WARNING - Incoming wall of text: I didn't mean to make it this long.. it's just that one thing lead to another, etc. etc... I find myself really really tired almost all the time. It takes me an hour to wake up before the bus comes, then it takes me another 1-3 hours to actually be awake and alert. I see other kids waking up LATER than me and they're wide awake at 8:00... I'm almost dead at that time. Sure, they go moping around as if they didn't get enough sleep, then explain to others why they're tired.. and I'm too tired to even EXPLAIN that I'm tired. Another thing, I've talked to friends and they claim to wake up anywhere between 9-11 am on the weekends... by their own preferences. I wake up anywhere from 11-2 am on the weekends, and even THEN someone usually has to wake me up. I go to school, come home, and I still don't have enough energy to do any sort of work besides sit or laydown. I find that I'd rather stare out the window than even talk to people.... and it's not that I'm JUST tired, it's also that I don't care. I don't care about anything now-a-days, besides going to sleep, goin' on the computer, polevaulting (I know, awesome, amirite?), swimming, xbox, tv, etc..... hell, I don't even like listening to music anymore.. Lately, I've been playing monopoly on my iphone a lot, just to keep me interested in something. I find that I need to put 100% focus on something just to understand something. I'm not bad at multitasking, it's just that I can't concentrate at all when I listen to 2 or more things that I don't particularly care about. I'm interested in reading newspapers, books, and things, but I can't, just simply CAN'T listen to a teacher talk about math for 2 hours. It's just too much! Well, I just want to know if ANYONE has these feelings. I feel like I'm the only one who ever feels this way, with two exceptions: Two friends... one who lived in Wisconsin who had depression, and another who just moved away from HK this year... Now, I just see these other kids walking around as if they could do any amount of work.. sure they complain about it, but they don't realize that I am incapable of doing more than 4 hours of writing homework. I say writing homework because I can do a job or something for longer. I LOVE working outside! As long as I'm on my own, like chopping wood, or shoveling, or mowing the lawn, but I can't handle being inside of some cooped up apartment with nothing to do and no motivation to do anything even IF there was something to do. Ehhh.. I'm too tired to go on.. lol, so just PLEASE someone tell me they feel the same.. no, not you fakers who say yea it takes me 10 minutes to wake up in the morning, I mean like people who are tired nearly 24/7... Sure, when I rockclimb or play basketball or something I feel fine... but even xbox is getting boring now... I guess you could call it a combination of a lack of interest and just laziness lol... but I don't get why I just can't do crap stuff if I'm like 50% interested.. I need more like 75% interest at least.. otherwise I just sit back and don't do anything.... at all! ...and no it's not that I'm antisocial. I've been called antisocial about two times in my life, and I hate that. I like talking to people about matters of interest and I like going to movies and stuff, but I don't like having to talk to others about how my day at school was, or how much homework do you have, or you're in my pe class, right? Those are just fake conversations that I know for a fact are just stupid.. and nobody cares about it. I'd rather be alone than talk to some kid about just general crap. Sometimes they laugh at the smallest things, or they try to act more mature than they are, or they're just over-social about everything and just want to talk about everything ALL the time. I'm not that kind of person, I can't talk to certain people about most things simply because I know it's a fake conversation and I really don't care how you think you failed your math test... just like how you think you failed every other math test but then got a B on it.. WOW, that's a huge fail, then they'd go on laughing about how they thought it was an F. I just don't find that funny at all. I've been told that I have a good sense of humor. I love Jackass, The Office (British and American versions), The King of Queens, Faulty Towers, Everybody Loves Raymond, The Cosby Show (oh yea, even love that too)... But I don't like Family Guy... Sure, like 3 scenes are a bit funny in an episode, but it's usually really low quality humor... and I don't see how so many people laugh hysterically off of that. Pop in any Monty Python movie and I'll be laughing my ass off too, but some crap just isn't interesting to me, so I don't pay attention. Anyways, I said I was too tired to go on like 10 minutes ago.. so I g2g do homework (I know, I'm a procrastinator). Bye. Edit: This probably should have been made in off topic... :/
Would you happen to be on any prescribed or "friendly prescribed" drugs? If so fatigue, and drug addiction may be your problem. or: you just became a teenager. We all go through it. Just find something else to do with your time. I dont know, hang out more, do something stupid and just enjoy it. You think too much.
Riveting Tale, Chap. You seem like the kind of person I might consider hanging out with, and then procrastinate on doing it, then immediately pretend you're my friend, then grow a nice, heterosexual relationship twixt us.
That is EXACTLY me. That was pretty scary to read, I was thinking of asking something similar, but couldn't be bothered. Do you find that your attention span has completely dissipated at school, and you can't concentrate for 5 minutes without staring into space? I love sport, music, and physical exercise, but I don't really enjoy them any more. Anything described as work is physically near impossible for me to do, I'm bright etc. I'm doing maths, physics, electronics & IT at A level at the moment, but I'm losing track of my maths, and missing assignment dates etc. Maths in particular, I think I'll end up dropping, and I know i'm really good at it as well... Anyway yeah, I feel the same, but I've no idea what to do.
Jesus, just reading that makes me tired. I'm kinda of like that, but too a much lesser extent. I lack motivation for crap things.
Had this problem about a year ago. 1. Be enthusiastic about nearly everything. I don't care if you're in a math class listening to a teacher lecture for two hours, either make small talk with nearby people or actively participate. "But I'm too tired." Bullshit. I don't care how ****ing tired someone is, they can force themselves to do just about anything. It doesn't even matter if it's fake enthusiasm. You'll get more out of what you're doing and others will want to associate with you. 2. Get a best friend. Who knows, you might have one already. Point is, you need a best friend to always talk to and to avoid those stupid hollow conversations you mentioned. Hang out with them whenever you're tired or have no motivation to do anything. 3. Slack. Don't do homework every once in a while, or just wait to do it at school. Use your time at home to do things you really want to do, and you'll be happier and more alert at school. 4. Exercise regularly. You're tired because of lack of activity. Get moving and break a sweat.
You are fatigued. You probably are getting poor sleep over the night without you knowing. (You probably toss back and forth all night and not wake up). Try going to bed at 9:30-10 PM So you get more sleep time. Also Maybe go see your doctor about getting on some sleeping pills to help you sleep better. Normal kids shouldn't be tired all day so obviously its something to do with your sleep. Also you may have ADD so if you do go to the doctor get tested for that.
Many of your symptoms are common for clinical depression. Also, it's also quite normal for teenagers to experience some of these symptoms (i.e lack of motivation). However, it'd be best to take a look at yourself, and see if anything in your life is SERIOUSLY bothering you, even if it be those people who spark meaningless conversations. This can cause you to be angry, and anger can cause depression. I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and clinical depression. However, I cannot take antidepressants due to them giving me suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Just take a look at yourself. Please.
If you're a teenager, you're probably growing and your body needs more sleep/rest to grow. It could also be you're sleepwalking or light sleeping that means you stay in the 3rd stage of sleeping and dont go all the way to the 4th. The 4th happens about 1-2 hours into sleeping and last about 5-6 hours. If you miss this stage in sleeping, it can be VERY bad. But don't worry, because I had the problem too. Just go to a doctor. He prescribed me medicine for it and it helped alot. Infact, I started being able to get up and get ready before school before my parents were up. And it wasnt detremental to my health. after about 3 months i didnt need the pills anymore
I know no one wants to hear it, but marijuana is actually a great way to be able to get to sleep. Just pick up a ****ing hobby and you'll be fine. Unless theres some other larger circumstance of your "depressing lives" you guys just need something to do. Get a girlfriend, get ****ed, or just do something.
As per what most of these people are saying, get out there and be interested in something. Find something you really enjoy doing, and stick with it. Get a friend, a gf, something to keep your mind going. I have the same problem, I just feel tired even after sleeping for so long, I wake up feeling exhausted. Usually, if I go outside that day and go play some sports, outdoor activities etc.. I feel more rested in the morning.
This is sort of happening to me, however I have channeled it into something. I haven't lost my ability to focus, but I have sort of stopped caring. And it is great. All the bad things in life that would infuriate or depress some people, I sort of just brush it off as nothing. On second thought maybe its not that similar.
How old are you? I'm just turning 18 and i'm the last person i know of my age not to have moved into regular cups of coffee or energy drinks. Perhaps it's your time. It's also important that you find the right amount of sleep. You might feel like your not getting enough, but maybe it's because your having too much.
I'm interested in basically nothing. I'd like to be an architect, but I'm terrible at math... Engineering might be another route, but I don't have too much experience with it... But I love doing really really exciting things... Like skydiving or rollercoasters and stuff... I can go almost all day, just as long as there aren't too many people around me... lol It's like I don't like people.. at all.. besides my friends in Wisconins.. they were incredibly awesome, but they had a few tweaks here or there... I just moved in January, and some may know, and it's really annoying having to meet entirely new people and pretty much shutting out the rest of my life from my old friends and things. I like xbox so much because I have friends on it from Wisconsin.. Otherwise, all I do is forge without talking to my friends... which gets rather depressing when I'm alone. Exactly... but it's not like I stopped caring.. it's more that I've never cared.. I just don't like being in schools, and just places with a lot of teenagers... I'm a teen, but I find other teens incredibly irritating, but it's not like I say they're irritating right to their faces.. I pretty much just go with the flow.. all the time, and when someone I don't really care about says hi in or outside of school I say hi back then continue forcing myself to stop complaining. Another thing is that I don't have any close friends here in HK... I've been to Iowa (where I had 3 best friends), Wisconsin (where I had 4 best friends), now I've gotten to Hong Kong... and it seems like I can't relate to ANYONE! Plus, I go to a rather rich school, so they're all kind of snobby imo.. and I'm really not used to these rich kids going crazy over every little detail in life. Yea, people call me really chill because I don't really do anything. I just go with whatever but feel like I can't do anything else besides stay in this boring place where everyone goes psycho over math tests and just general gossip that I really, honestly don't care about at all. This is starting to turn into creeper thread... :/ 16 All they have in HK is redbull... nobody likes redbull, I mean monster and rockstar is the stuff, not crap yellow pee looking stuff that comes out of a 2 ounce can. I usually get around 7 1/2 - 6 1/2 hours of sleep.. except on weekends where I usually get 10-14 hours of sleep.
Drive recklessly, go to parties, go to a E-Rave, Smoke weed, Drink alcohol, go to college parties, collect stamps, **** a prostitute, involve yourself with "business" around your hood, get a job, play more sports, join a club, prescribe yourself anti-depressants, go to your "friendly doctor" i mean, unless your clinically depressed, you really shouldn't be that bad.
Maybe I should add, not be an idiot. Because most of those activities you'd have to be an idiot to be arrested.