Hey guys I'd like to get some people to help me make maps that will entice a whole new era of forging. Message me my gamertag is Unsnappedtoast I want to make maps never seen before with newstyles of forgin and maybe created. A huge hype like mlg swat or snipers
More info please. I think people are already doing this, unless you mean something different. Clarify
i design maps. Hit me up. GT: BlazeIsGodly Here are a few of my recent designs for bases and structures, I also do whole maps. Spoiler MLG Conquest 1 sided objectives FFA 2 sided objectives Slayer Yeah. I have a lot of ideas and maps... Maybe give a few pieces of your work as well. If you are a good enough forger I'd gladly throw a few designs to you.
I love people who show up and act like they deserve people to flock to them and build their maps for them because they claim they know what they're doing with design. Please...show me an example of your work. Ideas. Anything to show you have any idea what you're doing. Otherwise, this is more or less useless.
That's true, I'll get working on a small project showing I can do basic merging and geomerging right away
seriously? I know your new and all but surely you must know that this is a site filled with experienced forgers and as such you cant just join and state that your an amazing map designer with no evidence, I would love to see what map idea's you come up with but the community would recieve you better if you gave some evidence of this unique perspective you have on things; maby an example of one of your idea's, a map that has has been created using one of your idea's or even a google sketch up of one of your idea's. Anyway welcome to FH
That's the opposite of what you just said. If you're showing your building skills, you're asking people to give you designs to build. If your showing a sketchup or map you've done to show design, you're asking for people to build your designs.
I want a team of forgers in cooperation to build maps, and I will get it started. I am currently creating a sketchup of my design and will start the forging. Then I will continue to view the post. That is how you can tell if i'm any good at forging and offer help.
show us the sketch up and we shall see, thats the proof we need. You could be the next great forger of our time but all we have is your word and that is not enough
Yup almost done a symetrical base on foundry Here's the design of the map i would like to start work on
Gotta say you just let everyone down who accually believed you were creating a good sketchup. Honestly Insane was right. I know, I can't believe I said it too... This design is, sorry, mediocre. I only see this being used in a nooby version of infection were zombies are 1 shot, and humans stand top with turrets.
really, did anyone expect anything different/ just another person who signs up, and the first thing they do is, well, crap like this. would it kill you guys to actually read the rules, introduce yourself, and learn what our standards our before strutting around like you own the place? Ok, I'm just annoyed from all the "1 posters" who can't be bothered to read the sticky before posting a crappy map in a format that's against the rules, but this isn't much different. ugh. w/e, I'm going to stop before i get modded. :frustrated:
I can do every bit of building but I don;t really care for it. I mainly only do may designing. I will design maps if you can forge them, but most of my maps have quite a lot of merging for all reasons. I also make maps for original gameplay and somewhat abstract aesthetics. I'm not really willing to be a part of a team really, but I will hand off designs for designing credit.
Why is ghost merging a weakness? It is so easy and so fast. If you need help I'll hhelp you out with learning it.
Now although i agree with you somewhat, members that make "crappy" maps are not a nuisance, you need to remember that these people are new to forge and need to learn how to effectivley use it. on to the sketchup, sorry my friend but as has been stated its not a great sketch up, thats not to say its bad but you still have a lot to learn about map design. i think you should probably go to our forging 101 section and read some of the guides on map design and then you can preceed with forging maps officially.