I was browsing youtube and came upon this, YouTube - Adult Swim Halo 3 Montage Part 1It's a montage by some other halo forum (to my knowledge) and i thought that the majority of the clips weren't anything special. I thought, well I and most of the forgehub forum can do much better than these, easily. In fact, most of us have probably got a few clips saved of some awesome kills or whatever that we could combine. Also, If i'm stealing this idea off anyone else unintentionally, or if someone here has already done this, I apologise, send me a PM or something. I propose, that we make a montage for all of us forgehub members. All forgehub members (with at least a bit of community contribution) that wants to be in it, could be in it. We could all submit a clip (or a few) that shows off our crazy skills (or luck, as the case may be) and then we al share the editing and effects / transitions or whatever. I'll make a submittion thread later, if this seems popular. Just post saying whether or not you think that this is a good idea, and If you want to be in it. You can contribute ideas or anything to improve what I've come up with, and no-one takes the credit for this montage. We'll say whose clips are whose, but no-one claims it as their own and posts on their profile, we'll share the glory. I'll also make a poll, vote your opinions. EDIT: Submission thread
I really like this idea. Plus, I already have roughly 50 or so clips on my Hard Drive I could submit. They aren't all incredible, but a few I have a few good ones that I could submit as long a you don't mind Big Team/Social/non-MLG footage.
Yeah, I'd be fine with that. They used swords, so I don't care. sure MM is preferred, but customs would be fine as well, i'm sure we've all had some incredible custom game moments we'd like to share. Also, they don't have to be skill, it can be funny, or glitchy or whatever.
Then sign me up. I have a good amount of funny kills that I can contribute. As far as the editing, will you be doing the editing? Will everyone taking part help decide on a song being used?
Lol... Adult Swim is a TV network that shows things like Family Guy... I can contribute clips. I have about 15 rendered [url="http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/renderedvideos.aspx?player=AceOfSpades0707]here[/url] if you're interested. I don't have any sort of editing program. Though may I suggest the song Break by Three Days Grace be one of the montage songs? I was listening to it and though that it would be a great song for a montage.
1) Facepalm.... 2) I'll do the contributing later, I just want to know that people will support it first. 3) I'll have a look, i expect we'll use more than one song, and i think we should try to get the majority of people to agree on them. Also I'm hoping to get at least 10 votes for 'yes' before I start this up. It doesn't really look like people are interested at the moment.
This sounds like a great idea, and a really good way to showcase some of the talent in these forums, and of course some of the ridiculous luck. I agree with Ace on the idea of using Break. That song has a great rhythm, the lyrics are very inspiring, the chorus in particular, and it would probably go quite well with some of the more exciting moments in the montage.
Your justification for making this montage is that it won't be the worst, as you have already found it? This has been attempted many times, with better initial goals. I don't see success.
If you can actually get this rolling, I think it would be a very cool thing. We've actually tried this before, somewhat, with FH Top Ten, but that kinda failed cause BLood Fire stopped doing stuff. Again, get the ball moving, and people will really be drawn too it. I would be happy to submit my 2 or 3 clips of awesome-sauce MLG clips.
i was trying to get people interested in this one Multikill Montage but thats got buried after about 7 people half comitting. I tried to do something similar to this on gamerchiefs.com. but the guy who was capturing the clips either could be arsed or genuinly had bad luck (he said he broke his xbox, tv, and capture card all at different times and his brother accidently wiped his pc, i smell a rat?) but yeah.. its a good idea p.s. i'd love to help with the editing. Ive just got premiere elements 7, after effects cs3 and action essentials 2.
EDIT: sorry, didnt see submission thread Well my Hard Drive crashed, so I only have 2 that were in my fileshare. They are rendered: Big Skyjack: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Dukes of Halo: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Ill check my memory card for some other files that I may have transferred