Ignorant, really? Where the hell did that even come from, I wasn't being negative, if anything constructive. Regardless if it's supposed to be competitive, why would you make a map not play up to it's potential if it could. Being "casual" has nothing to do with it. I didn't care whether or not if it was ghost merged, in fact, you're saying the same that I was. I purely stated that since it was ghost merged he might as well have interlocked the objects since they're all fully permeable in the first place.
Thats what happens in flame wars. Comments start spitting out making it seem like every kid is involved with your map.
not gona lie: this LOOKS hella fun. you made everything so short but hey its fun sized now you could do this with literally a bunch of maps. sure people think its pointless but hey, who cares its a video game what else better is there to do? Get recon and look like a ***?. i think it seems pretty fun and adds a new twist to foundry.
So when did traffic cones become too tall for mini foundry? The traffic cones DEFINE any map and you defiled Foundry's grace by removing them. So I have one question: why? Why? WHY!? BTW: I noticed that there is no tunnel (open box) under Rocket spawn. Even if a person needs to crouch walk underneath the box and the box needs to be flipped over to get a tunnel, I would do it to keep foundry's (mini version) gameplay.
Good job posting and merging all the boxes and stuff. You did an excellent job using the ghost merge. Look see that wasnt that hard... no flaming no whining. Although I have to agree with Scobra What does this really matter? Anywho good job Joe
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/43909-mini-foundry-v2.html Rip much? I can't be sure, but this looks like you just altered this guys map slightly... So much is exactly the same...
i compared the two pictures from the post, and in all honesty, joe is in the safe. I mean it looks really close, but if you look at the b signs and the stairs, they look a little different. So i think joe is telling the truth of him remaking it. Its good too point out things like that though mace.
Not to mention that version is left completely normal. you can tell Joe merged the tunnels at each base and the back one with the weapon etc inside, that's y you cant reach the plasma rifle and the grav lift lol.
Haha. This is the first flame war I've seen on this site. Anyways, great work with this map. It's like those party-sized snicker bars! Good job on positioning too. I'll download if I get a chance, but that might be hard since I don't have me xbox... *sad face*
yeah well, i really like the other one better, this one is more aesthetic, and the other one has better playability, but you should have geomerged EVERYTHING, even the movable objects. The other one was made before ghost merging, so it looked alot harder. This one is also a [sub]little[/sub] off, some things are interlocked for no reason, and other things are bumpy, also you didnt keep the wall corners interlocked with the box below.
How do you merge the truck, cuz I only know how to merge with the doors and with the ghost merging... I know that I have to put a Tp on it after it is merged but how can I merge it? Just look at the sniper spawn (Side with the truck) You'll see its not the same map... And read the posts, don't just look at the screenshots...
You can look at my posts, not editted at all. You just didnt read my post propelly, I said default foundry is bad, not your map. I think you should edit your post before you look wrong. &@ Post underneath Joes post about map making being pointless. In fact its not pointless at all, just like this post and the many other thousand on the forum, their not all pointless, they improve typing skills and grammer in some cases. I design maps because that is what I am going to do when im older, im going to be a game designer, possibly in the programming area or the map design area, im not quite sure but I am sure that map making helps, please dont flame me when your post makes you look like a dipshit BTW, nice location
xD Congratulations, Joe. By creating an utterly pointless but nonetheless pleasing map, you caused a short flame war. I love it. And about the map... I love it. I won't download, but I will view this thread several times a month just to look at the screenshot.