Floor tiles! They've given us block doubles, block larges, block talls.. walls, wall slits.. everything but something that will actually make a decent unbumpy floor. I mean the maps that could be created using a floor piece would be 10x better than having all your budget used up on stacking and merging block after block in place... a nice little floor tile thats adjustable in size, much like a territory or respawn area, would be excellent. The skybox would be a forgers paradise, instead of been a budget consuming piece of existance! If Reach ever gets a similar forge mode.. I hope they re-think the idea of the pieces.. especially when some of the pieces dont even stack together evenly.. so you cant just pick and choose whatever piece you want....
yeah, but they dont generally look good in most maps, and theyre an obscure length.. much like the bridge in foundry.. they also dont have that many of them..
i think floor tiles would be a good idea because i have run out of budget and sometimes patience when making floors with walls and bridges and stuff
That would also work for doing ceilings... Think about it, you'd spend a third less money probably meaning you could make an even bigger map! Good idea, I thought of something similar... Just an object that's dimensions are editable like a hill or respawn area like you said, but it could be turned into a circle or you could change the height so you had a huge pillar.
I had a similar idea when the idea of Sandbox originally came out. I was hoping for tiles like the tiles that fall from beneath you in the campaign mission "Halo". I thought Sandbox was going to be based on the end of that mission. As RC said, ceilings would be a more practical use for these large tiles rather than floors. Floors are usually many different shapes and sizes, not perfect squares of the exact same lengths and widths. Even walls would be good. Large tiles that you can use to block off maps instead of using one double wall at a time.
It all makes perfect sense to us, if only bungie could see it too. The whole budget system is sortof strange, it should at least only apply to weapons, vehicles, and equipment. That way you could save so much money...
I am sure Bungie has thought of things like this just tough to work into the game. And I'm sure the budget has something to do with making sure you don't overload a map causing massive lagor something like that just like the OLN limi. Yes they suck but they are necessary
yeah, i think all of the custom maps fit into 54kb or something which is why you have an object limit and each items cost indivdual prices.. because man cannons have moving illustrations and properties that effect the gameplay they cost $20 not $5 like walls that have no moving illustrations or properties. Basically, i after forging on foundry i thought they would create floor tiles and prices them on how much space you use. And as someone said above, you could easily use them as ceilings or walls, The fact is, you could use them for anything... Which is probably why bungie didnt include them because there would be a lack of variety in all custom maps.. everyone would choose the simple option and use the tiles..