Gravity is caused by the bending of space time, creating pools of which objects fall in towards. Bigger objects= bigger pools. That's a 3rd grade explanation. A 4th grade explanation would have to consider alternate universes, membranes, Einstein's theory of relativity, and a whole lot of other **** most people wouldn't understand.
Gravity is actually mostly theoretical. If someone came up to you and said, what is gravity, what would you say? How would you prove it? The only real proof we have of any gravitational theories are black holes and the fact that the smallest particles we can see, often times blip in and out of what seems to be existence when held under the most powerful of microscopes. Many scientists believe that our particles, and gravity, is actually being shared by multiple universes, and that is why our gravity is so weak.
Are we supposed to argue if gravity exists or what it is? Because the original post doesn't say anything or provide a point of view I think this entire thread is trollin' thread. Edit: The OP seems to be arguing if it exists or not, Obviously it does.
You can't call me wrong when you changed the original post, I already quoted you. But you can tell me that the debate has changed though. Edit: I can't find a way to type this and not sound like a jerk.
You see, the Earth's core is filled with molten steel, all this steel acts like a magnet, pulling down the iron in our bodies, and.... everything else.
Gravity is a force which pulls in smaller objects into larger ones [magnetivity]. In an atmosphere on a strong magnet such as Earth smaller things will fall at a given speed towards the center which has a very strong pulling force. Even if you are in a vacum such as most of space is than magnetivity and attraction will have objects colliding and combining with each other due to this force we call gravity. Theories in science are not what most consider theories, a theory in science is supported with lots of evidence and proof showing how something is possible and how it happens through exsperimentation and other such tests. Gravity is real and is effecting us as we speak.
Gravity does not exist, only I. What am I you ask? I am a magical invisible force that will push or pull you depending on the density and mass of another object within a certain range. Although my range is infinite, I eventually lose strength so I have no effect on you.
Gravity is like a fat kid sittin on you, the further from the earth you get, the less air there is so the fat kid can't breathe and he falls off, making you lighter. At one point he falls completely off you, and pulls off your pants, this the weightlessness felling you get. It's all really simple to understand. That would make a lot more sense if I knew what this debate was about, or how to properly answer to it.
We have no conclusive evidence as to why there is gravity. The difference is that we can see the effects of gravity and we know very well how the resulting forces operate - there's no requirement to understand why to know that it exists. 2+2=5 cannot be explained nor proved through observations. When you have two apples and you add two more, you don't get 5.
You would be correct if you were talking about the principle of synergy (look it up). Gravity is so hard to disprove considering how mathematically perfect it is, but then again, it was made that way by man. That's why it's not the Law of Gravity but it is technically the Theory of Gravity. It has been simply deemed a law because it is something we've accepted over hundreds of years. Hell, if you talked to someone from the dark ages they would've called it the Blasphemy of Gravity. There is no physical proof of gravity other than something we feel. For all we know gravity could be an outside force pushing in rather than an inside force pulling in.
Gravity is like a trampoline. Place a bowling ball in the middle and tennis balls on the outside. Naturally the tennis balls will roll down to the middle. That's because the bowling ball is displacing the trampoline. Now with gravity this occurs on a three dimensional plane, except that trampoline's aren't being displace, space time is. Another way to help visualize what's happening. If you have ever been to a mall, you may have seen large funnels where you donate spare change. The same with a three dimensional space, basically try and imagine the earth pushing out against spacetime. Like the bowling ball, the earth is displacing spacetime and everything within a certain distance is 'attracted' to it. Objects that maintain a certain speed though go round in an orbit, so on and so forth.