Debate Incest - Right or Wrong?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dreaddraco2, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Hentai incest= good
    real incest= bad

    I don't think it should be outlawed or some ****, but it kinda crosses my moral line. And I don't have that many morals.
  2. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    I have never heard of real Incest but yes Hentai Incest=Good
  3. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
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    Then why post in a thread debating it?
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Okay, how about other stuff other than deformities. Like how the child will feel growing up, with him probably being a mistake, if it is, it will be extremely obvious. To him and everyone around him, like at school. That just isn't fair, I mean, just put yourself in the shoes of someone born because of incest. At least people with Down's Syndrome can lead normal lives.
  5. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Is it illegal to smoke while pregnant? No.
    Does it cause permanent damage to the Child? 75+ % of the time.

    Is it illegal to commit incest and become pregnant? Most of the time.
    Does it cause permanent damage to the Child? Less then 50% of the time.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Permanent damage only 50% of the time? Has anyone here ever met a normal incest person? I think its much higher than 50% lol.
    Also I think smoking should be illegal to pregnant women along with other harmful drugs. Its not only harmful but likely fatal to the baby. Im for abortion but you should get it done the right way not by having a miscarriage.

    Inner family incest I don't see being right in any shape or form most people don't do incest just on their own its usually passed down by the older partner which also could have been a victim of sexual abuse at a young age. Thats how abuse works it continues to happen every generation that gets exposed to it.
    #46 Eyeless Sid, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  7. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    No, incest usually occurs between family members when they grow a bond similar to a relationship, rather then a family-style bond.

    If there was sexual abuse, the chances are the person would consider incest terrible when they grow up.
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    What your talking about is first generation incest im talking about the incest after the first generation. The new generation is taught that its not wrong and they get sucked into it and they will most likely pass it on. Im calling it abuse because thats what it is even in other forms of abuse such as pedophilia,molestation,or physical abuseit will be passed on from the once victim who then turns into the abuser and makes a new victim and the cycle continues. Some know its wrong some don't because they have been so badly screwed up that they don't understand right from wrong or the consequences of thier actions.
    #48 Eyeless Sid, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  9. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    They don't do it because they think it's not wrong, that's just a dumb reason.
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    They do.... it happens all the time. Victims of abuse will pass it on because they see it as pay back for the wrongs done against them or they see it as the right thing to do. Sure some just like it but as I said above most cases of abuse are passed down from one victim to another and once victim is now the person doing the harm. I posted a bunch of links on page two explaining this.

    heres one

    Even the show law and order shows good examples of how this works. They do a good job of explaining the physiques of victims and sexual offenders and how they function.
    #50 Eyeless Sid, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  11. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    That's not what I meant.

    You say the 2nd Generation does it because the 1st tells them it's not wrong.

    If someone tells you "Suicide is legal in certain countries" you don't go to that country and commit suicide immediately. And again, you're confusing abuse and rape with incest.
  12. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Suicide is involved with someone dieing and can't be put as illegal because the person doing it has died. lol
    Incest is able to be controlled by the law because its negative affects can be stopped with out the victim being totally corrupt. If your too late then more likely than not you will have another sex offender on you hands. Rape,incest,and sexual abuse are all committed by sexual offenders which is a crime. They are considered the same under law but some are treated differently depending on the severity of the crime. When a victim is abused from a young age in such cases of incest then the child will grow up in a bad environment and could pass the abuse onto the next generation. Its not that the first generation directly said "its right" its the fact that they didn't say its wrong and engaged in it. The child will be like well "I didn't know it was wrong so I just did what daddy did" Or they understand its wrong but still like to do it. Abuse is abuse and its all the same just because the names different does not mean it wont effect someone in the same way.

    statistics of sexual abuse

    Over 75% of serial rapists report they were sexually abused as youngsters.

    • Nearly 70% of child sex offenders have between 1 and 9 victims; at least 20% have 10 to 40 victims. [SIZE=-4](23)[/SIZE]
    • An average serial child molester may have as many as 400 victims in his lifetime.
    Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under. [SIZE=-4](76)

    [/SIZE]30-40% of victims are abused by a family member. [SIZE=-4](2, 44, 76)

    [/SIZE]"Consequences of child sexual abuse begin affecting children and families immediately. They also affect society in innumerable and negative ways. These effects can continue throughout the life of the survivor so the impact on society for just one survivor continues over multiple decades. Try to imagine the impact of 39 million survivors."
    #52 Eyeless Sid, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Heres affects on incest children
    link :


    Because most children cannot or do not tell about being sexually abused, it is up to concerned adults or friends to recognize signs of abuse. Physical evidence of abuse is rare. Therefore, we must look for behavioral signs.

    The following are general behavior changes that may occur in children and teens who have been sexually abused:

    . Depression
    . Eating Disorders
    . Sleep disturbances
    . School problems
    . Withdrawal from family, friends, or usual activities
    . Excessive bathing or poor hygiene
    . Anxiety
    . Running away
    . Low self-esteem
    . Self-destructive behavior
    . Hostility or aggression
    . Drug or alcohol problems
    . Sexual activity or pregnancy at an early age; promiscuity
    . Suicide attempts

    Click here for more symptoms.

    Additional Symptoms
    Children and teens who have been sexually abused frequently have more specific symptoms:

    . Copying adult sexual behavior
    . Sexual play with other children, themselves, toys or pets
    . Displaying sexual knowledge, through language or behavior, beyond what is normal for their age
    . Unexplained pain, swelling, bleeding or irritation of the mouth, genital or anal area
    . Urinary infections
    . Sexually transmitted diseases
    . Hints, indirect comments or statements about the abuse"

    Theres not one positive thing that comes out of incest or any form of sexual abuse so I stand by my arguments saying it is absolutely wrong . It hurts children and future generations.
    #53 Eyeless Sid, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  14. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
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    Incest, in most cases, is NOT sexual abuse, it is sex between 2 consenting parties. Most rapists are not sexually attracted to their family members, thus the raping of the random people.

    Once more, you are getting incest confused with rape.
  15. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Thats not what my sources tell me and I list my sources wheres yours?

    When you look up sexual abuse they are all listed under the same category and are mostly consider the same thing. "Sex crimes"
    Here is a few fun facts I think you missed that were listed under incest:

    Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under. [SIZE=-4](76)

    [/SIZE]30-40% of victims are abused by a family member. [SIZE=-4](2, 44, 76)

    [/SIZE]What the facts above mean is that 70 percent of sex crimes are committed to minors meaning they CANT give consent under the law.

    Honestly I don't see why you are defending sex offenders. They are even hated by fellow criminals and they will die if put in general population at prisons. You know somethings wrong when even hardened criminals will not do or tolerate because its even crossing their morals and unspoken laws. Sick bastards should not be protected especially ones who target young children and in effect cause harm to future generations.
    #55 Eyeless Sid, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  16. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Incest is considered a sex offence.
    Are you saying the law is 100% right, 100% of the time?
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Theres obviously bad judgments and or flaws in our judicial system where a person will get pulled into a loop whole which classifies them as a sex offender when they obviously not.I heard a story where a man was drunk went streaking and happened to run by a school zone [the school was closed that day]and he was considered a sex offender. Dumb stuff like that shouldn't be put in the same category but sadly is.

    What I am saying though is crimes against children should be dealt with the harshest punishments possible. Rapists ,pedophiles,incestuous criminals, molesters, and people convicted of sexual abuse against another person should be punished .

    Is it right 100% of the time no its probably in the 95%ish range.
    #57 Eyeless Sid, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Seems like I've missed a lot here, mostly disappointing tbh. First off, to those saying that the physical possible effects of being a child born of incest are not the only thing to be considered as risk, but risk of persecution in society as well, seriously, wtf? You think bigots didn't use the same argument against gay adoption? Seriously man, if you want to just sit on your hands and call social progression of freedoms to a standstill just because your afraid of bigotry in society then fine, but I sure as hell ain't gonna. The harsh reaction of society is what's trying to be changed here, and 'people will be mean' is the worst argument I've ever heard for halting progress on a civil rights movement. Hell, why don't we just go backwards and outlaw homosexuality again, since there are still some people in society that react badly to it? Geez man.

    Sorry, but this whole equating incest to sexual assault thing is just retarded. Yes, the majority of incest cases probably are abuse, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. But if you stop and actually think why that is then it isn't so simple as you make out. The fact is, the abuser is a sexual predator, and when looking for a subject, look close to home. This is not the same as, say, a brother and sister who love each other in a romantic way and want to express that, which is what this argument is really talking about.

    Incest seems to be being equated with pedophilia here, as if making one legal would make the other. That's not the point at all here, I don't think anyone in here would advocate legalisation of sex with young children, even if you go below the socially accepted barriers of age, puberty draws a pretty distinct line in the sand in that sense, which even then is taking things pretty damn far.

    Also, as for that whole thing about passing it on to children, bullshit. Sorry, but simple as. You're talking about incest as if it's a lifestyle choice, as if people wake up and think 'I want to be one of those people who engages in incest'. But what's actually being addressed here is the boundary between couples who do fall in love, due entirely to circumstances beyond their control and which have no effect on the relationship (again, in light of other instances which more than outweigh the whole danger argument).

    We're not talking about people who want incest legalised because they specifically want to engage in it in principle, what we're talking about is people who face barriers from being with the person who they love (who you can't really choose) in the way they want, in a way which would do more 'damage' than that found acceptable in all comparable circumstances. Why, if they reason they indulge in incest is just because they happen to be in love with their sibling or whatever, would they push incest as some kind of lifestyle choice on their children? Surely the message there is, be with who you love, no matter who they are. People keep seeing incest as an attitude rather than an unfortunate circumstance for many couples in our society. It's not about wanting to sleep with your sister, it's about not being able to sleep with the person you love just because they're your sister. If people were to take this as a sign they could abuse their children, then they should be prosecuted for that, no ****ing question. But I refuse to feel scared of altering laws that would grant proper freedoms to people in society just for fear of how it might be exploited by pedophiles.
  19. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    *Comes in, sees something I don't want to deal with. Walks out*
  20. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Only if it's 2 really hot lesbians twins. lol

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