I'm appologizing ahead of time if there has been a thread just like this one. (I wouldn't doubt that). This thread is to list your 3 favorite maps from the 7 on 7th or BVW playlist. Mine personally are Conduction Sentiment Regecide Also, if you can think of one map that has been submitted to atlas that you would like to see list it. I'd like to see Evolution by MASTER016 make it. It's gameplay is amazing IMO and it has been fixed up alot.
I loved cubed... *sigh* Most community MM maps are rather terrible. Either gamplay and/or forging wise. Like Utah Mambo and *shudder* Tundra... God damn Tundra sucks. Moreso in Swat than anything.
Utah Mambo, Eighty Grit, Tundra, Workplace Bravo, and Ravinia. Ravinia should permanently be placed in matchmaking imo.
Eighty Grit Regicide Stonehenge(Think that's the name) Utah Mambo is another favorite of mine. I hate Tundra on SWAT but I'm fine with it for regular team slayer.