Lost Walez... This map is on Longshore. The map is a 4-6 play ifection game played on Seeking! The map is basicly Janga on Longshore in a cool way. When you fall on Janga you die right, well now you still have a chance to be last man witch will give you 10 points. All you need to do is land on one of the boats in the water and stay on the boat till the other people get out. the boat will sink so be ware... Lost Walez got its name by the Fronks cartoon guy on the poster. Download:Lost Walez! Gametype: Seeking! Pictures: I hope you all like it...
Very simple, but great idea. Do you have a recommended amount of players for this? Also, can't the humans just jump on the dinghies when it's in the water, and melee it every once in a while to stay afloat? Other than that, I don't really have any complaints for now. I'll download this and give you my full opinion once I've played it.
Yes probably it would but you also have low gravity and other stuff added on to mae it harder to do that.
Ive always hated janga, and this is doing nothing for me. The one on standoff had tons of scenery to shoot at people. In this version, I barely see any scenery at all. In addition to that, the scenery that I see is very sloppy. It seems like you first made that whole thing with the boxes, and that was too much for you. So you let your 5 year old sister forge the rest. I don't know if there is a reason for the stuff to be so sloppy, so please explain to me why. The reason I have always hated janga is because it takes so fricken long! When you die you are sitting there for like 5 minutes until the round is over.
Well the map might have some sloppy parts but its not bad. The map has those objects slopplie places because if they are like that then in makes it a challange for the zombie to move them into the cannon man. The forklift is a chllanging thing to us. If you beat down the forklift then push it back then to the side and push it trough the front cannon man i bet you will hit al of them off. But its challanging. They are placed also as a ship wreaked kinda thing so the sailer ( Zombie) will have to use them to free the whales ( Non- zombies) into the water... This map has reasons behind all of it.
This is really not that bad of a map, but could have definitely been executed better. For example, the pallets are hard to push, and to be honest kind of useless. They either bounce of players or you can hit them. The only thing effective at doing anything are the fusion coils, dinghy(if they weren't so god damn easy to dodge), and forklift. When you hit the forklift, it blows up. A piece of it goes flying, completely missing and the rest of it takes a minute to move. This is overall a map I recommend you make a V2 for, because the concept is great. Easier to move objects, and definitely more man cannons. The lack of mancannons were partly what caused the game to go so slowly. 2.5/5 Oh, and I also recommend you get rid of the 2 dinghies in the water at the beginning, the first thing I did when I saw them was attempt to jump onto them and died.
I am curently making it better. This map will have a bigger platform and also more stuff to throw at them like mangoos and ghost. Pluse more cannon men.