Mythic II DLC I'm still on a boat!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by liphttam1, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    I'm On a Boat!

    Ok so apperenty my first post wasn't up to standards. (Which it was) so it was closed. It was my understanding I needed a picture of the map a description and a download link. This may be considdered spammimg but the mod told me to repost the map once I had full understanding of the rules. ​

    In this peculear racing map you must move your boat to the other end of the water inorder to claim the custom powerup so you can kill everyone!​

    here's a video!

    [bungievid]96265262[/bungievid] ​

    Here's a blurry picture!
    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1022x579 and weights 30KB.


    Boaters: Jump onto your boat and shove off! Try to move the boat to the other side before your opponent. You can do this in two ways. ​

    Slow and safe: Crouch and walk torwds the motor. Punch.​

    Fast and dangerous: Walk normaly tords motor don't crouch.
    Use sparringly. You could slip off the motor and fall in the water. There is also a much higher chance of your boat sinking.​

    To steer: Punch or walk towrds the opposite side of the motor then the way you want to turn. I.E. Left=Right, Right=Left.​

    To kill the Watchers: Throw down a gravlift (located right under the custom powerup) Then granade the box. Watch the boom. Watch your kills.​

    People in the Box: Err wait to be killed by the boaters. I suppose you can watch if you like. Just don't assasinate the other watchers. You will lose 10 points.​

    Extra details. Your probabaly going to end up with negative points. Either because you falled off your boat or your kill crazy. With honer rules it shouldn't be a problem though.

    Heres a picture of the cast!​

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 80KB.[​IMG]

    From left to right​

    BloodHeart14, Callum532, SurfinSnow13, And Me Liphttam1!​

    Please note xSilentxNightx could not appear in the group photo due to contractoral reasons. She is deaply sorry. No just kidding she left.​

    If you like the idea feel free to use it. Just make sure to give me credit. I'm not a verry good forger so I like making maps I hope other people will like and make less horrible.​
    #1 liphttam1, Oct 3, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    So if the first post wasnt up to standards, reposting without regarding why your first post was locked is alright?

    about the map:

    `It looks like you could just jump onto the docks on the side and the containers on the other side and walk to the end... Kinda a huge hole in the map. Try making a wall to stop people from doing that.
  3. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    You can't gravity is to high. And the containers are out of the map. Thers in invisable barrier. Its just to stop the boat.

    Also the post IS up to standers iv'e posted maps before with less then this and they weren't locked.
  4. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    The code is [bungie vid]video number goes here[/bungie vid]
    No space between bungie and vid. The number of your video is to the very right of the URL. 96265262 is this particular videos. And you don't need pictures if you have a video, the video will have plenty.
    #4 SpamRabbit, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  5. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    Then why was my last one locked? I had a video. Umm and I did use the number. I'll try again though. EDIT: Hey thanks! It works now. I guess somehow I got the wrong number. I used copy and paste though... Hmmmm.
    #5 liphttam1, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    This boat thing is way overdone. The only way to make this good is to get a great original idea, and to forge perfectly. It looks like some random thing I would make in a half hour then delete.
  7. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    I understand. I can not forge. I only posted this to show people how it could be fun. I was hoping someone would make it perfect.

    I know it sounds lazy. But think about it. Ok fine... I can't think of any clever analogies. I just stink at forge and unless theres a teacher who can train me, I'm going to continue to stink. >_<
  8. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    This doesn't look great.
    Forging is BAD. Thats the main thing, the walls all look uneven and ugly. Also if you walked REALLY close to the barrier couldn't you walk across the box wall?
    #8 Fusionguy, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Good idea, badly executed, sorry.

    As I said I like the idea you should come up with more but you should work on your forge techniques, and read the rules.
  10. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    No it's outside the invisable barier. I noticed that the boats would go out there but the people can't so I made that to stop the boats.

    How is it possable to work on forge techinque. I know all the tricks. I just can't do them well. It's like archery. Nomater how much I do it, I can never get any more acurate then I got after I learned it. Some things I just can learn ya know?
  11. EziODST101

    EziODST101 Ancient
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    Very cool. Bright idea, have the watchers do something, nobody likes to watch 2 boaters if they are extremely slow. 6/10
  12. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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