NEW PIC! CL0SED "Elites need their fish tacos!" "Only open Monday thru Friday." : Halo 3 File Details
haha, that's awesome. Simple concept, with a humorous caption. For a lineup, maybe have an elite melee without a weapon, his one and would be raised in the air and it would kinda look like his protesting maybe?
Good ideas coming along here. I also think it would look better if the box were to be merged a little more to the left as well. That way the lines that go across the box are flush all the way across; they won't curve up at the end like they do now. Just a thought.
Good job Meltyourtv. One of the most original screenshots I've seen lately. I to, as some of the others previously stated, think that it would look with a small lineup of spartans or elites angry that it's closed. Other than that it's a great screenshot that shows how simple a screenshot can be for it to be great.
I'magine if there would be 15 elites... it would be pretty damn funny... Good job, its the first screenshot like that that I see... but I'm pretty sure that alot of noobs will copy you.