I made this screenshot for my favorite pro Legit. I am vDelirium (or was vDelirium). It took me about 5 days (1 day per letter). Well anyway, please tell me what you think of it. By the way, its in his fileshare and he sent me a message saying its sick, I thought that was pretty cool of him.
...? He's got the picture right there. I think I missed something. Need an Internet to English translator, here!
lol so mebbe it should be in the screenshots section? i like it, it looks pretty good, and of course im biased cause its green.. i love green
It's like a signature, but for Legit to put in his fileshare, not to use on here. Technically, this is a screeny and should be posted in the screenshots section.
Yea i put it in the wrong section by accident... Everyone on XbL says that screenshots are "art" so i assumed this is where the "art" would go.
/confused What are we talking about? My ear itches. ...But yes, I'd move it to screenshots, no biggy though...