks good, and i hope you get the general idea from it.
  19. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    A multi-floor, bowl shaped map with tunnels connecting the floors? Sounds cool to me.
  20. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Aye i thought so myself :D
    Obviously the picture isnt to scale, if the smaller rings in the centre were to be used as hills it would need to be quite a large distance apart.

    Just looking at it actually, kinda makes me want to play MLG Ball on it :S
    #40 Stevo, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009

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