Bastions: Created by Metroshell & Agemscor ~~DOWNLOAD NOW!~~ Compatible Gametypes: ~2-Team Slayer ~2-Team CTF ~2-Team KOTH (doesnt work that great) Reccomended Capacity: ~4-12 Players Description: East Bastion contains Grav Hammer & West Bastion contains Energy Sword. Machine Gun Turret outlooks the middle of the map which has a bridge from West to East Bastion. The bridge has an Overshield on it (3 minute respawn). There is a Sniper Rifle underneath the Machine Gun Turret and a Spartan Laser underneath the Overshield. In each of the Bastions there is 1 Mauler and 1 Plasma Pistol (which are there for defense against Energy Sword & Grav Hammer assaults). This map is based on Pit, but doesn't resemble the Pit very much. The Rocket Launcher is straight across the map from the Machine Gun Turret. Above the Rocket Launcher is a Sender that brings you atop a Double Box to either shoot from or get the 2.5 Minute Spawn Ghost. Weapons: ~Human: ~~7 Battle Rifles ~~4 SMGs ~~1 Machine Gun Turret ~~1 Spartan Laser ~~1 Sniper Rifle ~~2 Shotguns ~~1 Rocket Launcher ~Covenant: ~~2 Carbines ~~2 Plasma Pistols ~~4 Plasma Grenades ~~2 Needlers ~~1 Energy Sword ~Brute: ~~2 Maulers ~~1 Brute Shot ~~1 Gravity Hammer Equipment:~1 Bubble Shield ~1 Power Drain ~2 Trip Mines ~2 Deployable Shields ~1 Deployable Gravity Lift ~1 Flare ~1 Regenerator ~1 Powerup (Overshield) ~2 Activated Gravity Lifts ~2 Fusion Coils Vehicles: ~1 Ghost (2.5 Minute Spawn) Screenshots: Overview of the Middle of the Map View from East Bastion Side Rocket Launcher Spawn Point= Danger:Falling Objects Ramp to the Machine Gun Turret Man Cannon to the Machine Gun Turret One of the shotgun spawn points Man Cannon to the Roof of the West Bastion Man Cannon to the East Bastion Bridge with Overshield & Front View of East Bastion Energy Spawn Point in West Bastion Inside the East Bastion Overview from East Bastion Side View of Middle Spartan Laser with Sniper Rifle Room in back Gameplay Pics: 1 on 1!! Regenerator Vs Deployable Shield I've got you right where I want you! Aww ****! This was a bad idea... Sprint to cover or I'm f***ed!!! Come to me, my prey... Turret Tower Possesion
Yep. The gameplay on this map is unbelievably fun! It was 5v5. I believe I had the Energy Sword, sat in the East Bastion, and got a Killing Frenzy (using my Energy Sword for every kill). My team won by about 20 kills. =P
The map is now available to download. Give the map some more use and come back to the thread with feedback. ^^
The bottom of the map looks pretty open, if you're going to leave it that way I'd suggest putting in a vehicle or something to discourage fighting in that area. Nothing like the threat off being splattered to keep people off the ground. Also, the laser is kinda placed there unceremoniously for a power weapon, maybe a weapon holder or something would work there. Other than that, map looks good. And don't double post, figured that I'd tell you before the next five people do.
the next five people will, and ull b reprimanded by a mod. this isn't the bungie forums, posts will come. on a good note. the idea of a floating roof is cool. but if u were able to get a slice and dice, u either have really bad friends, or there is lots of cover
Okay... first off. There is a Ghost in the map... And second, where the hell did I double post? LOL. It's probably my friends. But, I was in the Gravity Hammer Spawn with 2 other people guarding my back. So, I would say good cover.
This map seems good and all but the thing that turned me away from a download is how you used most/all of the map, maps that seem to compact players draw more attention to me, but that only my opinion
This map is amazing for 4v4 and the gameplay is great. The only thing that's wrong with it is how many power weapons there are. :\
looks like its a little messy but i like the elevated roof it definatly allows for better gameplay just like an elevated oversheild.
I always hear about the importance of neat maps - but I like when people like you focus on a good map for gameplay - that's what maps are for, right? The map looks very fun, but I might add more cover in the middle, maybe just like a couple of dumpsters.