I was basically just fooling around in Pivot Animator and was going to try something simple (a man being kicked in the nuts) but then I had the idea to have him trip. And the other guy as well. Hooray for 1st grade humor! I will be attempting more difficult and complex (and something that makes more than anyone 8 and under laugh) soon.
Woah woah woah, what frame rate and version are you using? Would you like a link to version 3? Anyways, your joints are waaaaaaay to stiff, go on youtube and check out some walking tutorials. Once you get better you can be good like me YouTube - 2nd Pivot EVAR
I never really used that many joints and I think mine are pretty decent. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/76468-my-pivot-animations.html
thats pretty good for just getting into pivot my first one was pretty bad and i still cant seem to make it look smooth when people walk so props on making it look good when he walks i have a very long and elabortated pivot but i have no idea how to post pivots onto the site my freind can make crazy amazing things with it and showed me how to use it and gave me a bunch of sprites
I used to be a pivoteer as I used to call them... I began to get rather good, unfortunatly I don't have any of my work. I would say keep with it and work on smoothness and realism in the movement... More fps, and smooth smooth smooth! There's a forum called stickpageportal that has a pivot section where you get critiqued.