I know there was a thread like this before, but its long gone so I figured I'd bring the debate back up. What are your thoughts on Marijuana , should it be legal? Personally I say yes. There hasn't been one death ever linked to it, its less harmful than alcohol and when driving High, you have a higher success rate than that of Alcohol because you are more aware. Also, it could help with the recession. People would stop going to dealers and there would be less crime, also people would be safer knowing what there buying. Thoughts?
well marijuana is directly related for deaths, but doing stupid things while high can get you killed, according to this source. however alcohol and tobacco kill many more people each year, so its whatever.
That article is just silly. I stopped believing once it said "suicide" I mean, I don't even need any hard evidence, have you ever been high? I can assure you, suicide is the last thing on your mind when you are high. And this article is basically bullshit. I'm not even sure if it's supposed to be serious or if it's just mocking marijuana. And when there are car crashes and they say it was a "marijuana related" death, how could they prove that? Marijuana stays in your body for 14-30 days. Could you suggest some more topics about this?
That's a DISCUSSION. Topics such as: 'hey guiz how much vicodin should i snort to feel great?!" (the answer is none btw, Vicodin needs to be metabolized so just take it for what it is, a pill. Don't crush it and snort it, theres usually APAP in it anyway) This is a debate about the legality of Marijuana which is a fairly influential topic. Especially to the younger ones. This is real life.
I think the subject of making cigarettes and alcohol illegal is more important than making another drug legal. But governments just can't get enough of feeding off addictions, so that will never happen. And how about we all just drive sober?
Yeah, that's a problem with the citizens. Is the government really to blame for organized crime? No. It's what the people started because people get too attached to their drugs. But that's not the debate here.
Source Family Guy put it quite nicely. While it would be beneficial to most of the economy, it would mean disaster for the logging company because hemp is much more efficient. On top of that, most logging companies are lobbying the hell out of our politicians, so basically it's not going to happen.
another interesting thing to consider is the situation in mexico. if you read the news at all, the drug cartel pretty much runs the country right now. the drug cartel make a very pretty penny from marijuana and shipping it over the border. if the united states started regulating the marijuana market, it would really help out the mexican gov't.
blood gets baked now, eh? good for you, son. i think i've already shared my opinion on this enough... i've grown tired of trying to convince other random individuals on the internet of what is right in this debate. everyone knows what needs to happen, yet we all just talk about it for decades while millions of Americans have their lives tarnished for one of the easiest crimes to get busted for...
Yes, Mr. DARE officer. That's well and good for Off Topic but the discussion is important if it can be taken seriously. You know, that might actually make a good debate. I'd almost be willing to play devil's advocate on that and argue for prohibition if it came up as a topic. It would be fresh, unlike this current topic.
I was actually going to bring up your video, you made some really good points in it. But I got lazy and didn't bother to go onto youtube and find it
They took "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High" off YouTube. I think it would be a great source to use in this thread. I don't want to get too involved in this thread but if anyone is seriously into this topic, I'd suggest watching it. I have, and will probably always be, for legalization of marijuana, but no matter what your view is, it is a great documentary.
I removed my videos because I felt like they weren't what I wanted them to be... I hope one day I'll have a decent video camera and audio equipment, so that I can record myself & not get the o.c.d. qualities, while editing, that I tend to do.
Personally, I say no to the legalization of marijuana. It's not because i think it's bad, cos I don't think it's any worse than alcohol (and I drink like a fish mind you), but it's cos of the government. If marijuana were legalized, naturally businesses would emerge for the mass production of it, and along with business production comes business taxes. Considering how fast those businesses would take off (very fast), taxation on those companies would rise dramatically. Not to mention a very high base tax that would probably be implemented for its sale, like cigarettes. By the time you rummaged through this and FDA testing expenses, what it normally costs to hit up your local dealer and get what you get for your normal price would be almost double.
Tobacco has also been the center of many lawsuits. Look at the medical profession. Have you ever wondered why doctor visits are so expensive? Well that's due to lawsuits. With regards to tobacco, it has become a taboo product. A lot of public opinion and lobbyist pressure congress to rid the U.S. of it. Tobacco companies have already bought large tracts of land in hopes that marijuana becomes legal. Cigarettes in other countries are sold for cents on the dollar, the only reason it's so pricey here is because of 'public opinion'. So there's really two battles that have to be fought for the legalization of marijuana. In the courtroom and the media. The more people that can be educated about the harmless effects of marijuana then public opinion can sway, but there will always be those who are prejudiced. The other battle has to take place in the courtroom one baby step at a time. It's kinda of like the Civil Rights movement. There were social activists like MLK Jr., W.E.B. DuBois, and Malcolm X struggling to turn the tide of racism. Ultimately though it was Thurgood Marshall who did the most to shape the face of civil rights by changing the law. So, to wrap up, I encourage the legalization of marijuana. Not only will it help to relieve America's ailing prison systems and save on tax dollars, it will also generate revenue that this country really needs. I'd rather buy a pack of marijuana from the convenient store for a few more dollars if it meant helping my country. Smoking to save the economy, plus it'd be a good for the food industry, lol.
Actually, it's not that extensively taxed. It's roughly the same as most street values. http://legalmarijuanadispensary.com/index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid=180