The Monster Truck

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by DocMan, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Created by Doctor Manlove, Silkut X, and The Voicez

    While farting around on Avalanche, a few friends and I somehow wound up putting two of the watchtower pieces together and spun them like a giant wheel. Originally attempting to make a log-roll type of thing. When I saw this, the idea sparked into my head to create a monster truck. Thus, this was born.

    Front View

    Back View

    We originally put this in the centre, but it doesn't save with the map for some reason... :(


    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    looks ok but if you could redo this with interlocking that would be awesome =D
  3. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    whats up with the turretless warthog in the winsheild?
  4. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    Another sloppy novelty. Will they ever end? Legendary DLC. Woo hoo. You aren't cool because you dropped 10$, that probably wasn't even yours. I want a REAL map d*****.
  5. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Whoa dude chill out, anyways looks cool, would be better with interlocking.

    And to counter Craz's comment, I have only seen 2-3 maps on Forge Hub on the new maps. So please just calm down why flame?
  6. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Just for fun :)
  7. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    looks pretty cool
  8. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    No, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to flame. I'm just saying. Not much time has gone into the 3 (this is the third to be exact) posted Legendary DLC maps. It seems like people just want to get their names up in lights. "You know Fred, back when the Legendary DLC came out, I posted the first blah blah map..."

    Monster truck could be a good idea, especially if the thought and effort are put into it to make it look good. I'm just saying. It shows very little skill, though at least is better than the two Blackout maps to hit. Once again, I'm not trying to flame. I just see a sloppy Legendary DLC map as a novelty knocking someone's GOOD Foundry map off of the front page.
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Mhmm. Right.

    I'm just waiting for people to start posting their maps on the new DLC, then realize it isn't nearly as flexible as Foundry. Sure, there'll still be people making maps here and there, but I'm confident in saying that there will be more Foundry then any other map for a long time.
  10. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    Like I said, novelties.
  11. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Ok, I would appreciate it if you would get out of my thread now, please. You have nothing nice to say, so I and everyone else don't need to hear your negativity.

    You're most likely right. However, I believe that Blackout has a pretty good amount of potential as well.
    #11 DocMan, Apr 16, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I think it looks alright. The wheels are still slanted, and the windshield looks crooked.

    Craz, don't flame the map.
  13. II ZERO II

    II ZERO II Guest

    well thia map is awsome and it looks like he did put some time into it and it stop falmeing craz u are because u keep saying bad stuff about it like he didnt even true he has very and u also said he has very little forgeskills how about if i said that to u?So dont say it to others.
  14. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    Never did I call my self a master forger. I know I'm not that great, and I'll say it a million times. I'm just saying, take pride in your work. Have a little respect for yourself. It would be possible with more effort to make that look good. It's supposed to be an aesthetic map. For those of you who don't know what it means, allow me to enlighten you. A basic definition would be that aesthetic [SIZE=-1]refers to the philosophy of beauty or the pleasing qualities of something. We're not talking map playability here. Oh look, a monster truck. No major gameplay effects. That means its supposed to LOOK GOOD. I like the concept, it is original. But, it could of been done better. That is my whole point here. It is SLOPPY. Everyone that posts a sloppy map gets their virtual behinds chewed out. I make one offhanded comment about it being a novelty, and I'm sure there are people working
    right now to have my name forever stricken from the FH record books for all eternity.

    Lighten up.
  15. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    So umm... How did you get a turetless Warthog o_O?
  16. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    It's a semi-complicated process. In forge, you have to figure out who is connection host in the game. To do this, you look at your feet, press up to go to monitor mode, then press up again. Whoever is still looking at their feet when they come back to character mode is connection host. Everyone else will be looking straight ahead. Give the connection host party control. Have someone who is not host go into the forge menu and select any kind of warthog. This works on any map, as far as I know. Don't create it, but just highlight it. Have the host start a new round. As soon as the screen goes black, with the score still visible, press and hold the A button. When the new round starts, there will be a turret-less warthog waiting for you :)

    When it respawns it will have a turret, so if you want to keep it around make sure that there is someone in it at least 80% of the time.
  17. II ZERO II

    II ZERO II Guest

    ok u do have the correct definition but that does not mean u can flame its really dissapointing.....sad really.well anways the map is not sloppy and is great if u dont like it then leave dont come back to this thread. u need to lighten up ur the one making negative comments and by the way this is thread is were u make models of something in forge it may not be the definition but its the way forgehub uses it so learn and leave stop bugging all fo us.>=(
  18. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Cut the drama. No senseless arguments in map threads.
  19. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    You're in the wrong section buddy. Next time you want to stir up trouble about maps, take it to the competitive board. This is aesthetics, you won't find any real maps here.
  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    thats all i can say
    very very original

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