Authors: ell3ment, Gunnergrunt Map Name: Ocean Arena Map Canvas: Longshore Map Size: Medium Player Count: 2-8 Supported Gametypes: King of the Hill, Oddball, Team Slayer, Water Polo __________________________________________________ Description: Ocean Arena Created by Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt Supported Gametypes: Water Polo Recommended Players: 2-8 Download Ocean Arena Download Water Polo <--Recommended gametype Download Water Ball <--\ Download Water King <---l-Optional gamtypes Download Water Slayer <--/ 20000+ downloads so far. Bungie Blogged! - A link to the bungie blog on Water Polo Featured on Map Description This is the newest creation from the great forging duo that is Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt. The same people who brought you great maps like Rock Solid, Blast Off!!, and Gold Rush are now intruducing you to a whole new level of awesome. Ocean arena was created to house the new Halo 3 sport Water Polo. Water Polo seems similar to grifball in a sense but in no way plays the same considering it is made completely out in the water with literally no floor beneath your feet(you float). The whole idea behind Water Polo is based on the use of longshores water physics blended with some forged assistance to accomidate the use of it. The only downside to floating is that you can and will sink after about ten seconds unless you get hit by an opponent or by one of your teammates(firendly fire is off) which will make you float an additional five or so senconds. Another little tactic you can use is sinking yourself under the surface for a "submarine" attack or bomb plant, just hold crouch and you will sink below the surface, be careful though since if you sink to low you will die. Water Polo consists of five rounds in which your team has three minutes to score or be scored on. Also included in this post we included three other team game variants such as Oddball, SLayer, and KOTH. Water Polo plays the best and is recommended but feel free to download these other fun variants to spice up the night. Well, there's not much more to say, on to the pictures. Overview Other side OVerview Picture from blue corner The crane with the ball spawning on the bottom Now i can show you how the spawns work. At the start of each round you spawn in a teleporter box, one for each team Then through each team specific teleporters on each spawn side Putting your team out on each side like so This all has to be done to compinsate for death that can occur at the start of each round since it takes a split second for the grav lifts to spawn. The grav lifts are also in place to conpensate for another respawn flaw which would cause you to sink if you were holding forward. But anyway lets just get down to some action shots!! This is how you plant Epic sword battling Remember to keep your guard up Strong left hook Underwater Scuffle Round start ball scuffle Sole survivor(did we mention dead bodies float?) Back flip grab Till we meet again, my love. Thanks to all our testers for there help and feedback. Download Ocean Arena Download Water Polo <-- Recommended gametype Download Water Ball <--\ Download Water King <---l-- Optional gametypes Download Water Slayer <--/
YouTube - Water Polo THERE IS NO FLOOR TO THIS MAP! That is all I have to say. here's our logo again, in signature form!
0:52 in the vid. I was testing teabagging in the water... Glad you two finally finished this map, it's incredibly unique and you've used the water in longshore incredibly well. Gameplay is fun and addicting, I find it much more enjoyable than regular grifball. I love going underwater and popping up just behind the other team.
Looks epic man. I just watched the video and I will prob play it tomorrow. Nice work on this. I never knew you could skim across the water like that. What speed did you choose. Is that like 150 or 200? I really like the idea. The arena looks sweet as well. Nice job. I will have to see how the game plays out.
Our gametypes use 150% speed. We tested several other speeds too, but it was the best for gameplay. There are tons of different games you can play on this arena, so feel free to try other settings. I highly recommend a game of team snipers. Just use our Water Slayer gametype and switch the weapons to sniper (and swords secondary is optional). Rockets are also a blast. They look like torpedos underwater!
Very cool. Yeah, I used 150 for my Shark Tank map. I will have to try this game & the others. Great job.
YES! Another awesome minigame! You 2 did an awesome job on this map, but you always do though. I'm looking forward to playing this tomorrow with my friends in customs. I know they will love it as do I. I like your little crane, it's cool how you put the ball on it. None the less, another great map. - 10/10 P.S. I CAN'T BELIVE THERE IS NO FLOOR!!!
50% gravity and increased speed. But our spawn system is pretty complex. To start a round floating, we had to use grav lifts and teleporters. You may want to just check it out for yourself. Its a bit complicated
Great job guys. Seeing this in the Grifball Double XP weekend would be amazing. Testing was really fun. I hope to see more awesometastic maps in the future from you two!
Really great map. Love the idea of water polo although can it still play on griffball? Either way i really like the idea of the ball spawn, cant wait until you next map.
Wow this is just pure epic, i really cant wait to get a game on this tommorow. Normal grifball got boring a few months ago, hopefully water polo will be more fun. good job guys and please keep making maps
Hey, I'm in that one pic with the red ODST-me, holding a bomb and punching someone Anyways, this is a really fun game that you should try out. I was impressed by floating around in the water which was pretty cool and the first time I've seen it used. So download it NOW!!!!!
Hellz yeah gunny glad ya'll released it, it looks way different than the first concept, but way better haha. This is going to be my only mini game map that iv kept haha i really hope this goes into MM for doulbe xp or something.
What can I say, Grifball of the Sea is amazing and addicting. It was only a few days ago when I got a random invite to some customs on this 'Ocean Arena' map. I had seen the previews on FH but didn't fully understand what was going on behind the scenes, so to speak. When the game began, I think I just started laughing because of how crazy it seemed. It's so much fun to be just floating around out there and trying to pull a shark attack on someone. I'm glad I got a chance to play on this one already, and I can tell you guys put alot of time into the map and gametypes as well. -I'm also glad I could contribute to that killtacular in the video haha.
Epic game and probably the best use of the water on Longshore in forge yet. So there is no floor? So the gametypes have to have low gravity correct? To stay afloat a person needs to keep moving or they start to sink, right? What if a person was AFK? they would be incredibly angry to see a -100 K/D (if it were ever put in matchmaking)
Really well presented thread, and really nice looking map. I like how you changed the ball structure thing. Plus, wow I never thought of decreased weight, thats a really simple trick. So if you played infection with 50% gravity and the zombie jumped in water, would he just float?
Nope, he would sink. If you enter the water too quickly, you die. It took us a while to solve that problem, but we came up with a great spawn system. If you plan on making a floating infection game, you may want to check out our spawn system..