Sandbox BTB Delta v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Spartan45kill, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
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    BTB Delta v1
    Made by Spartan45kill

    BTB Delta was made for 12-16 Players. It's an asymmetrical map that works with these gametypes : Big Team Battle, Territories, One Bomb and One Flag.

    Weapons :
    - 8 Battle riffle - 2 spare clips - 10 secondes respawn
    - 2 Carabins - 2 spare clips - 10 secondes respawn
    - 1 Sniper - 1 spare clip - 150 secondes respawn
    - 1 Spartan laser - 120 secondes respawn
    - 1 Needler - 2 spare clips - 60 secondes respawn
    - 1 Brute shot - 2 spare clips - 60 secondes respawn

    Vehicules :
    - 4 Mongooses - 10 secondes respawn
    - 1 Warthog - 90 secondes respawn
    - 1 Ghost - 60 secondes respawn

    Equipment :
    - 1 Regenerator - 60 secondes respawn
    - 2 Drains - 60 secondes respawn
    - 2 Bubbleshield - 60 secondes respawn
    - 1 Anti-grav lift - 90 secondes respawn
    - 1 Camo - 120 secondes respawn

    The picture :


    Overview :



    Red Base :





    Blue Base :

    There are 4 way to enter in the blue base :
    - A banister on the right of the temple.
    - A roof access behind the temple.
    - A entrance -in front of the temple.
    -behind the temple.
    + the anti-grav lift as stategic option.




    Middle of the map :




    You can download it here : BTB Delta v1
    #1 Spartan45kill, Oct 12, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  2. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice Map. I really like to see what people due to the middle layer of Sanbox, something Good or something Bad, and this is something Good. I love BTB maps due to the fact that there are vehicles, power weapons, and immense teamwork. This map has all of these which gets my DL. Good Job. - 10/10
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is really something good as a big team battle map on sandbox, but it needs a little work. In addition the blocks merged in the sand for the most part have no real value, since they are almost entirely submerged. The rest of the map appears to be simply ploped down on sandbox with such and obvious disconnection between the ground and scenery. Furthermore, Big team battle is focused mostly on vehicles which in this, would only be able to weave in and out of the structures, with no jumps or anything else to make vehicle use complicated. The vehicles and weapons are so utterly unbalanced that one team would entirely dominate a game ob big team battle. You should place vehicles and weapons that spawn only in symmetrical gametypes if you wish to use this in big team battle.
    fyi: its mongooses not mangooses, please take pride in your map and review your posts for grammar and spelling if you want people to download
    #3 pyro, Oct 12, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  4. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Yes this map looks great for big team slayer and CTF. My favorite part of the map are the bases. And also great job on the merging into the sand. Did you use ghost merging? The only thing I think will make the map a little better would be to even out the vehicles becuase on the attackers side they have a warthog, ghost, and mongoose while the defenders side only has 2 mongooses. The spartan laser on the defenders side seems that it could destroy all the attacking vehicles but if the sparten is stolen then it is kind of a one sided game like on Heavy Standoff when you kill the banshe and the warhogs with a gauss turret. But anyways I'll give you a 9.5/10 and dl
  5. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First thank for all the reply,

    I must say that all the blocks have a real importance : just download and you'll see...
    You're right this map is not very good in Slayer because it's asymmetric but just try it in One Bomb or One Flag and you'll see that the weapons aren't unbalanced. I worked with semi-professionnal French Team of BTB ( and everything seems to be right : spawn, weapons, ect... But in our conception of BTB vehicules are less important than Teamwork. So there are only a warthog and a ghost to attack, two mongooses to go to get back the flag.
    I hope you'll download it and play on it to have more citicisms !

    PS : In french mongooses are mAngoustes !
  6. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Looks like alot of fun. You definitely have some unique bases which make it that much better. I'm not sure if in the second to last picture, the wedge large (used as a ramp) looks alittle uneven to the top, like there is a bump there. But i do like your sandmerging and weapon placement. Overall good job with the design and layout, but i cant say on gameplay due to i havent tested :X
  7. Apo

    Apo Ancient
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    i think you should add more cover and this could be good enough for matchmaking like 7 on 7 days and stuff like that
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Really!!! :O
    If you tell me the point of the blocks, I might descartar it again to get them back, as I already deleted them and fixed it by adding balanced vehicles and weapons, which you seem to have no plans of doing. Get it descargar is download in spanish :)
    And are there just seven of them because that would be sort of stupid?
    #8 pyro, Oct 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
  9. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First, thanks to have "cargar" my map (cargar significa "download" pero descargar significa "unload" ^^ ). If you like the structure of my map it's the most important ! I didn't say that I won't change the weapons but I might make two versions one for asymetric mod and one for Big Team Battle. For the blocks I try to explain you :


    1) Dune are almost unbridgeable, so if you control the left plateform you can prevent the ennemies from using the roof access.
    2) The second block serve as protection for people who try to take the missile pod.
    3) I put this block here to prevent warthog from running around the red base.
    4) I put this block to warthogs have difficulties to run around the dune.

    But if you think that they haven't got importance, just delete them. No matter, guy !
    And if you think you found a better balance of weapons and vehicules just tell it to me. I'll be happy to post the new version in which I'll say that you help me.
    #9 Spartan45kill, Oct 14, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    A few suggestions on the blocks
    1) I like the idea, but try making this a platform along the yellow line that people cannot jump over. This would force and allow for some fancy warthog driving.
    2) This is good, keep it.
    3) Being an avid warthog driver I see this as too small to make any difference, make this more of a wall/platform sticking out at least two blocks long and add some equipment
    4) This seems so lonley without any weapons, yet otherwise perfect. Possibly add a mg turret, in memory of valhalla.

    -ghost on back ramp of defenders
    -warthog in left side of defenders
    -laser replace active camo
    -rockets replace current sniper
    -sniper under base of tower
    -brute shots by central mongooses
    -grav hammers and shotguns added to bases
    -various small arms and grenades
    (This is what I remember as I do not have access to my xbox right now)
    Some was set to assymetric or symmetric only
    Just use this as ideas for improvements, since I am not exactly sure.
  11. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I do enjoy the layout of this map, but i agree with pyro on the vehicles etc. For me i would maybe lower some of the objects in the middle section. Also i like the blocks around the edge but if you merged a few maybe just on one side so the hog or mongoose could make a nice jump down onto the main floor that would be bamf.

    Also change the respawn time for the mongoose it should be at like 30 or 45. 10 seconds is way to fast for ctf/ assault, i mean think even if you stopped the first 2 by the time they respawn they would have 2 more, it would just be a constant flow of mongoose to squash with laser which can kill at max 8 more if you hit 2 with one shot.
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Mongooses set to 30 seconds, warthogs/ghosts/choppers etc. set to 45, heavy vehicles set to 60.
    Generally this is a good outline for slayer vehicle spawns.
    And I strongly agree about this needing some warthog jumps.
  13. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for your replies and your help !

    Your weapon list is good for symetrical game but only if player are common player like me and you (sorry if you're a Pgm !). Infortunately I made the map for and there are weapons's restriction :
    - No shotguns/grav hammers/spikers/SMG/Magnums...ect
    - A lot of Battle Riffle
    Moreover they prefer asymetric map as Last Resort with powerful weapons in defence base and vehicule to attack.
    But I keep in memory your idea !
    For the vehicules, perhaps mongooses respawn to fast but warthog needs to respawn at 90 secondes.
    I'll probably make an other version of my map with other weapons and vehicules as in my precedent version : Halo Delta.
  14. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You might consider renaming and setting this up for symmetrical gametypes. Generally I hate last resort, but I loved this as did my friends in the games after I set this up to symmetrical weapons and vehicles. I like this so much more than bungies sandbox and any in matchmaking, I just hate to see this wasted for big team battle.
    #14 pyro, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009

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