Dark Creek

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by padres1944, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. padres1944

    padres1944 Ancient
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    Dark Creek
    By: padres1944 and MisterRemy

    Recommended Gametype:
    Save One Bullet

    Recommended Number of Players:

    Dark Creek is an infection map made for the default gametype Save One Bullet. It is our submission for the Hub of the Dead contest. We built it in the Crypt of Sandbox. The map is basically a giant hill, with protruding rocks, paths, a small structure at the top, and a dammed creek at the bottom, half filled with water and half dried up. The zombies spawn inside a two-leveled tunnel system inside The Wall on the creek side of the map. There are no weapons on the map, as Save One Bullet does not allow humans to pick up weapons, however there is one Machine Gun Turret for the humans to use. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking for me.

    Pictures(captions below):
    Overview, does not actually show map well

    View from bottom of the hill. Shows creek and top structure.

    View from opposite bottom of hill. Shows dry creek and top structure.

    Top structure with Machine Gun Turret

    The Wall with zombie spawn exits(Middle and bottom, right and left).

    Action Shots:
    Human Spawns

    Defend the top.

    Zombie spawn area. Humans that try to spawnkill generally die quickly.

    Last Stand

    That's all for now. Download/Rate and let us know what you think. We had a blast making this, and even more fun testing it. It plays great and we have high hopes for it in the competition.

    Very Important Edit:
    This update fixes a glitch in the spawning system. If a large number of humans are betrayed at the beginning of a match(some people are just like that), the humans would forgo spawning in the correct place at the Defender spawns and spawn inside the zombie tunnels. This was caused by one neutral spawn point(accidental) in the zombie spawn system, allowing one human to spawn there, which weighted the other spawns in the humans favor even though they are set to Attackers. That spawn point has been reset to Attackers and a Defender respawn area has been added encompassing the entire hill. If you have already downloaded this, I really ask that for your sake you redownload this version, as it is integral to making gameplay more enjoyable.

    Download: Dark Creek

    Co-forging breakdown:
    Remy didn't about 90% of the merging as he was host most of the time. I did a very small amount of merging. However, the idea was 90% mine, and a lot of the small aesthetics were me.
    #1 padres1944, Oct 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Looks nice. I guess there is an art to merging everything to make it look like rocky terrain.. But it looks pretty nice, and it should work pretty well with the gametype. I also like how you added barriers, fusion coils, pallets and things so it's not just a river. Great job

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Very interesting concept. I had a thought on how the game is played, and it made me think that the humans were being chased up the rocky hill only too set shop and fend for their lives. Nice map and the game type seems too fit the map very well. wish you luck on winning for this one, cus too me, this is the most cool map submitted so far(to me).
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I actually had an idea of making a map for the contest like this, but was too preoccupied with other stuff. Looks like you executed this very well, the creek was a nice touch. I'll definitely have to download this and see if it plays as well as it looks, good job on the aesthetics for now is all I can say.
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    you did a really good job of making the 'rocky' terrain. The noclip glitch makes doing stuff like this much more feasible.
  6. Hey You

    Hey You Ancient
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    I really liked this map and had fun testing this out. I could see this in matchmaking.
  7. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Damn, you guys pushed creativity to the test! This is an epic win of a map and I love the touch of water and the effective use of the no clip glitch. The high points are pretty high but that was meant to be. Well executed, 5/5.
  8. hemsky19

    hemsky19 Ancient
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    This is about as good as Infection maps come, in my opinion. I had a great time testing out this map! Definetely seems like it could be in matchmaking.
  9. MisterRemy

    MisterRemy Ancient
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    Gameplay was Matchmaking quality, and NOTHING on the map was overpowering.

    Spawn killing wasn't an issue at all either, and because it's "Save One Bullet" if the Zombie(s) can't get on his/their feet and infect some people, the people will eventually run low on ammo, and I love the gradual change from few zombies, to many hording around the last people, most likely near the top.

    With your ideas and my host, (lol) I hope we've won this contest, Padres.
    Great job on the post too, very simple, but very informative.

    It's really fun getting cornered as the Last Man Standing while the greedy players surround you grasping for the kill, or deciding how you should sneak up on your first victim as the beginning Zombie of the round.

    I'm 100% pleased on how this turned out, and thanks to those who helped out with testing this map.

    I got my internetz ficksed! yay!
    #9 MisterRemy, Oct 14, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  10. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    Its beautifully forged,
    Although the only thing which stands out to me is the turrets arc of fire,
    Most save one bullet maps contain a turret, I know.
    But on this one it does seem far more campable.
    I won't know till I play it.
  11. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    This is awesomely forged I just love the rocky feeling and that little body of water you made. otherwise I can't say much about. 5/5 this could be featured.
  12. padres1944

    padres1944 Ancient
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    The pictures of the turret are somewhat misleading. Because it is on a different angle than the rest of the map, it cannot elevate low enough to cover the entire hillside. The turret has almost no ability to shoot directly in front because of its limited elevation. Only once zombies are very close directly in front can the turret shoot them, usually close enough to ensure the end of the turret operator. While the turret has more of a view of the sides of the map, there is also more cover there for the zombies to use. The turret is not much of a problem in gameplay. Also, it never respawns so it can't be continuously used after being ripped off.

    Very Important Edit:
    This update fixes a glitch in the spawning system. If a large number of humans are betrayed at the beginning of a match(some people are just like that), the humans would forgo spawning in the correct place at the Defender spawns and spawn inside the zombie tunnels. This was caused by one neutral spawn point(accidental) in the zombie spawn system, allowing one human to spawn there, which weighted the other spawns in the humans favor even though they are set to Attackers. That spawn point has been reset to Attackers and a Defender respawn area has been added encompassing the entire hill. If you have already downloaded this, I really ask that for your sake you redownload this version, as it is integral to making gameplay more enjoyable.

    Download Link
    #12 padres1944, Oct 14, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  13. Spiderpig

    Spiderpig Ancient
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    Really good map. A really original idea!
    You do know you can merge off host right? (including Ghost merging)
  14. padres1944

    padres1944 Ancient
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    No, you have to be host for Ghost merging. Trust me, I've tried. Remy's a better ghost-merger anyway, I always end up screwing it up somehow.
  15. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Dude, thank you for finally forging a great Infection map that me and my friends can actually play on without spawn killing and still smooth and intense gameplay. Keep up the awesome work!
  16. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I haven't played it yet, but some parts of the terrain seems a little too hard to move across. Especially at the top, since it appears there is only two ways onto the platform, which requires a bit of a jump, assuming the zombies are able to survive the turret. However, there does appear to be a lot of cover for the zombies, so maybe that evens it out.

    As for the aesthetics, the map is very smooth, and really looks quite natural.
  17. padres1944

    padres1944 Ancient
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    Glad you enjoy our map and I hope you and your friends have an awesome time playing it.

    Its all in the theme of the map. The zombies are chasing the humans up the hill, so the humans have to balance watching for the zombies with moving and not getting stuck on something. In Save One Bullet, which the map is optimized for, this is slightly easier for the humans since they have motion trackers to see the zombies. As for the top structure, in Save One Bullet, zombies have 75% gravity, so while they may not be able to jump up the very front, they can jump up the sides farther down than the humans can.
    #17 padres1944, Oct 15, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  18. Scotty

    Scotty Ancient
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    best crypt map ever. I like it alot has a nice feel, fun to throw grenades in river
  19. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
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    Whoaa, this looks sick!
    I love the layout of the map, very original. :)
  20. Fatgezzer724

    Fatgezzer724 Ancient
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    i remember something like this on foundry.
    just wondering if you can still go inside the structure

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