This is a conceptual piece, made for a remembrance day slide show for school. v1 Spoiler Thoughts/suggestions? v2. Spoiler Changes: Significantly reduces opacity of vignette, changed some of the flowers because they looked repetitive, removed blur of text, added slight bevel to text, and removed close up poppy on the right because it looked outta place. v3 Spoiler Changes: Changed the text to all-caps. wallpaper (1440x900): Spoiler - Note: The concept here isn't very hard to grasp, although I can see how one could perceive the picture differently. My intentions were (if you looked at the original picture) that instead of dropping bombs and hate, the planes are dropping poppies in honour and respect. Although the parachute idea is kinda cool, it doesn't quite work with fighter planes, as somebody mentioned lol. Original
Remove the blur on the text, the brown text. It'll look better. The colors are great, I really enjoy the red mixed with the dull colors. Also, lighten up the black circular area around it.
I think it is great but i personally dont like the 2 big blobs of blood the little ones are okay but i personallt think it would be better without the blood
I don't like the circle frame.. Otherwise looks good, although don't like the blur on the top large flower.
Yeah those are flowers. But yeah....basically do what everyone else already beat me to saying. Remove the frame and unblur the text
They are poppies you morons. And yea fade the oval frame a bit more, it's a good old-fasioned effect, but it should be subtle not overpowering. And it doesn't really look right when metaphorical people are jumping out of fighter planes.
You should definetly fade out the oval frame. And you should make the text fit together a bit more. the T in those should start at the same vertical as the R. That may just be personal preference. I'd use it as a wallpaper if it weren't so small. Shame.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I added the v2. Reduced the opacity of the vignette and changed the text up a bit. and telrad, what's your desktop res?
On V2, put Remember back in capitols. Capitols nearly always look better and small letters just don't look right here. 1440X900. The second one's res was frustratingly close!
Lose the bevel on the brown text. Also im not to keen on the brown, either make it a very dark brown, almost grey like charcoal, or a faint brown. either should go nicely with the red
wow i need glasses... lol I really like it though maybe darken the parachute colors and i liked it better with black circular effect.