[*Map by Nosirrom Mij and arrrghSAM] Before the discovery of the first Halo, a platoon of Spartans led by Arthur 107 were deployed to a remote system in the Unicorn Nebula. The covenant had set up several sophisticated arms research bases on Braxis and Beta, two small moons orbiting the gas giant Ontamalca. The covenant threat was elminated, but the Spartan platoon began receiving strange readings from the nearby planet called Edolus. Edolus, a terrestrial planet with an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Edolus' surface is covered by wide deserts of silicate sand, with only a few areas of igneous rock highlands to break the abrasive, dust-choked wind. The Spartans discovered several Forerunner digsites that were unearthed by Covenant archaeologists. Among them, was dig site #54; Although only a small portion of the ancient Forerunner city was unearthed, a strange yet remarkable Transmission Beacon towers on the northside of the digsite. When investigating the structure, the Spartans accidentally re-activated the beacon. After the "incident", scientists discovered that the Beacon was actually created as a safe zone against a Flood invasion. The transmission was supposed to have a devastating effect on the Flood's thinking capabilites and it acted as a deterrent. However, the frequency was so strong, that over time it began having unusual side effects on the inhabitants there. Acting as a mind warping agent, the effect was called... After the incident with Spartans was resolved and the Beacon was dismantled, the UNSC began creating AI simulations of the battle that ran under different and specific scenarios. This program is now used as a training program for the next generation of Spartans. One such simulation, is a Capture the Flag scenario that trains in both defense and assault. Others are basic combat simulations. Download Site #54 Simulation Protocol Attackers Defenders No Man's Land Weapon Template BR-55 (UNSC standard issue Battle Rifle) : x 8 : 2 Clips : 30 Secs Type-51 Carbine : x 3 : 2 Clips : 30 Secs AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun Turret : x 2 : N/A : 30 Secs SRS99C-S2 AM (Sniper Rifle) : x 1 : 0 Clips : 90 Secs M41 SSR MAV/AW (Rocket Launcher) : x 2 : 0 Clips : 90 Secs Weapon/Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Grindell/Galileian Nonlinear Rifle (Spartan Laser) : x 1 : N/A : 90 Secs LAU-65D/SGM-151 (Missile Pod) : x 1 : N/A : 30 Secs Type-2 Energy Weapon/Hammer : x 1 : N/A : 90 Secs Type-1 Plasma Charged Antipersonnel Grenade : x 8 : N/A : 10 Secs Equipment Index Anti-Matter Positive Displacement Shield Array (Bubble Shield) : x 2 : N/A : 60 Secs Vehicle Inventory Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle (Ghost) : x 1 : N/A : 30 Secs Type-52 Infantry Support Vehicle (Prowler) : x 2 : N/A : 30 Secs Type-25 Rapid Assault Vehicle (Chopper) : x 2 : N/A : 30 Secs M274 Mongoose UL/ATV : x 2 : N/A : 30 Secs --------------- *UNSC *Covenant --------------- Additional Content Atlas Post UNION COMICS Vol. 1: Contact Vol. 2: Gods and Monsters
I think that you should make the No mans land more aesthetic... because it doesnt really look like a graveyard, but the Beaccon defender's looks really nice... Good job...
I don't see why a comment on aesthetics should be needed on something of such little importance, but thanks for the comment regardless.
First off, really nice post you got me involved pretty quickly. I really like the way you set up the defenders base because it has lots of entrances and doesn't look extremely over powering based on the weapons and such. I also like how you added an aesthetic value to almost anything on the map. Great job, downloading now.
At first glance, it looked like it was empty because of the use of space. After a while I came to realize the flow could not have been better and that the emptiness came from the sense of abandonment as you travel into the outer landmarks. As for the graveyard area, it is perfectly fine guys. Those stones can really save you from the ghost and other tools of destruction alike whilst getting there is the challenge. I also love the theme of Brute vehicles, definitely a nice little side motif. The story is one of the best I've seen thus far and I can't wait for more to come out as the series progresses.
"The Unicorn Nebula" - Priceless Anyway, the map looks good, i like the fact that you chose Brute Vehicles, though I have to see how that affects gameplay. There also looks like there is a large open spot on the bottom right of the overview picture, It feels like another structure should go there. One last thing, the attackers almost dont have a base, but rather like two or three mini bases, which could affect Symmetrical gametypes, unless it was designed exclusively for Asymmetric. Good job
It seems a little odd to me that you would say this as it is obvious you have put a great deal of effort into the aesthetics of other parts of your map. Sadly, it seems that many of the angles you have used on the ramps and corners are too sharp and this will most likely have a negative effect on gameplay.
I have gotta say, this is one of the first maps I'm downloading when I get my xbox back. The defenders base has such an incredible aesthetic quality to it. Superb job.
Thank you very much Furry, Jim and I appreciate the feedback. Several people said that we should add something in that area when seeing the map in Forge, however all took that back when actually playing. The area on the bottom right is open specifically for vehicular combat, with just enough cover for those on foot to take out the vehicles. During testing, we definitely found that while it may look too open, there's no need to add anything in that section of the map. The map was specifically set up for Asymmetrical games, as you questioned. I don't think Multi Flag would play too well, considering the obvious height advantage the Defenders would have, and One Flag is most certainly the highlight of the map. I say this because there is no right or wrong way to make something like the Graveyard. There's no doubt that Gravestones vary in size, and we used the pieces that we did for a reason. Believe me, there are no such problems. Ramps are easy to walk up and down, and there's absolutely no effect on gameplay in that respect. Thank you very much, we really do appreciate such feedback. If you get the chance, it would be great if you could let us know how the map played for you!
Looking good man!! forging looks top notch as always. big ups to the Forge-union crew lol Woop woop! The post above got me a warning for some reason as it lacked actual information about the map. Im posting a more in depth reply to show that my intention was not to spam. First of all this map is epic and should be featured. The layout of the map is very clean, it allows players effectively use the vehichles whilst not being too overpowering. The all Brute setup works very well and the prowler is a nice change from the overused warthog. As with most people im not too keen on the graveyard section. Although it serves a purpose, it looks like it has just been thrown in for the sake of it and doesnt go well with the nice interlocks throuhout the rest of the map. I especially like the Defenders base, the ramps are smooth and the walkway with the turret is very aesthetically pleasing. Well done guys
Thank you for the feedback everyone. I'll try to explain why we did somethings the way we did. First of all, the reason there is an open section of the map was to create a route specifically for vehicles, while the other side of the map provides necessary cover for a foot assault. The graveyard was added as a neutral spawn postion that would disperse teams across a wider area and to prevent spawn camping. As far as the aesthetic quality of the graveyard, sure it could be better, but since so much detail was put into the rest of the map, there wasn't much to work with when we finally got to the graveyard. Now, I totally agree that it seems bare in the southern area of the map, but as i said it was intended to be for vehicle combat. However, that is also why I put the graveyard there. It is out of the way of vehicles, yet it adds more dimension to that side of the map. Brute vehicles work very well on this map because of it's openness. they are not overpowering though. All the proper weapons are placed to counter them. Here are some other details that were left out; This map was a collaboration between myself and arrrghSAM. I constructed the defenders side of the map and Sam did the attackers. I wrote the script for the comic and took a majority of the screenshots. Sam did the graphics. I commend him for his efforts. there are some screenshots that had Masterchief in them, and he painstakingly removed chief from the photos. There are two more volumes of the comic that are in the works. This map was played in the Forgehub vs. Forge-Union game a few weeks back. It was warmly received. On a side note, if you have any questions about the map, or the comic please feel free to ask. This project took months of hardwork to produce.
Very nice map! I like the Turret part the best, but I have one thing to say: Scrap the Prowlers and use Warthogs.
Well that's a mater of preference there. Certainly hogs would work, but the Prowler rarely makes a presence. Since the map has such a wide open canvas, the Prowler rides quite smoothly and actually fits in pretty nicely.
In all honesty, the Prowler works perfectly for the map. Every single person that's played the map, even the Forge Hub Team during the FH vs FU SNF agreed the brute vehicles were a really nice addition. They might seem like a strange vehicle choice at first, but they work in-game.
This really is a good map, and I think the graveyard is perfect. However, the open side of the map whould really be "open" rather than completely empty, two choppers could just be endlessly circling there. I also like the use of prowlers, although people are usually more aquainted with warthogs, the prowler really fits this. The walkways however, seem too high above and might be improved if acessable midway by a mancannon; this would also serve to make vehicle driving more complicated.
I would like to address this one personally; if you may have noticed, the map is quite open and for vehicles to be incorporated at all, they would have to be less powerful than other vehicles. Granted, the chopper is a power vehicle, it is simple enough to destroy and has quite the respawn time. If Warthogs were to replace Prowlers on Indoctrination, I guarantee that it would not be very fun for the team who does not possess a Warthog. Prowlers provide shield destruction but when it comes to killing a person with the turret, it has proven to be quite the task. Splattering on the other hand is another benefit - as is the spare passenger seats in Capture the Flag variants being played on the map.
Absolutely not! Prowlers are fantastic! Hogs are used in nearly every map, but the weapon/vehicle set here really makes it stand out. Also, a splatter with a chopper is so much more rewarding. Love the map guys! It plays and looks great. Keep up the good work.
I have to say, I really like this map. I'll give this one a download fo sho. Also, I'll heck out test Pilot and put Epsilon C19 down and maybe get all these awesome test sessions in for Atlas. The Prowler is needed in Matchmaking, much like the Sentinel Beam and Plasma Turret. Great choice of not only vehicles, but weapon placement as well. Congratz gus on yet another awesome map.
Choppers could do donuts out there, that is true, but endlessly? No. On the defenders side, there is a turret overlooking No Mans land. There are also two rocket launchers on the map, one missile pod, 8 stickies, and a Spartan laser to stop them. I realize screenshots do not always do gameplay justice, especialliy since we didn't produce action shots. We are intent on submitting this to Atlas for the 7 on the 7th playlist, and I will post gameplay videos here when we do.
Absolutely loved this map and it played CTF and assault beautifully, one of the best features is that it looks realistic and like it has a story behind it but also plays really nice. I've always strived to make maps such as that but I haven't completed them to this standard as of yet.