i want to make an mlg version of infection,now plz dont put down me or this idea i just want some constructive critism and ideas to help me out with this.
Can you explain your gametype a little more? Infection and MLG are total opposites in so many ways. How would you do this? You can't just change the settings to 110% damage, 90% shield recharge, and 110% speed and call it MLG. I'm curious.
you should make zombies 3/4 of health sheild recharge never so its like real zombies (i am in the ZKF(findout wat it means) Make maps that are insane Lots of traps etc etc
Perhaps he means a more competitive, goal-oriented version of infection, similar to what MLG did for competitive maps. Sounds like a good idea.
I would like to see this cause I hate infection but love MLG. I wish it was like halo 2 zombies where it was ffa untill you killed someone and they became on your side until there were none on the other team(s) and the person with most infections at the end won. and or the team ways which works remotely the same but start with equil teams.
Ah, so maybe somehow mess with the traits so there are small teams to start out with (8) and it starts 4v4 then one team eliminates the other team? It's kind of a large topic. OP, can you give us some ideas for your starting point of this gametype? Is is two sided, if so, how are you going to do this with the respawn traits? Maybe a one-sided game that starts off a even and one team respawns and another respawns on the other team.
The best way I can see this happening is starting out as a 4v4, and then every time you die you would switch to the team that killed you, until one team was eliminated. The only problem with that is in Halo 3 infection you can only go from human to zombie, not the other way around.
or in short, this well never happen until infection is viewed as a competitive gametype. No matter the setting nor map. not too put you down, but unless i see people playing infection for the competition, we well only be able too dream.
All you have to do is make an infection gametype, put it on a crappy map, and you've got MLG Infection.
Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details ^Check it, test it, fix it. I really like this idea and think it could be great fun.