PORT BLOOD GUSH Created by B3NW The rest of the crew infected, the captain came to land for help. He died, newho... How long will you last? Base: - Longshore Supported Gametypes: Infection Save one bullet Custom Gametype(s) Story: I made this for the Hub of the dead competition and to add to my list of maps Description: The rest of the crew infected, the captain came to land for help. He died, newho... How long will you last? PORT BLOOD GUSH is one of my maps in the Abandoned series. Humans are confined to the lower dock area of Longshore and the zombies have access points to that area via teleporter spawns (I used teleporter spawns to conquer camping) Forging 101: [ YES ] Floating Objects [ ___ ] Instant Respawn [ YES ] Immovable Objects [ ___ ] Timed Map Events [ YES ] Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] Gravity Lift Techniques [ YES ] Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] Interlocking Objects [ YES ] Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] Unlimited Budget Glitch Turret & Dock Overview Download PORT BLOOD GUSH Download Abandoned Save one bullet in default gametypes. I hope you enjoy it!
Wow this is awesome i love the merging you have done congrats All the merging looks clean this is a definite download Well done
There is no denying that this is a brilliantly forged map, the only thing I think is stange is the turret placement as it appears to have a good firing arc and be a ta dead end.
Thanks for the posotive comment If the turret wasnt good I would have removed it. When play testing it was really effective against the zombies and was usefull for the last man etc. There is a zombie portal right next to it under the water, its not viewable in the screenshots but theres 5 zombie spawns. 2 launched spawns (drop down onto teleporter and launched out) One underneath water near shotty spawn where zombies appear to leap out water. One on the second dock area, there is an underwater tunnel and the zombies shoot out the chimney type structure. 3 Stationary spawns (Spawn in teleporter) One outside the map with quick access to wall, this is incase a player finds a map exploit (I know of one escape and one ever so slightly campable spot, which can be countered with the alphas pistols anyway, with the special gametype) One on tower coming out of water & One next the the boat dock and next to turret under the water, pratically invisible to anyone just walking past.
Ah thats fine then, aslong as it doesnt becom like the original turrets on Haunted house in the infection playlists.
wow I see you made good use of No clip merging(CryptoKid) Ghost merging(CommanderMatt). I think the design is solid except the turret location. Not so much the location as there is only one way there so maybe a ramp from the other structure to it. And also the grav lift behind the turret intrigues me also
um ok, i do like the merging involved some of the structures may not be needed in my opinion, but hey its a good map, i found that the weapons like the turret wasnt needed, but that just may be me, so ill give you a 4/5
Thanks for the solid feedback guys, its not everyday you get good feedback like this. The turret issue has already been brought up, see one of my earlier posts. The grav lift is behind the turret so that the boat cannot be taken round the back, it immediatley sinks the boat, I couldnt put it further down due to problems with the weapon holder and water, its impossible to no clip the weapon holders (If wrong please correct me) As for the structures not being needed, pretty much everything on the map is needed, if it werent needed I wouldnt have had it, because my maps at the moment are concentrating on gameplay and gradually adding aesthetics and better designs to the more newer maps I make. Any questions?
wow, played this when i had my xbox anyway, the geomerging is amazing and all the merging is done really well too. the gameplay really works well...if you have the turret. its a really good small sized map. worth a DL 4/5