I AM HALF JOKING ABOUT THIS THREAD. I WASN'T AIMING FOR A DEBATE Okay so you probably know that the earth's magnetic field is constantly decaying away. One of this field's purposes is to block space junk and large scale asteroids from literally making an impact on earth Considering it decays 5% every century, We still got a while, No. A couple hundred years before earth is doomed So i think that once that field is completely gone due to mass decaying... ...We're probably gonna die being crushed by Space Junk and Fricking huge asteroids! Discuss
Although I find no interest in debunking your facts, an obvious flaw in your logic is the statement that "we" will die. This is assuming a medical breakthrough is made, enabling humans to live for hundreds or even thousands of years. Good day sir. ( The magnetic field blocks charged particles from solar bursts from impacting earth, and I found little to nothing about the magnetic field "blocking asteroids" although I have not searched it fully )
*Sees no mention of God, decides to stay* I saw this on Nova on PBS one time, and we've been overdue for our poles to switch (south to north, and vise-versa) for a long time. Every time they switch, an ice age occurs. We've been overdue for about 1.5 million years now. Oh yeah, "global warming" isn't real, it's just the poles beginning to switch, decaying our Ozone before it does so.
I am. THE GREAT AND OKAY JEDI OF 7'S BECAUSE I WAS GOD AT STAR WARS GAMES AT AGE 7 EVEN THOUGH THAT WAS SIX YEARS AGO And just so you guys know, I was 30% joking and 40% crazy and 30% serious about the OP, In other words, we may die from this, But i was slightly joking about it /nocaps
You seem to have entirely missed the point of my first paragraph. I was simply stating that we wouldn't die, but our descendants could possibly.
One thing I don't understand about this magical barrier, is how come Spaceships and millions of other astroids have made it to Earth? Unless you're referring to extremely large astroids, in which the 'magnetic' field would magically send if hurtling back. Also, if you didn't know Jupiter's gravity sucks in any coming astroids which circles the planet and sends it flying the way it came. Jupiter is pretty much Earth's guardian angel. Plus I recently heard about a weapon mechanism being able to obliterate moderately big asteroids. Though, it'll be a while before such a mechanism is made. I beleive it was going to stationed on the moon.
Anyone ever watch The Core? Basically the earth's magnetic field shuts down, but being a movie it does it rather quickly.
The magnetic field sadly does not block our impending doom from asteroids. It does however hold our ozone and atmosphere together both of which actually do protect us from a good deal of asteroids and meteorites, see the atmosphere pretty much burns up anything that tries to come into it (including space ships) and once it is within impact range it is usually considerably downsized. Pole reversal is a natural thing just like global warming is, the planet will get hotter then the poles will reverse and the world will enter an ice age, it will once again get hotter and the cycle will repeat. Plus everyone knows zombies would pop out of nowhere before then.
DING! I was waiting for a smart person to come into this thread...ermm minus the Zombie part PS: I HATE People who think Global warming is not real. It been proven that the earth has warmed up about 1-2 degrees world average over like 500 years. Part of it is because of Us humans but the other part is natural. /Thread...Really
We would all die of UV and above radiation from solar flares before any space junk had a chance to crush us.
PS: I HATE People who think Global warming is real. I don't really care what you hate. No one really does... it has been proven that the earth goes through cyclic climate changes where the average temperature increases, and then eventually decreases, to lower than average, then back up. Human interference has to do with the ozone layer, but not so strongly on the Earths climate. Just sayin though... it's not a personal attack at you, its just that what you hate/like, want/don't want, fathom/can't fathom doesn't affect reality. Not to say I'm 100% positive in my opinion either, but there are plenty of people for instance, who couldn't possible fathom a life if God doesn't exist, or even just how anything could be without his existence... doesn't make their belief have any more truth to it, is the point I think I am making...
So what exactly is all the CO2 in the atmosphere doing? Are you saying it's doing nothing, considering that CO2 traps in heat and destroys the Ozone Molecules.
Well since I did say its doing something... I find it unlikely that I'm saying its doing nothing. I'm just saying I don't think its so much a complete human made event as it is a natural cyclic event.