When I think about things, I also see their names and other information. Sorta. Like, when I'm looking at my computer, I see the computer, but in my head I'm seeing "LAPTOP" first. Or when I'm looking at some basically non-descript object like a power adapter, I think, "power adapter", when apparently everyone else I know thinks, "random black block thingy" Like, I don't register any other quality first. I don't know. I'm really confused. I thought everyone else did this too. But my friend at school thought I was being crazy. Now my head hurts. My usual method of dealing with these sort of things (Googling them) isn't yielding up anything, and I'm really tired about thinking about this. Does anyone else have any info on what the hell is up with me? Inb4 Nemi is insane
I do this too, trust me it's not odd, it's just a way of distinguishing the best from the rest I believe.
Nothing unusual. I don't think like this myself but I know a few people like this. I think it's tied to wether you're an auditory/kinisthetic/visual learner. Or maybe you like to label things.
I do this alot to, so your not alone Nemi. Though when I do distinguish things then people are like "...", and its fairly annoying at times.
Do you mean you see the word "Laptop" in your mind's eye of you just think it? Coz if you just think it thats normal, its your friend that needs an IQ boost.
You mean you get the word or like an exact image? Everyone remembers things differently. Some are better at images, writing or spoken word. If your good at images like i am, you can usually replicate almost anything just as it is if you can concentrate clearly.
I think I know what Nemi is saying. So normally, when you look at an object, you already know what it is, therefore, nothing happens. You pass over it or use it as intended. But with you, when you look at an object, your brain has to express what it is as a thought. Amirite?
Or, or: You could be over analyzing things. Cluttering your brain with useless information, I mean not useless in like it doesn't matter because maybe information about everything you see is important to you, but it's more or likely you're thinking about it too hard. I mean, you're brain could just be analyzing things and it's just second nature for you. You know? All theory though, i'm really not sure if this is a real mental issue. Everyone thinks different and I could be way off. Explain some more, and let's see where this goes.
It just appears that your brain is cognitively labeling the things you see, and instead of it passing through your subconscious it is going through your conscious. Really, it isn't anything to be concerned about, or at least, it doesn't appear to be.
I get that sometimes when I am high. Like right now, I am reading this out in my head as I am typing it and it is echoing and ****.
I sorta do this. Except when I look at things, I get ideas outside of the box instead of what it's supposed to be used for. And I also see what's happened, and what hasn't. Not crazy, but kind of like what it indicates, not past or future things. It's confusing. Like one of those detective things.
Actually, it did make sense if you have any sort of mainstream education... Although you are in 6th grade honors classes, so who am I to argue?
When I look at things, it seems like my brain somehow finds a way to make them sexual. I don't know man.
I literally see the words in my head, though. Like, I look outside, and I see a tree. Then when I close my eyes, I'm seeing, "Tree". :/ I asked my neighbor who's a doctor, and he said it sounds like synathesia. I don't know, though. He asked me a bunch of questions about it, like whether or not I do it involuntarily (I do). Anyways the real reason I ask this is because I'm pretty sure this is giving my headaches.
I do the same thing. Except I bring up all the related ideas/memories with it. Some of them make no sense. Eg. Toaster---apple. Go figure.
I have deja vu a lot, if we're all sharing "mental problems." I don't know if deja vu is one though. I experience deja vu like once or twice a day.