By Ell3ment (came up with the genius idea) and Gunnergrunt. Yet to be officially named. We are tweaking spawn points and adding a ceiling to the map. Coming Soon. YouTube - "Grifball of the Sea"
wow gunner that was a pretty sick idea. You should send that to Nokyard and see what he thinks cuase to tell you the truth, great idea and looks hella fun. So hit me up if you need testers.
Epic... nough said... Really though, you may turn one of my most hated gametypes into something I'd enjoy. P.S. Yes! No hammers!
when gunnergrunt and myself started forging this is was more of an awesome physic with sme various ideas. Then the next day I had it set in my mind that grifball of the sea would be born. It ended up playing really well in beta testing after some game variant tweaks, now it just needs some finishing forging and minor game tweaks it's got the potential to be sometihng great. Let the anticipation build......
When I played this map it blew me out of the water (get it?). seriously though this map is the next big thing.
Sorry about my constant lagging out during testing. It's extremely fun though and I enjoyed every second I played.
Wow, i was just browsing on youtube and watched this without realizing you made it, lol. Anyways looks pretty good and i hope it turns out well.
This is pretty badass Gunner, the only thing is that you can sink if you go too far off to the sides. Still this is really badass way to go i can't wait for the release.
This is fukcing badass. CaptnSTFU showed this to me and there is no doubt this kicks ass..How did you do that? Its really incredible the way you did that especially on Longshore
Glad you guys found a use for the glitch, ell3ment's other map wasn't really going anywhere. Anyways, from what I played today during the testing session, the map was very fun to play(sorry I left.. there was cake D. The only thing I hated was spawning and moving forwards uncontrollably and having someone on the other team float easily towards the bomb plant. Have you guys tried it with a sword/slayer gametype yet? I still think this would work really well for it.
No i meant on the opposing sides like along the box's not the bomb plant area you can sink really easily if you stop holding forward, but it only occurred a few times the rest of the time i would halfway sink then come back up out of the water. Surprise ninja from the sea lol
It's just an idea, but maybe having the water a little more shallow. So if you crouch the water will go up to your neck, it looks a bit deep. But other then that this is a very original idea and you've been forging many great maps. I'm proud of you squirt. :]
This looks... fantastic. Definitely the most unique and actually-worth-DLing Grifball map. One thing I dislike though is the water barrel in the center. From the beginning of he video it's obvious it would move around and make the map look sloppy, and the weapon holder being there makes it look stupid. Sorry for the negative feedback, don't get me wrong, this is the first map preview I actually can't wait for. Good job GunnerGrunt and Ell3ment.
There is no floor, you are floating in the actual water. This is also why people sink and die after about 10 seconds of floating unless they remain fighting. This is a preview of a rough gameplay test version we used to find any extra bugs that needed fixed. The final version won't be a barrel on top it will be more aesthetically pleasing as will the rest of the map as it goes through a more rigorous state of cleaning and perfection. This was more a preview to raise attention and to avoid any testers from quick posting it to claim as there own before we finalized it. Besides, would you expect us to put our names on something half assed and sloppy?
I can tell you right now if anyone claims this other than ya'll i will virtually beat the hell out of them, me nick and TailsIce had fun messing on this last night. I would go so far as to say this will be a feature when its done. So no worry's guys you have us forgers to watch out and make sure no one tries to claim it.