I was just curious while messing around. Look where my curiosity got me! It's basically a small room with anti-grav/low-grav golf balls that you can mess around with. This map was made for having fun! Map created by me! YouTube - Grav Chamber Map Overview: Unitard lol A turret to get out Downloads: Map Gametype And that's about it! Enjoy!
ya this is pretty cool you could possibly make it better by putting in shield doors so they bounce around and stuff
unfortunately, no it does not. I tried that before but all i could do was push the balls around which was still kinda fun
There was a video where I guy drove a scorpion upside down but driving under these tin holes or whatever their called. Anyway, this map is pure genius. At first I thought it was just gonna be a bunch of mancannons but this just blew my mind. I wonder if you can create some sort of elevator with this technology.
THAT IS BEAST! That mustive taken forever! I really like how you used all tin cups and make it grassy even though you kind of needed to use them for the the chamber.
I actually made one of these yesterday, which is when I discovered it messing around with golf balls on one of Jacster's maps. Your version, which is actually forged well, is much better though. Congrats on finding it before I did. Now all I have to do is make a minigame out of the one that I made. I'm thinking a giant column in the sky bubble where the players have to try to stay alive in a hill that takes up the entire column by jumping between the golf balls. Great job. I love it, especially since I consider myself having independently discovered it as well, just after you did.
Lemons, that is sick. It really is anti gravity! Did you use all the tincups for this? maybe it'll work on wraiths. Tin cups have the same effect on them as they do for golf balls..
I doubt there are more than 20 objects on the map. And only 10 of them are probably even interlocked man. It's a good idea, but it'd be nice if you did something with the anti gravity other than make a room that's anti grav. Plus the room is pretty flickery, so buff that out.
That's just what happens when you geomerge a bunch of tin-cups together, they flicker excessively. Anyway, cool idea man. I can see this being used in a couple of different ways for maps. I even have an idea, conquest-ish lol, mind if I use this concept?
Dude this is really tight, i downloaded it and even though it got boring fast the concept is amazing. I hope some people make some maps with this idea in the future. good find man
Tin Cup gravity used at its finest. Great idea, and a great map. I can see some fun mini games coming out of this.
Seems simple but it looks extremely fun to play if you're bored. An obstacle course or a puzzle map with that would be pretty awesome.
That's pretty sweet. No dl from me but it's still a good idea. It would be better if you made a mini-game out of it though...
This map is really amuzing. I give it an 11/10 becaus eI have never seen ANYTHING like this before. It kinda spoiled the fun when I figured out how it worked. Just play in it and don't worry about how it works. Awsome map!