Not to be a negative Ned, but I don't see a description...can someone point it out for me? Love the post though, the bare minimum of it really caught my interest, and is it at all possible to make the video more apparent? I missed it my first time.
One word, TRIP MINE. Is that two? idc. Just grab it, and watch the colorful medals start to burst out, like Octomom and her babies.
Map Posting Rules Threads must include at least one picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Thread titles must consist of the map name ONLY - no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. I suggest making a more detailed thread like most of the people in the forum instead of trying to be cool and posting an interactive picture. Thanks for pointing out the video, though, looks fun. Please try and make it a bit more visible, though.
Aside from it being an incredibly simple map that defies anything other than a cursory description, that description is in the video. Move on, troll. Back on topic, or lock.
Bahahaha. I have given my opinion and shall even add to that to have this stay here: This map is simply wonderful, and by simply I mean just that. Rules are out the window, and no matter what you do, you WILL have a blast. Once again, great job, my dear British monkey of sock-materials and wonderful colors. You continue to fascinate us all with your beads of sight and immense amounts of lipstick.
Actually his post is quite on topic, sure i dont think he approached it the best, but he does have a point though. And it is a legitimate post, nothing wrong with it according to forgehubs standards, so there is no reason it should be locked. Don't get me wrong, i do like your post, but i agree in some ways that a little bit of description wouldve been good.
I like how people cannot find the video in the OP. It just seems like logic to me because it is the only thing that is in the shape of a youtube video. Great post, everyone seems to love the map so I will be downloading this. Looking forward to some good times
Im gonna be fully honest, when i saw the post i really didnt think it looked to great. But everyone was saying it was really fun so i dled it and it was okay. The first game was really fun for 2 min, then it started getting extremley boring. I like how you put equipment and a random box to make it less repetitive, but it just seemed like the same thing over and over again. I have only played it once, and with only a few people, but i currently think it deserves a 3/5. Its also not too original, Ive seen some maps like these before(maybe not as nicely forged though.) Also after watching the video it doesnt really need a description but you should add a one since it is the standards.
I have to say this is the most epic minigame ever... I can see my buds and I gettin lots o' lols out of this. It's like the MLG octagon.... only it's a square.... and you're flying..... and you got equips...... and you know..... BTW I nearly **** my pants laughing when I saw you called the gametype "MLG Pro"
No offense, but this is kind of BS... I mean, all you really did was put 8 or so boxes around two bridges/things, put a ceiling on it, then added some grav lifts or something below it. I'd like to say it's good, but to be truthfully honest, I think it's almost terrible lol... even if it's only a mini-game... Plus, you have 4 pages of comments! Some people post maps they've been working on for months and only get 3 comments! Total: 2/5 Spoiler Just constructive criticism, don't take it personally
Im not trying to sound harsh but this is probally worse than that box that was posted here a week or so ago with shotguns as you spawn. For the lone reason that with all the **** flying about makes it lag. Its a nice idea and well forged, it just seems a bit, Pointless to me.
haha It looks hilarious, I love the music in the vid. Theres not much to say, the map isn't huge, it is interlocked and everything, and it appears to have great minigame gameplay. Nice map, I think I will download.
This map didn't seem all too special when I tried it solo, but it gets way better with a lot of friends(although I guess that's the point...).
Played this last TGIF. I got to say, the gameplay is extremely fun. The unexpected feeling of having a white screen due to a flare is priceless. That's pretty much all I could say. Although I wonder how would the gameplay be if the arena was a bit bigger.