Debate God - The Beginning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You are such a jerk. Why don't you actually stop and listen to someone for once?

    I don't see why these kind of asshole comments are needed. Someone says something, then someone else uses INSULTS against them! Is this really how you've learned to debate?! Using counterarguments against the person instead of the topic?!

    Plus people just pass it by now like it's nothing. It's annoying and everyone knows it, so either stop it or go away because you honestly don't belong in any sort of debate if you need to insult someone just to get your point across.
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I've got to agree with ER1C0 (for once lol) in saying that its got to stop. Eyeless is certainly not the only one, and its on both sides. You are allowed to think it, but when it comes to the actual debate, keep it civil.
  3. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    We all accept the reality we are presented with as children. That, combined with the human need to validate the time invested in that reality, has caused you to purposefully avoid the concrete evidence pointing away from your literal version of biblical creation.

    We are not all mean atheists trying to make you feel bad by attacking your God. We are reasonable people that have embraced the knowledge that the greatest minds in history have given us through the scientific method.

    You must realize that even from a creationists standpoint you are in a fringe area of religious views in this country. There is probably not one believer in creation in this forum that will lend their support to your 6,000 year old Earth. If you want to try and find a common ground where God could play some role in the creation of a system where the universe formed through natural processes, then let's have a discussion. Denying common facts about our universe is no way to start a modern debate about the need for a God.

    You have to be careful where you get your information. Books need to be chosen carefully. The first thing to think about is who wrote the book and what their motivations are. By large, scientists have no motivation to disprove God or creation. I'm sure scientists would love to be the first to publish an article showing solid testable evidence. Scientists don't care either way(unless they are paid to care by a private interest group). The book you are referring to was written by a religious zealot. What conclusions do you think he would be looking to make? Getting your science from someone with deep ulterior motives is not smart.

    These are examples of what I'm talking about. These websites where created by Rick Berman. He is a really horrible person that hides behind the cover of a Non-profit organization so that he doesn't have to disclose who his donors are.

    In these examples his donors are clearly from the junk food industry. The websites look semi-professional, but the science can not be trusted coming from a lobbyist that clearly takes money from the food industry.

    Transfat Facts

    Obesity Myths

    Sweet Scam

    Just because something is in a book doesn't make it true. There is misleading information everywhere, and you have to try and sort through it rather than just listening to anything and everything that reinforces your already held beliefs.
    #123 makisupa007, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Genesis 6:14

    Was Noah’s Ark Big Enough? Deborah Drapper’s Blog

    Genesis 3:2

  5. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Read Genesis, this isn't true. The bible doesn't say anything about blaming Adam or Eve, it merely shows that both were punished.

    @Greatjedi7: The bible never says the earth is 6,000 years old. Read up on your own source.
  6. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    So at least radiant agrees with me on the size of the ship being small too small to actually accomidate the required number of animals needed to re populate the Earth she just gave the specs of the ship. Even if it was the size of a modern aircraft carrier it would not be large enough. 450 feet and 3 decks is a small ship.
    @ Erico I blew up on him when he made the post and basically said "hey im going to laugh at you because I think im right even though I haven't done the basic reaserch"
    I hate people who do not do propper research and assume with out having full knowledge of a subject. Then he tries to act all smart come the hell on . Like **** I'll let that fly when I can prove him and his argument wrong ten times over with minimal effort. It wasn't even like he attempted to look into the topics he tried to play off as acts of god. phss I'll be nice to him when he takes some real classes in school and has a rude awakening to the real world on how it really functions. Not this sugar coated story the bible gives by saying how nice the world is and how caring and loving his god is when his god has had no influence in our age. Also the Bible makes it seem like its eves/womans fault for temting Adam. Its classic sexism presented in the bible. The story of adam and eve is one of the silliest stories and is comparible to a fairy tale.

    Once again he was being smug and arrogant when he was completely wrong with all his "facts " if you can even call them that. His facts are more likely trash his priest or parents shoved in his head. I think hes confused on whats fact and whats opinion or mythology.
    Saying the story of Noahs ark is true is like condoning incest which is plain out wrong.
    #127 Eyeless Sid, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I'm defending Noahs Ark...

    So yea flr

    #128 RadiantRain, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  9. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Yes yes, I read your link. Did you bother to read mine? Probably not, or else you would understand the numerous flaws in the story.
  10. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Don't assume I did not read your story because I still believe in mine.
  11. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    How, exactly, do you rationalize this?
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    ...really? That's ridiculously closeminded. You're saying that HE'S wrong for not doing research when you'll only accept the opinion you've been taught in school. And honestly, stick to what you think you know instead of going off into some random tangent. Learn to debate instead of personal insults.

    Mhm...right. REAL classes are your high school teachers or peers? Why ISN'T the world nice? Maybe it is. It's all about personal perspective. Maybe you should get your facts straight on the Bible before you bash it, BTW.

    And the same with you.

    ...WHAT?! As I said, I see it as a metaphor, You really have no understanding of the apparent story or what it's trying to say, do you? It's like taking anything and summarizing it into a super condensed sentence. "The book 1984 is about this guy who's stupid because he thinks he can beat the system but he can't and in the end he can't. Stupid book is stupid."
  13. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Basic knowledge of metaphors would tell us that the "Flood" only happened in a region or continent and not really the entire world.

    Please... Guys... Stop taking the bible to be literal.
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Ok so gods a metaphor then since nothing is literal in the bible. Gods just a train of thought people still believe in for personal reasons. Everything is a metaphor so why exactly do you pray to something you know is not exactly shown as it is in the bible? Maybe hes not actually watching you constantly to see if your following his commandments or maybe hes not listening to your prayers. I never heard him respond to me I never saw any signs so why bother following something that couldn't care less. You hold the book in high regard as the HOLY book yet its just a bunch of metaphor/stories that may or may not help you depending on how you comprehend or interpret it. One can saves lives and help human kind by following there god and on the otherhand one can kill and destroy humans in the name of a god. I think God should have written a book easier to interpret or that was literal so people would know what their talking about instead of assuming. The world would be much better if God was a literal man.

    @ insane Look at my prior post explaining how such a ship is to small to hold the amount of animals required to do what it says in the book. I got mad at him for saying "Im gonna point and laugh at you when you try to prove me wrong" Then I proved a counter point to all the arguments and he replied with one sentence answers like "no its not" or that's not how it is in the bible" or "your wrong" with out backing up his argument. Sure I got plenty mad at him in my post but at least I took the time to make a half thought out response to his and to make another argument. My argument was the ships to small incest would have to happen in both the stories of Adam and eve and Noah's ark if they were completely true which im pretty sure they cant be. other wise our human species would be genetically messed up like in modern day incest cases where the families all messed up and crap. Then I also re explained for like the 5th time how fossils get on mountains and how symbiotic relations ships work. After explaining something multiple times anyone gets irritated especially when the person they are explaining it to could have easily looked it up themselves but was to lazy. I hate ignorance and I hate people who are smug AND can't make an argument backing up their points with evidence.
    I have had multiple formal educations [catholic school,public ,and private and,soon to be in college with a major in engineering and a minor in history]. I know both sides of the story so yes I came to the conclusion that both stories in discussion are not reasonable and that's why I don't believe in them.

    Thats nice shock that you went and corrected my errors, I typed post in 5 minutes before I went off to school . I typed and posted it I usually go back and correct later but you beat me to it. I never said that I wanted to major in English lol.

    lulz, np.
    #134 Eyeless Sid, Oct 8, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  15. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Aren't you a creationist?
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Totally disagree. The writing is a perfect amount of vagueness...though in some areas it's puzzlingly NOT vague. One of the weirder things. Regardless of if it's "written by God" or not, I don't see why it can't be a holy book. Or maybe I see holy as something different than you.

    So? IF Noah existed, incest might have been what made people what they're like now instead of then. I'm not saying it's right, it's not, but it might be what it is. Theoretically. Also, that's one of the major reasons different groups have different 'stereotypes' that are generally true (Jews have big noses, etc...comes from incest. Don't have a source ATM but can find if you want to see an article).

    And I know Hebrew but I'm not pretending like I "know" what's right and wrong. I just have feelings towards a side I think makes sense.
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    We agree incest is not right and I believe that our species has evolved over time with enough mates for a minimal intertwining of related families. There is no way two humanoids could re-populate the Earth by themselves there needs to be a substantial population or group to do this. In modern cases of incest today the people involved are not what we call normal so to say they are what we derived from would be a long shot by any standards. Incest generally messes people up mentally if they are not already messed up for thinking about it. I would hope that people look down upon incest in this day in age lol.

    I know the Bible was written in a form which was supposed to be vague/left for self interpretation but using that as an way to explain all the errors and misleading information which is going to be miss-interpreted into something other than its original purpose [to set up morals to abide by]. The Bible is written how it is on purpose because the church wanted a book that has people taking its stories and applying them to their life in a positive and effective way. Over time the "interpretations" have been used in the wrong way. The church used it to gain power by fear and complete control early on now its losing power because people have lost the fear of hell or gods judgment. Why because whens the last time we had a sign from god telling us to believe in him and to follow his rules? Not lately thats for sure. I question the books holiness because divine power is supposed to be perfect and if the back bone of that power is not reflected in a book glorifying it then why call it holy. God and his word are supposed to be perfect and the fact of the matter is that it isn't or at least not anymore. My view of whats holy is absolute perfection that is what a god represents after all perfection. If his word is not then he is not easy as that.
    #137 Eyeless Sid, Oct 8, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Sorry for the late response.

    Sorry, I meant lock.

    I said I don't.

    True, but the definition of imperfect is pretty solid. If there is a god, he/she/it is imperfect.

    It's definitely not.

    Great response.

    You fail to grasp the concept of infinity. Even if he made quadrillions of universes, there would still been an infinite amount of time before the first one. Furthermore, most Christians would denounce ideas of alternate universes.
  19. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    You're a good guy, Erico.

    What would happen if I'm right, huh? Then I'll be the one pointing and laughing about how wrong you are!

    And did you know some of the first "real" scientists were Creationists? OMGRLY? Ya Rly!

    And whoever Scope quoted is right, If the Big bang is a creation story, And it has yet to be proven, But wait! you still believe in it!

    But someday there will be a big bang, Just not in the form you atheists were hoping for...
  20. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Lets see you are a recording artist and im going to major engineering and minor in History ,whos more qualified to explain the reality of a single ship holding all land life on one boat. Or the posibility of two people being able to reproduce enough children and off spring to populate the Earth with out killing off our species with genetic flaws found in incest. Did I ever say I was going to get my masters in english ? so one common typo has no wieght on the argument its just a sad attempt by you to tarnish my creditbility. I don't know you personaly but from all the posts and mis information you been spueing out I can easily say you have a minimal knowledge on the subject. When you find substantial information in the Bible that hasn't been already discredited or proven incorrect and wrong then make an argument. All you have done so far is given your opinions with your "faith" as your evidence which means nothing to the rest of us here.
    "you'll be sorry when jesus comes back"
    Great your a religious bigett now only helps my side more when you post crap like this. Oh wow since I know dead people don't come back I don't think I have to worry about a false prophet slapping me on the hand.

    Also when I say real classes I mean ones that are run by the state not the church. Ones that get you into college or ones that you get in college.
    Adam gets punished because he was supposed to protect Eve ? Sounds like God is not a fair judge he basically did this:
    Man kills anouther man
    The murderers friend is also put in prison because he was supposed to watch after him and keep him out of trouble.
    Great logic God lol.
    Assuming more like connection the dots between your posts and knowlege of what ever we are talking about. You act like you know what your talking about when you don't.
    I took 9 years of a catholic Schooling and have gotten a formal one along side that plus college classes. I came from both sides of the argument and have came to the conclusion that most religious stories and beliefs don't add up and are just plain silly.

    My engineering education tells me no ship could carry all the animals on Earth on it sucessfuly and my history education tells me that there was no "global flood" at this time.
    My Biology/anatomy education tells me two orgamisms alone could not populate the Earth and didn't.
    My goelogy education taught me that the Earth is much older than 6,000 years .
    Whats your recording education tell you .....oh wait theres no audio files from that time period I guess your out of luck and out of place my good sir.

    If your right and I stress IF then ya fine have your laugh but most likely you haven't followed the bible to the letter and you will end up in eternal hell with me . We could even share the same lava pit ;].

    Anyone can be a scientist and I can prove that science has been around longer than any religion heres how.These easy steps.
    1) observation;

    2) statement of a problem or question;

    3) formulation of a hypothesis, or a possible answer to the problem or question;

    4) testing of the hypothesis with an experiment;

    5) analysis of the experiment’s results;

    6) interpretation of the data and formulation of a conclusion;

    Lets just say a cave man for the hell of it is cold and needs to get warm or he'll die.
    This covers # 1 and 2
    He sees a deer walking by and its fine in cold weather. He wants its furso he makes a spear.[covers #3}
    He kills the deer and takes the fur [covers #4}
    He is happy warm and continues to do this {covers #5 and 6}
    Religion is younger and did not exist in pre historic times so in reality the first scientists were not creationists :].

    Sure the big bang is a form of creation story but we believe there was no divine being involved in it. We believe in a cycle or at least I do and yes we don't know how it began may be it was always there maybe it wasn't but space and time are here now and theres no god in sight.

    My conclusion of connecting all the dots is that God/religion is a fabrication of the human mind and nothing else. When we die and are no more on this Earth god/religion dies as well. On the other hand when we die science/reality will continue with or without us. The universe will continue for infinaty and we will be erased form existance untill it all happens again.
    #140 Eyeless Sid, Oct 9, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2009

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