MLG 3 Level Download Link: MLG 3 Level Map Canvas: Foundry Gametypes: Anything MLG Weapons: 3x Carbines - 90 sec Respawn 6x BR's - 10 sec Respawn 1x Rockets - 150 sec Drop Spawn Talking about map: It took me no time to make this map it was made before i knew about ghost merging and I only made it to pass the time it wasn't anything special that i wanted to turn out perfect just for fun. I'd prefer to play MLG King on this map but get rid of hill movement. There is only one hill on this map that goes from the very top of the map all the way to the bottom and the objective is to control both top and bottom hill at the same time which is pretty hard to do so always keep one play bottom one top and other two can defend one at top other bottom or just roam around and put shots on attackers. On slayer the way players play is majorly different because the players will surround the map instead of rushing bottom/top mid. because at top mid you are a major target and at bottom your no help so going top can be a good start so you can eliminate everyone below quicker with a whole team but once your up top and alone you are a primary target always travel to the top with other players. Pictures: Bases B Side A Side Overview Bottom TY for looking here is the link again - MLG 3 Level
I've never seen an MLG map with the center being the high points, and the bases being low points.. I personally dont think that this will work well with the gameplay other than your KOTH. Really cool though how its different than all the other generic MLG maps
MLG onslaught has slight middle high grounds along with lockdown, exodus, narrows, construct, midship, and PLENTY other maps. though the bases in those have slight high grounds too.
ok so think of narrows, and construct, where are the bases? low point and where is the high point? center. the spawns and control points in a game do not really matter it's just how the rest of the gameplay is.
I like the layout of this map a lot. The gameplay seem like it would work really well with a big emphasis on top control. The good thing is that a lot of good cover is located bottom mid so it balances things out. Where do the rockets spawn. If is down low i think that is better than up top because it will give team that have lost top control more of a chance. I can see KoTH working really well on this map. In terms of aesthetics the entire thing looks clean from your screenshots. Excellent job. 4.5/5 I like the layout of this map a lot. The gameplay seem like it would work really well with a big emphasis on top control. The good thing is that a lot of good cover is located bottom mid so it balances things out. Where do the rockets spawn. If is down low i think that is better than up top because it will give team that have lost top control more of a chance. I can see KoTH working really well on this map. In terms of aesthetics the entire thing looks clean from your screenshots. Excellent job. 4.5/5 If i were you i might think about re-working the name
I agree that this looks like a pretty hardcore KOTH map. Though I can see trouble with Slayer and CTF. I'll be back to tell what I think of it.
CTF i believe doesn't even work on this map i believe i have the flag and the flag return but it sucks on it so just stick with slayer and KOTH also i don't care about the name i was originally calling it patty hill but i didn't really like having hill in it for some reason so i just named it 3 level and I'm too lazy to change the name and then lose all my downloads :O ha ha not many but whatever it isn't that important
I like the bottom of the center hill, but really who would go down there to get a carbine, come on. I suggest putting a mauler. It would would go nicely. I too am working on an MLG map that is trying to break the cookie cutter(lol) But ya I might post a preview of it its on Foundry too.
Well the reason there is no mauler is because there is already a rocket plus if i added a mauler you could hold down bottom mid very very easily so that would ruin the gameplay trust me i have tested it out and when your playing hill you end up being able to keep bottom mid easy and then makes it very boring playing the game because whoever has mauler is over powered.