Not everything has negative side effects, but even if it did, if the person is well aware of the side effects, but is still willing to do it, that is their prerogative.
I have a love for jumping off of high ledges for the thrill of the fall, the wind in my face and the adrenaline rush. So what if I can get hurt or something? It's my prerogative. --- Of course it's your prerogative, but should you really do it still?
That is irrelavant. But yes, if somebody was willing to accept those consequences, it is their business.
I'm all for having the feeling of happiness. I like to do things that make me feel good and send a positive picture to others. No, I don't do drugs, nor do I ever plan on in the future. The reasons why people claim to fo them is because it makes them "feel" good or happy. It seems to be there only escape to actually feeling happiness in their lives because they are short of it. It's rather weak to do that, and say I do it for happiness. And as for sex, eh, go ahead I guess. Just don't have a baby when you're young. Trust me, my sister had a baby at the age of 17, gave birth at 18. Changed her life forever, this is due to the fact that she hung out with the wrong crowd, did drugs got kicked outta high school. Now has a baby, broke her addicitions, fininshed high school, attending college classes. This is obviously going to turn into a Drug Debate thread. Which, stated in the OP, is a question as to why people scold others for feeling good.
People often associate drugs with a "lower" class of people. Someone who is sober will often look at somebody who does even a casual drug as below them. The truth is, even successful and happy people smoke and drink and do other things of the sort. Do you want to look me in the eye and tell me that some guy sitting at the top of a major corporation, responsible for thousands of people's financial wellfare, under all that pressure, doesn't light up every now and then?
No, I'm sure there is. But he didn't get to such a high position by just sitting around playing Halo and getting high.
I'm neither supporting or condemning anyone in this thread, just putting my two cents in. I live a perfectly happy life,I go to uni and have a great time with my mates. I occasionally smoke weed, when its going around which is probably once a month, sometime more sometimes less. Why do I do this? I like the feeling it creates. Simple. Do I depend on it for a good time? No. Can I have a good time without any substances? Yes. My view on it is that its a different feeling, a different experience from something you usually have. Dow, I think the main problem people have with weed is that people (I'm not saying you) can become very easily dependant on it and are unable to live/have fun without it. Everything in moderation is a good approach to life, me thinks.
high five. Well said. Another bonus is that doing it with friends usually provokes a really fun night that is a lot different from normal. It's the same as how i view drinking. I enjoy going on a night out and getting very drunk because its a fun experience, and as long as i am in control, i am fine.
Well, the rich may have wine tastings, which is obviously more of a higher class occasion than getting drunk at a bar. They're usually more self-conscious about their actions because they do have that eye on them at all times. So if the head of a major corporation was "lighting up"(this could mean any illegal substance), and it got leaked, he would be screwed. So to answer your question, I highly doubt it. But that's life.
I agree. It is much easier to connect with friends when you are smoking/drinking together. Helps to build better relationships.
Forgot to answer your debate question. It really depends what you look at as "feeling good". Murder may make some feel good, but we say no murder. Makes sense, right? And religions just look at premarital sex as immoral, not so much sex itself. And drugs have side effects. It's really just perspective, I guess.
Do you work for a cigarette company? It's not normal to smoke weed or get drunk. I don't care how many people do it. It's a pretty ****ed up thing to do to get a thrill. Go outside, get a whiff of fresh air. Get a girlfriend. There are plenty of other ways to have fun than to turn your brain into autopilot mode, where you can and WILL make stupid decisions, hurt other people in your state of mind, and make yourself look like a complete dumbass. Not to mention the side affects associated with them.
I havn't encountered any of that. Convenient how you go through all of those reasons, and then curiously don't go into these 'side-effects'. Perhaps some medical evidence would have done a better job, but instead you throw lies at us. Alcohol is older than religion, and you try to convince us it's 'not normal'.
Smoking and drinking are not "normal" ways of feeling good in a natural point of view. Humans discovered both and marketed both. Just like driving isn't natural. It's just in our culture, unfortunately.
Your perfectly within your right to have those opinions, however I disagree with you for a number of reasons. First of all, I get drunk on a regular basis. Yet I've never been arrested, been in a fight or had any situation where I've hurt someone whether it be psychical or emotional. The most stupid decision I ever made whilst drunk was to go 'bush jumping' but thats another story, not exactly end of the world right? With regards to making yourself look a dumbass.. well thats kind of the point of getting drunk isn't it? Whats so wrong with dicking about and looking like an idiot? I don't really care about what I look like and I have a lot more fun for it. Hell the Jackass crew made millions off acting like idiots. Your generalising people Zander and its not clever nor correct. I respect your opinion but thats all it is, an opinion. Don't mouth off at people because they don't fit into your vision of a 'normal' individual.
You're talking about other drugs, not marijuana. But I can see what you are saying. Why walk to the ocean when we got a great ****ing pond right here is a great analogy and all, but I mean, we're talking about doing things that society condemns just because it makes us feel good sometimes. We're not drugs addicts, we're not sluts or whores and we're not bad people. But society wants to call us that because we get an enjoyment from things that society looks down upon. We're arguing why society is ****ing retarded. High 5! My NIGGA! Generalization, IGNORANCE! Because people smoke weed everyone in a while doesn't mean that they automatically have a "**** life and nothing better to do." You smoke shitty weed, or you are talking about blow. And vaporizing weed has no negative effects and weed edibles don't either. But yeah, weed isn't getting me anywhere, unless I am a drug dealer. I am not a drug dealer (as of right now), I am a normal kid who just smokes weed and has pre-marital sex. And society looks down upon me because of it. Or buy better weed. You make stoners sound like ****ing crack heads, and coke addicts. You probably don't know jack ****, and you're talking out of your ass. Sorry. :-/ This quote just took the cake. I don't know how you get one dime bag to last you 5 days, because unfortunately, marijuana is expensive. A dub sack will last me one blunt, and i'll only be able to span it out over a couple of days if I use a bong or blunt. Marijuana is expensive. Period. In my case it is at least. But it's not like im broke because of it. Let's just say i've got a separate source of income and if I don't make that source of income, I don't smoke weed. Self control! High 5! My NIGGA! Vaporizing/edibles. Blah blah. and You're not talking about people who want weed. You're talking about people addicted on benzo's, coke addicts, crack heads, meth heads, and heroine. I agree, this type of drug abuse leads to people doing stupid ****. But that's because they have a physical addiction to it, and they really don't know how to stop without help. All people need is self-control. Weed does not do any permanent damage to your brain. So you probably meant "you must be too high to be talking like this right now." Vaporizing/edibles. blah blah. Whatever makes you happy man. Nobody did. But nobody got to a high position from going to strip clubs, and drinking in bars either. It's wrong to assume that getting high is a lesser activity. But I agree that you can't smoke weed all the time and give up your responsibilities. Self control! There are certain occupations that I don't think people should light up while on the job. Say a truck driver. I mean, I really do mean it, when I say i'm a very good driver when i'm high. But I still don't like the idea of a high truck driver operating a 6,000 pound machine barreling down the highway at around 70-80 miles behind me. It makes me a bit uncomfortable, you know? Never light up before you go to work if your work has a lot of responsibility. Say a doctor, or a truck driver, or an airline pilot. But I think it's fine if they light up and use drugs off the job. But if you've got a desk job, or you manage things and no one's life is really on the line, ****, go ahead and light up for work. You should not use weed and drinking as a social crutch. Ignorance blah blah. I've had to type the same **** throughout this whole post so just scroll up and find the one that applies to you. High 5! My NIGGA! Cannabis and the Bible High 5! My NIGGA!
I'm actually not sure what I was trying to say. It was unfortunately lost along with the rest of the ideas I was trying to jumble.
Aren't you the one who is constantly doing bad things, you even posted that you got chased by cops... I don't support marijuana, but I no longer hate anyone who does it so long as it does not affect me.