Okay on the shoutbox a week or so ago someone said they wanted to see a conquest map in water (cant remember who). But newho, I decided id take on the challenge. I may upload a screenshot or two but basicly, flash flood is a conquest map built on longshore underneath the decking area, under the building. It is a very small map but it will squeeze in quite nicely Heres the layout... ll=llllll=ll ll#llllll#ll ll#llllll#ll ==ll#llllll#ll== Yeah colour coded side, dark blue is water (barrier with 2 gaps at side between as well) All the map is made out of boxes (doubles and singles if needed). L blue is double boxes under water (This also contains two territories >) Green is out of the water raised up at the same height of the two coloured bases. Thoughts?
I would be impressed if you could pull it off. I built an underwater Conquest map on Longshore called Scubaquest, but the gameplay didn't work out very well. Its too hard to see anyone underwater so you end up running past them or running in the wrong direction. I had two hallways that were halfway above water, but then people were able to crouch underwater and sneak past enemies. Just a few things to look out for if you end of building it. I wish you the best of luck!
I'd say just have it half submerged in water, about up to your pelvis in water. It'd be a unique experience and it wouldn't make it impossible to see. Another reason why you don't want it completely submerged is because you can't throw grenades under the water.
Or maybe just the feet in the water so people can't crouch under water. Grenades don't work? They seemed to work fine when i tried...
to do this and make it work good you going to have to create levels, have part of the map be so people can sneak by but then have parts where you have to run up out of the water. That way someone will most likely see them trying to sneak by because there is parts where you have to come up. That is what i would do. It would be kinda hard, there isn't alot of room so for the parts underwater use doors and such, box's will disappear to easily if you place them way to far down.
I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they don't. Either that, or they just float after you throw them.
Hey B3NW its HLG Amber Clad! It was me! I said I wanted to ses it! It would be cool with a completely submerged linear tunnel, though.
Right ill look over the map again and see where it would be possible to add a tunnell Would people think the map unorthadox by adding a tunnel like this.... ll=llllll=ll ll#llllll#ll ll#llllll#ll ==ll#llllll#ll== ll#######ll """""""""""""""" Would you personally think this would improve gameplay or not? & it cant be classed officially as a conquest map if teams are able to flank each other with use of the maps design.
I actually already have started a conquest map under the dock somewhat submerged in water. :'( Everyone has literally been coming up with the same ideas as me but I have not nearly the urge to finish them quickly. Oh well though. Good luck on this project.
Sorry man ;p Care to share some pictures of yours? Would give me some good ideas for mine, and vice versa. If you want we can PM to each other incase someone else is making a conquest map as well so ideas arent stolen
Lol I was also going to do a conquest map, but I'm a lazy bum. I drew up what I had in mind for my map. The pipes would have water in them about ankle or mid-calf height, the territory rooms wouldn't have water, but raised up by ramps. The territories were quickly placed, there would be a little adjustments.
Thanks for the input, only problem with your pipe idea is the double box opens would need to be totally open, theres an annoying little flap on it. Thats a nice layout but I think im gonna stick with the current one.. BTW do conquest maps normally only have 5 territories? I think I would need up to 7 for my map, is this also too unorthadox?
I only had a few boxes in place so far but it looked like this. ^^^^ except I wanted each team to start as falling into out of a pipe type deal. You can go ahead and use that idea. I was also going to make some ups and downs, bumps and such. Since mine will not be too original anymore I'll just help you out with ideas if you need any.
Maybe make it look like a ruined ship, with the two sides above the water and the pathways or the middle somewhat underwater. Not all the way though, that would skrew over grenades. Good idea.
Ruined ship would be too hard IMO, New setup BTW guys, it wont be like I said with a tunnel behind because as someone pointed out, then its not conquest so ive scrapped that Idea and intead ive added the following... ll=llllll=ll ll#llllll#ll ll#llllll#ll ==ll#llllll#ll== ll####ll \\###// The sticking out points are the spawns, I may even have it so they spawn on the slanted part at the bottom but that part will be mainly for taking out enemies in the middle on the green neutral point.