Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Thorax tehGREAT, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    What really pisses me off is how ignorant fools have to pull the race card and say he only got it becuase he is black,that is not true he did not just get the NPP becuase he is black.Do people really have to say that becuase there not happy that another black man won the NPP?Obama has done many things in a short amount of time that have improved this country but it takes alot of time to clean up the mess that Bush left.
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yeah he has been given the biggest **** ever to clean up.

    However, I think it's way too soon to announce him as a successful president, or worthy of the peace prize. I don't know about you guys, but here in Wisconsin, the economy hasn't suddenly jumped back to normal.

    Do you give a person a feature before the map is finished? Right now Obama is forging it up, and I don't like a lot of his structures; but people keep telling me, it's going to be a feature.

    They should have waited till his last year of the term to determine this.
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Well, at least it's not like the peace prize is all that important. I see it more as political pressure. I wonder what would happen if Obama has the need to mobilise troops...

    Either way, at least the Noble science awards aren't affected by this. You know, the ones that are actual massive achievements.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    That's my point. He hasn't fixed anything. Maybe after he does clean up said **** up, he'd deserve the prize.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I read the thread, dont really care for politics, agree its a little early to say he deserved it, and must disagree heavily that McCain was a "good man".

    Peace out.

    Lol at Rusty.

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    For one, Mr. Obama has not even been in office for a year. And his foreign affairs involvement and experience (besides his own upbringing) prior to taking office was almost nonexistent. He hasn't even been in office for nine months. Given that fact, Mr. Obama would have had to accomplish something dramatic on the world stage to deserve the award. Nothing sticks out in my mind. He's made a general diplomatic push to reduce nuclear weapons, sure - and he pulled the plug on the Czech and Polish missile defense sites. He made a speech to the Muslim world. He made an underwhelming, hermetically sealed speech in Ghana. A number of small diplomatic overtures have been underway but I nonetheless remain stunned because I have not seen anything reminiscent of high profile, meaningful actions worthy of the prize.
    #26 RAWR IAM REPTAR, Oct 9, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2009
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    No disrespect to Obama, but people seem to treat him like a celebrity. It reminds me of how the king often knights people just because they are famous. Think of ALLLLLL the other people in the entire world that he beat out to get that prize.
  8. Genghis the Great

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    irayne, youre pretty funny. you honestly think that a man who hasnt been in office 9 months (who hasn't really done anything, hes starting and hes trying, but no results yet) is deserving of a nobel peace prize and a million bucks?

    i dont give a **** what he thinks hes gonna do or what anyone thinks, but you cannot give the nobel peace prize to someone for what you think they will do.

    Hell, what if they had given Hitler the NPP in, say, 1938, when all he had done was re-build Germany's economy from basically bartering turds and leaves to a world power? wouldn't someone say "oh **** i screwed up"?
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Why the hell are people bringing up the American economy in a discussion about the nobel peace prize? This isn't the Nobel prize for economics, that one hasn't been awarded yet, and it is not going to be given to Obama.

    The peace prize goes "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". By that standard, Obama has by far produced the biggest impact of any other single person this year. He's engaging in diplomacy and repairing relations with nations Bush alienated, and by engaging with Muslim nations he's tangibly reduced the hatred almost overnight. And while his nuclear disarmament rhetoric has yet to see any results(one reason this could be considered too early to award the prize), just the fact that he is advocating it on the international stage is extraordinarily valuable.

    While I agree that it is a too early, and would have been more appropriate towards the end of his term, I don't think it is as inappropriate as some people are saying. I'm curious who else you all think deserved it, actually.

    P.S. everyone who thinks his race played a significant factor is a ****ing idiot.
  10. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Thank you.
    Atleast there's one other person that knows what theyre talking about.

    So, Palin has sooo much more alongside McCain right? ROFL.
    And I agree with Silence. McCain isn't exactly the "good man" all you conservatives make him out to be.
  11. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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    This prize is a joke. Arafat, Carter, Gore and now this idiot who has done nothing. He was nominated 11 days into his presidency, what does that tell you?

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    did i say anything about mccain? no i actually didnt think either of them qualified to be president so stop assuming ****
  13. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Did I ever say you supported McCain?
  14. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I couldn't care less. Although he hasn't done much for the US on a domestic level yet or made any large scale breakthroughs in the peace process, I do think he has helped to open diplomatic dialogue after years of the Bush administrations unwillingness to talk with who they considered "terrorists".

    Perhaps he didn't deserve it, but if he gives the money to charity, who cares? It's just an award, and arguing about it is somewhat childish. Not that we can't discuss it.

    Senior Member

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    you assumed
  16. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Does anyone know who the other nominees were for the NPP?
  17. Genghis the Great

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    my god iRaynne, could you be any more obvious in your unconditional love for obama? and the guy who posted above him: OBAMA HAS DONE NOTHING!!! opening talks counts for ****. if he brings full peace int he middle east, and stops the slaughtering in darfur, i will think maybe he deserves it. but h HAS NOT done anything!!!!!! I don't know why you don't understand that.

    and mccain is a good man. your VP doesn't even matter honestly. I would much rather have a very experienced president with an inexperienced VP than an inexperienced president with a very experienced VP. it is only common sense.
  18. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    People Obama beat:

    Who did Obama beat to win his Nobel Prize?

    by Benjamin · 6 comments

    Sima Samar, women’s rights activist in Afghanistan: “With dogged persistence and at great personal risk, she kept her schools and clinics open in Afghanistan even during the most repressive days of the Taliban regime, whose laws prohibited the education of girls past the age of eight. When the Taliban fell, Samar returned to Kabul and accepted the post of Minister for Women’s Affairs.”

    Ingrid Betancourt: French-Colombian ex-hostage held for six years.

    Dr. Denis Mukwege: Doctor, founder and head of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. He has dedicated his life to helping Congolese women and girls who are victims of gang rape and brutal sexual violence.

    Handicap International and Cluster Munition Coalition: “These organizations are recognized for their consistently serious efforts to clean up cluster bombs, also known as land mines. Innocent civilians are regularly killed worldwide because the unseen bombs explode when stepped upon.”

    Hu Jia, a human rights activist and an outspoken critic of the Chinese government, who was sentenced last year to a three-and-a-half-year prison term for ‘inciting subversion of state power.’

    Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of China’s communist system. He now lives in the United States.

    For any rational thinking person, it’s easy to see how Obama won this award. Preview on tomorrow’s awards. Obama wins the NL & AL Cy Young Awards as well as the MVP of the NFL. I guess this means that my Aunt Bertha’s 1st Place Prize for her Peach Cobbler now has more credibility and prestige than the Nobel prize.
  19. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Like McCain could've done any better. Ha.

    Anyway, before you talk **** and accuse me, read my whole posts and the links I provide before submitting unintelligent and demeaning responses.
  20. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Although I agree it was a bit early in his term, I don't agree that he didn't deserve it. People are mistaken about what the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded for:
    "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

    This does not imply completely solving problems and/or crises (or even doing anything). You simply have to be distinguished among the world (dedication for peace) for your actions and the consequences of them (I don't mean that in a negative sense). Obama radically changed the behavior and its foreign relations of the most influential country in the world. By simply being elected, his figure and what he stands for have demonstrated to the world that the U.S. is now making a change toward more peaceful relations among other countries.
    #40 P3P5I, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009

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