Used mans complete guide to all firefight enemies This is my second attempt at writing a guide, and I hope it will be more successful than my first. In this guide I will cover each enemy I can in as much detail as possible. The format for each enemy will be: name: description: weaknesses: strengths: black eye: tilt: mythic: catch: Warning:This is a theory guide. It is based completely off of my opinions and observations. This means plenty of the content is fairly easy to notice. This is my favorite kind of guide to read, because I enjoy reading opinions about things I am interested in. this contains my strategies and observations. don't expect obscure secrets. name:grunt description:Grunts are the most common enemy seen in firefight and also the most useless. The only real danger they present is that they throw grenades alot, even without catch. the only other danger is presented by spec ops grunts toting fuel rod guns, but they are still relatively weak. weaknesses:Headshots, everything except needlers and plasma pistols. strengths:fuel rods, plasma grenades black eye:Generally not much of a threat, and generally not the best to melee due to there tendency to throw stickies. tilt:Just go for headshots and you will be fine. mythic:Once again, headshots catch:This is one of the grunts greatest assets. One time, a single grunt took out my entire team by just standing in one spot and repeatedly throwing grenades. Just stay attentive and hopefully nothing like this will ever happen. name:Jackal description:Generally the jackal is one of the least dangerous enemies you will face in firefight. Certain skulls can make them much more powerful. For all but the fourth set and the third round of every set, jackals are nothing dangerous. I would mention the jackal snipers, but the only map I have ever seen a beam rifle jackal is crater. And even then It just takes a couple automag rounds to end them. weaknesses:headshots, everything else to varying extents strengths:inflicting multiple small pinpricks of damage, certain skulls black eye:Jackals are one of the best enemies to encounter with black eye. They don't have any direct melee counter and usually die in one hit tilt:Tilt generally has little effect on jackals unless your shooting right into there shields with human guns. mythic:This is one of the shield jackals largest advantages. With this on, It takes a couple rounds to make them flinch. catch:Jackals dont throw grenades. Ever. name:Drone description:The drone is possibly the most annoying enemy in all of firefight. they do very little damage and are only dangerous in large numbers. weaknesses:SMG, and automag to some extent strengths:Numbers, and the leaders with shields black eye:They cant counter melees, which works IF you can hit them. Otherwise, they are just really annoying. tilt:Besides the commanders with their minuscule shields it has no effect. mythic:Drones don't have quite enough health for mythic to make a difference. catch:no nades, no gain name:Brute (captain, minor, jumppack) description:Brutes are the backbone of the covenant army. They are average at the beginning and get ridiculously hard near the end. they carry a variety of weapons and can be pretty threatening at any time in a game. weaknesses:grenades, plasma rifles, carbines, needlers, plasma pistols, spikers, heavy weapons strengths:High damage resistance, ability to deal large amounts of damage black eye:try to avoid punching brutes because they tend to hit back. tilt:Tilt makes brutes resistant to all but heavy and plasma. Use plasma pistols, fuel rods and plasma rifles as much as possible. mythic:At this point, basically all you can use are heavy weapons and plasma pistols. the plasma pistol with overcharge is now your best friend. catch:meh name:Brute stalker description:The stalkers main danger is the camo, next the firebomb, and finally there maulers. Surprisingly, the stalkers can be a large asset if you use their dropped equipment. Most people don't notice that an average wave of stalkers could probably arm three people with full maulers. weaknesses:VISR, firebombs, CQB strengths:firebombs, invisibility, catch black eye:Meh, with stalkers its usually a matter of to be on fire or not to be on fire. tilt:Same as default brutes. mythic:See basic brutes section catch:Brute stalkers are definitely the most effected enemy by catch. Because unless you get lucky, an unseen brute will kill you wit there firebombs. name:Brute chieftans description:On small maps the brute chieftain easily competes with hunters for "most dangerous non vehicle enemy". They wouldn't be particularly dangerous, except that they can turn invincible for ten seconds at any given moment. they take a ridiculous amount of damage so heavy weapons of any kind are extremely useful. I even suggest saving a maps respawning rockets for the chieftains on the final wave of each round. if heavy weapons are not available try for spikers or brute plasma rifles. weaknesses:None really strengths:invincibility, usually instant kill melee black eye:Not much advice here, they're pretty similar to stalkers in this area tilt:They just become more resistant to everything... mythic:Read tilt catch:N/A name: Engineer description: Engineers are a uniqueenemy, appearing lots on certain maps and not at all on others. They do not attack you, they just provide overshields to nearby troops and cause cluster explosions when they die. The overshields are more of a psychological tactic than anything as they are relatively weak. The only real danger is the overshields eliminate headshot instant kills weaknesses:Plasma weapons, heavy weapons, needlers, sticky grenades strengths: give nearby covenant oversheilds, huge explosion when killed, very high damage resistance black eye: beating them down is an ok way to kill them, though you may drop into a pile of covenant if you lunge and rush them. Also when they die if you beat them down, you will be closer to them and the explosion will do damage. tilt:same as everything else, when on focus more on the covenant before the engineer as it will take time to kill. try to utilize plasma as the engineers shield is very strong. mythic: Same as tilt. catch: N/A name:hunters description:Hunters are fairly dangerous. they have very powerful attacks, fortunately they draw lots of attention and and their projectiles move very slowly. the only effective method of killing them without grenades or special weapon is double teaming from both sides. weaknesses:double teaming, grenades, heavy weapons, spikers strengths:Extremely high damage and resistance. black eye:You cant really melee them effectively and they generally either kill you or don't. Its mainly the accompanying drones that effect this skull tilt:Not much effect. mythic:This skull hurts your hunter killing in a huge way. Be very careful and make sure to utilize all of their weaknesses. catch:N/A name:ghost description:The ghost is surprisingly rare in firefight. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it only makes an appearance on the level that imitates the end of coastal highway. I personally think this is because they help you much more than they hurt you. since you can drive them, its just a matter of killing the driver. weaknesses:hijack, can be driven to great effect, heavy weapons strengths:high damage, can splatter you black eye:Cant really melee them so they only hurt you. tilt:Meh, they just get a bit harder to kill, but hijacks remain effective. mythic:Same as tilt catch:N/A name:chopper description:To put it bluntly, choppers are just damage sponges that once obtained can deal massive damage. there isn't much specific information I can give. weaknesses:heavy weapons, hijack, other vehicles strengths:high damage, extreme splatterability black eye:nothing in particular tilt:same as above mythic:just more damage resistance... catch:N/A name:banshee description:The banshee is probably the most rarely encountered enemy in firefight, and rather disappointing for its dangerous reputation. The banshee is only encountered on windward, and the AI seems to shoot for half a second then swerve away for about 5 seconds. In addition windward is equipped with missile pods and rockets which hugely lessens the danger factor. unfortunately it is impossible to hijack a banshee in any way shape or form. weaknesses:Explosives, idiotic AI strengths:High damage, they fly, they are fast black eye:Don't melee a banshee, just don't... tilt:Meh, just more resistance, nothing special. mythic:Same as above. catch:N/A name:wraith description:Wraiths, have over 9000 health points. Which gives them the award of most dangerous enemy in firefight. fortunately they do have weaknesses, and all levels that have them also have a spartan laser. which is there greatest weakness. weaknesses:laser, other heavys, choppers'n hogs, needlers and high ground(shoot the gunner then hijack). strengths:instant kill on infantry, over 9000 health points, gunner to prevent hijacks. black eye:not much of an effect, they're usually live or die. tilt:just utilize their weaknesses and it doesn't have two much effect. mythic:oh god... catch:N/A name:phantom description:The phantom is an interesting element of firefight. They pack insane damage and damage resistance. Fortunately they just come, drop off covenant, then leave(except once when it got stuck above lost platoon). A useful tactic on lost platoon is to snipe the driver of a chopper while the phantom is floating down. This makes it drop a perfect, unused chopper for you to grab once you clean up the rest of its payload. Another debateably useful tactic is to blow one of the side platforms up, this makes a unused plasma turret drop down for someone to pick up. It might be used against brutes once mythic turns on. weaknesses:side platforms, main turret strengths:huge damage and resistance, carries lots of enemies black eye:They hurt you, but as far as I know it is impossible to melee them. tilt:Exactly the same as all of the other vehicles mythic:Same as above catch:N/A Thats my guide, if you have anything to add or suggest just post. It's pretty open ended so all opinions and observations that make sense will be edited in. I hope I cleaned up my grammar a bit this time. thanks for reading
two questions, one can u ever hijack a wraith, because I've been trying without success. and two on crater dark does anyone know what that think flying above the level is?
1, yes you can, but you cant drive it. 2, I didn't know about that, Ill have to look and get back to you. Ill have to look for that... 3, I edited main post with additional hunter weakness.
The thing flying above the maps are Engineers (I think that's what your referring to). Blue things that give the surrounding convenant Overshields? If so then they can be a bit of a bugger but their easy to deal with. Normally they come in pairs and it's one overcharged plasma pistol shot that kills them. Watch out though as the explosion can kill you.
Grunts are the best to melee, one hit causes stamina regeneration/kill. Best tip ever for firefight: (Don't you dare steal it off me) Hijack the back of a wraith. NOBODY will attack you. If you punch it twice and wait about 30 seconds, then punch it a third time, the wraith will be destroyed but you will remain in the back part, and enemies won't be able to attack you. HOWEVER, while on the back of a destroyed wraith, if enemies get close enough you can hurt them by punching the wraith.
name: Engineer description: these are a moderatly appearing enemy, they are also known as squids, and Virgil. ALSO They do not attack you, they just provide OV to nearby troops and cause cluster explosions when they die. weaknesses: any weapon that can deal alot of damage in 1 shot or a small amount of time. also if you can stick them try, i use smg's and rockets if they will get hit and not dodge it. strengths: give nearby covenant OverSheilds, huge explosion when dead black eye: beating them down is an ok way to kill them, though you may drop into a pile of covenant if you lunge and rush them, also when they die if you beat them down, you will be closer to them and the explosion will do damage tilt:same as everything else, when on focus more on the covenant before the engineer as it will take time to kill mythic: same as above but more strict catch: they dont through grenades
Small thing noticed with engineers, the overshield boost isn't all that great, or at least proportional to the enemy. Plasma Pistol will take away all shield on a single enemy. For Brutes, that means every single bit of shield. Needlers work great on everything engineer related.The engineer itself and the engineered enemies. You can entirely by pass killing the Engineer if it always seems to just get away everytime an attempt to kill it is made. Just use plasma pistols, stickies, Firebombs, assassinations or in worst case, move to another area.
He includes Chopper, Prowelers aren't in ODST. And I assume that this is more firefight based rather then campaign based so the lack of Banshees is acceptable.
Isn't this "The complete guide to all Covenant"? Surely that should include everything known about Covenant?
The easiest way to kill an Engineer, by far, is a charged plasma pistol burst. Plasma pistols are always scattered on the ground; just pick one up, charge it, aim, and fire. The burst is homing, so you can even turn away after shooting and still have confidence that you killed the Engineer. I don't know why you would ever waste grenades or valuable heavy weapons on Engineers when the worst weapon in the game takes them out with ease.
Banshees are in firefight.. Take it you haven't played windward... Edit, sorry - didn't read a couple of posts up.. my apologies.
I edited then added oranges engineer guide, added banshee, added phantoms. I am also considering adding a section dedicated to maps, opinions?