Require: - 3d Graphics that aren't absolute crap - medieval / fantasy [NOT FUTURE] - free Okay, so I've kinda gotten bored with Xbox for now, and I feel like playing an MMORPG. Problem is, there are so many! I've downloaded several, and I keep coming back to "Knight Online," but I want to see if you guys know of any good ones. Don't just list off generic ones, I wanna play something that has something to keep you playing, a game that's not just grinding for a few days to level up, then doing it again. I know that's kinda a lot of MMO's, but is there a game that has something else added to it to make it less repetitive? I'm not looking to pay, as my parents don't like paying monthly payments, and I have no job yet. Aaaaand I'd better get this out of the way before I post.....RUNESCAPE SUCKS ASS, DO NOT SAY RUNESCAPE, PLEASE. Short Version: Give me the name of a good free MMORPG that's not too repetitive. edit: I don't like MMO's set in the future, I like more Medieval/magic/swords/andshit ones.
Umm, Pokemon Universe or something along the lines of that is pretty pimp. I used to play some mmos and knight online seemed to be the best. Some more grinders you could waste a few hours trying; perfect world, maplestory(2d anime charecters), or combat arms (cool fps). Try some of those.
Runescape. I've also heard about Gates of Alderon or some **** like that. Who knows really.. *shrugs*
Xylom, I actually have Combat Arms downloaded. Haven't played in awhile, but it's good. Not MMORPG, but it's good. I don't like 2d MMO's so I might try perfect world. I've heard it mentioned a few times. Shedo, I see ads for that a lot, I remember clicking one to look at it and it not looking too good, I might be mixing up my ads though.. Also, were you being sarcastic by saying runescape? I can't tell. It's the internet. I know so many people who love that game, but I find it to be terrible.
Home | Dungeons & Dragons Online Free to play, good game... Should keep you entertained for a while. Just try it.
Dungeons and Dragons Online is sweet and it's free. Guild Wars is also fun to play, however you have to actually buy the game, but there is no subscription fees.
wait for diablo 3 wait for diablo 3 i cannot express how important diablo 3 is its like MW2 of MMORPG's 14.1 million people online at one time, WoW is noting compared to diablo II
I wouldn't get GW's unless you plan on becoming a fanatic. The next one's coming out in a year or two. I'm psyched for it.
I'm considering getting Guild Wars myself. Go for GW if I were you. But I am you, in a way. And I'm going for Guild Wars. So you should go for Guild Wars.