Thats supposed to happen, it's a glitch with the glitch. The one object will have no gravity and the other will no-clip or "ghost merge".
Yes, its just the gravity part stays with the object that you cannot grab, and the other version has no gravity until you start a new round. Correct, you dont have to doubt yourself =) Also, I went on youtube and posted some comment on someones video tutorial, and another guy asked my on what grounds do I think myself more experienced than the guy who made the video, so I said that I discovered the glitch. He didnt beleive me, and said that if i discovered it, then he invented apple sauce and TV. Apperently multi-trillionaires use youtube as well! Anyway, funny story that was added to the front page for anyone who wasted enough time to read the whole thing. Thought it would brighten someones day.
So yeah, I kinda noticed this glitch.. and wondered if this could happen for teleporters too. See, if you could get a teleporter to float out past the death barrier, then find a way to save that teleporter.. then maybe we have just found a way out of any map. It's pure speculation, but if anybody has insight into this idea.. feel free to comment. First off, they're human beings.. secondly.. they only find these things when they're screwing around. Every glitch is found by accident.. I don't care who it is.. it's always by accident. My guess is that (insert credited person's name here) was ghosting objects, one of them disappeared... he force spawned it.. and (lo and behold) he was able to put an immoveable object into the walls. You guys need to get some self esteem.. everybody is (or can be) a good forger.. just give yourselves credit.
lol thats exactly what happened. tylyr actually did work on his though, he went through the thought processes and noticed all sorts of strange things on how it worked, then tried to find a way to despawn a spawned object. His answer was to dummy an object. So, tylyr1 is a forge god. Im the lucky bastard who got a free ride! (and I cant complain...)
Although this is kinda off topic to what exactly you guys are talking about, that is infact about the glitch, how about a mod comes in here and changes the thread title to something more recognizable. How about: No-Clipping Merging, or Ghost Merging.
thats exactly what is supposed to happen.. the object that you're still holding is the ghost.. you can put it wherever you want..
Is there a limit to the amount of times you can pull of the glitch? I mean, I've done about half of my map with no problem. I've used exactly $100, and now, it just won't work. I've been doing exactly the same method as I did to do the first half of the map and it just doesn't work any more.
There are several problems that may occour. One, if you are using the basic dummy method that doesnt involve spawning objects as a spartan, its extremely unreliable. Another possible problem is when you actually set the run time min to its highest, notice how a random zero-gravity object floats around? you have to wait exactly 59 seconds after you place the no-clipped object. Idk why 59, but its always just under a minute. Another problem is that if you try to duplicate two objects at the same time (with two people on the host console) you actualy have to set two objects to respawn time: never. Fourth, make sure that you do the previous step correctly even with only one object; sometimes I accidently change the spawn at start instead, which is annoying. Finally, if you are using the spartan dummy method, make sure both objects hit the ground and bounce before you do anything to them. This final one is because the object isnt labeled as 'dummied' until it does something that it shouldnt do, like bounce. As far as I know, there is no problems with limits or anything, I do have a puzzle map in progress with about $300 of budget left, but that is the closest to zero. It may be because of some strange glitch-within-the-glitch. Edit:I actually have a new idea that I just came up with. YOu may be using a budget glitched canvas, which DOES make the glitch act weird, sometimes working sometimes not. It is possible that you were extremely lucky, then extremely unlucky, because chance is funny that way.
I'm sorry, but I didn't really understand this. What exactly should I do to make the height of the blocks perfect?
...What? I use the original (up + A) method, and I don't wait for anything... like ever, and never have I found it to be "unreliable". And what is that you're talking about with the 59 seconds thing? I am just completely confused by what you're trying to get across here.
The fifty nine seconds is how long you have after it gets duped. If you place it instantly, its 59 seconds. If you wait 49 seconds then its 10 seconds. If you wait a minute then its instant. And what I meant by unreliable is that some people just spawn an object and hope that they can hit it, not caring whether they did it correct or not, just assuming that since some people can that they should be able to do in instantly. Its more unreliable because it has much more room for user error, which is a huge problem with 90% of the world. Edit: I had originally posted something very rude that may have offended people. From now on I will try to make sure that I do not post at 2 am, because thats a recipe for disaster.
local forging is the best, never budget glitch and ghost, try to minimize other glitching while forging.the more stable the better.
This is a great merging idea. I don't really understand exactly though...Can someone help me sometime please?
i don't understand it. I'm trying to make a map on sandbox and i try to dummy two boxes. i get them dummied but then the respond stays with the object. I'm really wanting to know how to do this to make banking turns etc easier. if anyone knows any other ways to make banked turns feel free to tell me..
chances are that you haven't really dummied at all if the respawn stays with it. Boxes will move for a few seconds no matter what, so when you are going to push them away, try waiting like 5 seconds to be sure you're dummying, not just pushing an un-settled box.
When your in forge press up to go into spartan mode and x at the same time, that will bring up the item list in spartan mode, it's called the up and x method, try it. Read the front page again.