Surprise! President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize How does he even qualify to be nominated now much less two weeks into his presidency. I have lost most of my respect for the Prize now.
Anti-racism at it's finest. You have to give the black president the Nobel Peace Prize or everyone will think you're racist...
now thats just bullshit. he hasnt even done anything!!!! I honestly thought this was a "what if...." thread. god damnet. guessing the next nobel peace prize goes to my mom too right? that seems to be the low bar they've set it at. and i agree: it is just because they don't want to look racist. but now they look like a bunch of dumbfucks. that's the only reason he was elected: nobody wanted to look racist.
It's just stupid how thousands of other people in the world are out there actually doing things... but all we've seen Obama do is say he's going to do this and that... then all the sudden he gets a Nobel Peace Prize?! It's like slapping these other people right in the face!
Alright, I highly doubt that this award is being given to Obama solely because the committee doesn't want to appear racist. That's just myopic. It is probably political. Bush is gone, Obama replaced him. Republicans out, Democrats in, etc. Though that doesn't make it any better, in fact it may just make it worse. I've never been a huge fan of the award to begin with, feeling like it is awarded to those that benefit personal politics as opposed "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."; but this even shocked me and I can't say that I support it. Sure, Obama has had a peaceful stance on international affairs, traveling the world to speak to its leaders, when he hasn't been trying to pass healthcare reform, but that is hardly a justifiable reason to receive such a prestigious award. I would like to have seen Obama deny the award, he'd get much more respect that way than accepting it. This country was founded on noble acts, from George Washington stepping down from his pedestal of power after his two terms as America's president, to the peaceful transition of power within Congress after the 1800 elections. The world "marveled" then, and perhaps they would now if our president did what was right and refuse an award that he has not yet truly earned.
I'm listening to him live now and hes just said that he doesn't deserve it and that he thinks it was given to for his intentions and attitudes rather than anything he has done. I agree with their thinking, hes on the right path and has refreshing methods of seeking peace in the world. However, its too early and his accomplishments so far pale in comparison to the lives of some other peace prize winners. Just remembered, the peace prize comes with a million dollars right? Surely he has to donate that to charity..?
I think its rediculous. He hasnt done anything yet, nor has he done the many things he promised to do. Yeah its early but srsly, how does he deserve it. What has he done besides make a mockery of America. Yeah, he shook hands and kissed the hands and bowed down to other leaders who just laughed behind his back later. He also supports Planned parenthood which has killed over 13 million black babys since its began. Fun Fact: Planned parenthood was founded by a racist woman and was designed to "weed out" black people because they were "people spawning creatures that should never have been born". Yeah that sounds like a good thing to do. Real Peaceful [/sarcasm] Anyway, he doesnt deserve it and I cant stand the man. I am definitly not racist either, my wife is mexican and I am white and I have black and asian friends, I just think he is an idiot that only got voted into presidency cuz he is black and all the young people that probably wouldnt have even voted otherwise, thought it would be so cool to have a black president. I know Palin was an idiot, but McCain was a good man.
But guys, isn't it racist to give it to him just because he's black? Think about it, if he was our equal he would not be given it just because of that... So since he really hasn't had the chance to do anything they must either think they are obligated to give it to him just like presidency, or they truely think he will do great things. However the prize is not for thinking they will do great things, its for actually having done them. If he did not accept the award, yes I would feel better about him but he doesn't rightfully deserve the award in the first place.
Ouch! You totally dissed your own mom. I think the Nobel committee gave this award to him to acknowledge the huge shift in foreign policy with regards to opening dialogues with all nations of the World, friend or foe. Diplomacy first. Our reputation in the world over the past 8 years has been tarnished by the previous administrations policy of shutting out negotiations and heavy military occupancy. They certainly couldn't have given him this award for anything he's yet accomplished. It's way to early for that.
when i heard he one this "award" i was shocked! i think we are all pretty much on the same page here. i mean what exactly has he done so far? *brief pause* *cough* NOTHING! but hey guys, dont be sooooo shocked! i mean, this award had lost its credibility long ago..... less we forget our dear friend, the late Nobel Peace Prize winning terrorist, Yasser Arafat! B)
I'm not anti-Obama, but really? I think BUSH did more to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize than Obama. At least he DID things.
Bush invaded a country out of false pretenses. Obama negotiates in an effort to make peace. At least Obama is making an effort to make things better. You can't expect him to clean up four years of a **** up overnight, dude.
I heard Ron Jeremy's ***** is going to win it next year for all the satisfaction it has given over the years.
Before I start, read this. Anyway, You've got to be ****ing kidding me. This is exactly why I dislike a nice majority of politically-driven conservatives. Look at the bigger image, not just what your oh-so-knowledgeable conservatives buddy try to put in your head after being brainwashed by their parents. This isn't the ****ing 80s anymore people. Its about time things change. Especially after that oh-so-wonderful-when-we-voted-for-him dipshit president we had before. Go over to Europe and bring up Bush. I dare you. Start looking at statistics, not Fox News. People forget that the NPP is an international award, not a conservative-america award. Anywhere outside of the U.S. where people are actually mature enough to look at politics in the first place, people agree with this prize. And believe it or not, there are mature people outside of the US, unbeknownst to a nice fraction of Americans. And if you really think that he got the award via anti-racism, grow up and grow some. Seriously. Some people (as scarce as they are) actually look at someone's inside before the outside, no matter if its segragation or the lack there of. Thankfully, we have those people on the NPP board. And if you really think that Obama is a tyrant due to blacks around the nation voting for him due to his skin, lol. Go stick your head in the dirt some more. Read more at: Obama's First 100 Days: 10 Achievements You Didn't Know About
Or give it to him just because he's black, and make everyone think you're racist. I don't think he's accomplished anything big enough to deserve this. I mean, sure he's black and he became our president, but it's not like nowadays it's so hard to become president if you're black. He just happened to be the first one. In my opinion, it's demeaning to the prize itself. I don't view this as anything against obama though, because it's not like he had any control over this.
I don't mean this to sound like a personal attack, but name two things Bush did better than Obama; generalized. Don't you dare say international relations, though. Being a super liberal, it might be a surprise that I think Woodrow Wilson was not deserving of the prize at all. Sure, he helped guide the War, but the things he did post-war were so ridiculous and far-fetched (as well as selfish, not bringing a Republican to Versaille delegations) that it literally scribbled out all his "good" deeds during and prior to the war. Obama on the other hand, is working his ass of to get us out of the hole that President Tart dug us in last semester (again, not a personal attack). Can't forget about that nice multi-trillion debt. If there's a general consensus of moving this to Debates, I will do so promptly.