Well I was just curious which main type of infection was mainly favored. Hopefully I did the poll right. Two Options Survivaly Campy-MOST people (keyword 'most') people who play this seem to less mature and less competitive, but there is some MAJOR EPIC maps/gametypes for this. Your goal is to survive the round (which I prefer), or just camp until someone ends the game or the zombies get you. EX: Close the door, Skycastle Objective, Goal- Although you can't neccesairly place a goal in infection, there can be an imaginary goal. This tends to be the option for more mature customs. EX: Help's on the way, right?
I prefer goal-based Infection. I absolutely HATE it when people make retarded infection games where the humans camp in rooms that have only one entrance, and/or the humans "defend" themselves against one-shot zombies(if you can even call that defending). That's just my two cents.
It depends on gameplay for me really. I like Township a lot, but that is probably considered a "campy" infection map. While there are other infection games (Can't think of names right now haven't played Halo in a bit) that have objectives and are good too. But in both classifications there are some types of infection that are just awful, and I have no idea why people love playing them so much (fat kid, one hit zombies, etc) My opinion is as long as the gameplay is fun and balanced, I will play either.
I have to agree with pel, mindless zombie killing in these one-hit kill "defence" games if you can really call them that is extremely boring. Although I have played one or two recently whilst testing Twilight Gnomes new map pack that were similar to the defence gametypes but were designed for you to fall back with swat like gameplay where only headshots on zombies killed them which we're really fun to play on. Although I enjoy the objective gametypes more than the defence gametypes they can be difficult to to get good parties to play them (or at least in my case) as most people you will be playing with tend to preffer the the defence gametype. but anyway I preffer the objective based gametype and I shall vote for that one
I prefer survival/goal combo. You get to a place, survive, run out of ammo quick, and need to move to the next survival point for ammo.
Survival, and I prefer to play it on circular slayer maps so there is nowhere to hide so it is all based upon skill.
What are Pred and Firefight considered? I like those. Also, when I'm with friends, I always have fun with Fat Kid.
Predator and Firefight would be considered survival. Survival is my favorite as well. but Fat kid? Ahhh ifffy... I've never tried it on a circular slayer map. Might try that. That's the best of both worlds. But, sometimes I prefer to have my own choices that's why I don't like goal as much. I agree with you in some areas. The one hit defences on armories SUCK. The survival gametypes I make balance so humans have to work together and don't have infinite ammo.
Save One Bullet on Midship is amazing BTW... Fat Kid is really only fun in small doses. And even then only when I'm in the right mood. I'll usually play it just to please my friends so I can get a map tested. However, Fat Kid on Saber's Journey was amazing when we had 14 humans racing through the map. Although the "Last stand" got destroyed fairly quickly, four rockets and a Turret? You expect that to stop a couple Fatties? (Yes, we play with two Fat Kids...)
I believe that the maps based around camping is very dull. Never make infection games where the zombies are not having fun. This is because people that are zombies tend to quit from frustration and never have fun... Games where the humans must reach a goal such as safety....for a short period of time is much more enjoyable because the zombies arent getting blasted 1000 times (until the humans get tired of holding down the triggers) and the humans have more fun because they arent sitting in a room for 2 hours...