The sword in Heretic actually works really well, its used as a main struggle of power since there really isn't any room for a rocket or sniper. As for no more Guardian, FML. My all time favorite map, gone. This has to be the worst news in Halo since Johnson getting whooped in the ass by a mechanical ball with a pew pew gun.
im sad to see guardian go. that was one of my strong suits but ill adjust. i liked to play midship back in the H2 days so i think i will enjoy heretic and sword will add a new twist to it
Guardian is mainly gone due to bad spawns and the pros not liking it at all. I believe it was the second least liked objective gametype other than Lockdown. I personally like v7, but cant wait til v8 when they incorperate Sandbox.
Depends on were you setup. I've set up In different places, IMO, Blue is the hardest to break, But snipe is easy to setup at and can get you some quick time.
i agree many times when i have played guardian ball my team has come back from losing by a good set up in blue room or kept a lead with a quick set up on snipe
I am very sad that Gaurdian has been removed, as I found it very entertaining. Heretic in MLG should be interesting and a lot of fun though!
I think part of the reason why guardian ball has gone because there arefar to many illegal plays on it. Also there needs to be more king of the hill maps. The pit played hill better than construct does in my opinion.
This is the last time I will say this, the reason that Guardian is gone is due to bad spawns and the pros not liking it at all. It was the 2nd least liked objective gametype and 3rd least liked gametype overall. Stop trying to speculate as to why it was taken out when this is the reason. It has nothing to do with illegal spots, slow gameplay, or it being unbalanced, it has to do with spawns and pros simply not liking it.
I doubt that. You can always adjust spawns, it's never anything as simple as "the spawns were bad", though that could add to the laziness of not being willing to work on them.
Just because a pro doesnt like it, doesnt meen its going to get kicked off, And for the record, like I said earlier, Lots of teams had great setups and loved the map. Kthxbai.
Twas TSQUARED's favorite map and gametype buddy. A large majority actually did enjoy it, more than Lockdown.
They tried several different spawn versions and none of which worked. That is why they made version 6, but then had to change it to version 6.1 (actually version 5). Nothing on the map other than spawns was changed. Its not just "a pro". Guardian ball and Guardian slayer were two of the three least liked gametypes, with lockdown being the other one. Guardian slayer was seen as the weakest slayer and guardian oddball was the weakest objective game by far (excluding lockdown ball). You named one pro, buddy, and just becuase it is is favorite map does not mean that the majority like it. It was pretty clear that Lockdown was gone, so saying that people liked it more than that doesnt mean anything. Besides Lockdown, Guardian held the 2 least liked gametypes on the circuit. You guys can continue to pull reasons out of your asses when I am telling you guys what I know are the reasons. Take it or leave it, your choice.
I have talked to pros/Killa KC about this stuff. I cant tell you exactly who told me what, but it is a combination of the two.