Forgemates! Are You Looking For Someone to Forge With?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Agamer, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Gamer Tag: Stealth9Sneaker
    Times You Can Get On: All weekend, around 2 Hours a day on weekdays.
    Mic Yes/No: I have about 5 of them but there old tech.
    Something Describing Your Self: I forge well on Sand Box. Hills and dunes especially.I have over 50 great ideas right now. I am good but always wanted a partner. I have low motivation to work alone.
    Some Of Your Work: Sorry no posts because I have no motivation. Here are some Pics though.
  2. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
    Senior Member

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    GT: philthyphillup
    Times: Tuesdays and everyother weekend.
    Mic: Yes
    Description: Laid back just wanting to have some fun. I won't tollerate people
    who are rude or imature. My problem is coming up with ideas. I prefer working on
    enclosed maps in the crypt or Foundry.
    Work: In my sig.

    Send me a message or PM
    #22 philthyphillup, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  3. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
    Senior Member

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    gamertag: FreshLegend
    times you can get on: currently every day, proll gonna stay that way.
    mic yes/no: yes
    something describing yourself:most times happy. looking for someone who likes:TS, CTF and SWAT. I enjoy making good, functional maps, that also look "pretty".
    some of your work: ill have some up soon.
  4. CometCRAZIE33

    CometCRAZIE33 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    hey, i was wanting to create an MLG based map on either sandbox or Foundry so if yu wanna make a MLG map send me a message.
    gt: x EEBLIGO x
  5. johnlmonkey

    johnlmonkey Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: johnlmonkey
    Times you can get on: Anytime after 3 on weekdays and all day weekends
    Mic yes/no?: yes
    Something describing yourself: John, Intrested on working with anyone on basically anything. Most interested in fun maps like mini games but would work on serious maps too. very hard worker.
  6. SOGtheman838

    SOGtheman838 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I make awesome infection maps if u want to help me PM me also my username is also my gamertag
    Age 13
    #26 SOGtheman838, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  7. Crock

    Crock Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Times I can be on:Usually any time after 3:00 and 1:00 on wensdays
    Mic yes/no:I got a mic now!
    Somthing describing yourself: A nub at forge that strives to get better
    I don't really have much, I made a simple Mongoose track though! : Halo 3 File Details
    #27 Crock, Oct 1, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  8. Delirium

    Delirium Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The idea is kind of corny.
  9. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It was started almost two years ago, I'm merely continuing it for the people who are in need of it.
  10. crispychicken49

    crispychicken49 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    GT: crispychicken49
    Times to get on: pretty much on the weekdays around 4:00 central time and on weekends around 10:00
    Mic: Yes
    Well, I love forging and am currently looking for someone to do the Hub Of The Dead with me. Yes I am only 11 but I am mature so don't fret.
    My work is in my sig.
  11. halosniper

    halosniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: A QuIcK SH0t 0 is a zero
    Times you can get on: anytime betwheen 4 and 9 centreal usally
    Mic yes/no?: ywa
    Something describing yourself: (example, Matt (the black elite) from Pre-Game Lobby.) josh (the red and white spartan)
    Some of your work: (Optional) A link to your maps.
  12. iTaliiAN iCE

    iTaliiAN iCE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My gamertag is Wasted Lemur, or you can play with me on Karmaissiick, either or. An example of some work of mine is Labryinth, is is a half map on foundry, and yes I know how to do all the forging techniques. Something I do alot is start a map and never finish it, hehe happens too often. Then I do have a mic, and I will mostly be on during weekends, occasionally the halve days on wednsdays and well like on holidays where there is no school, this coming monday. I am currently finishing up on an MLG map,(the map's name is undecided) and you can test with me, TheEpicCiabetta is actually gonna do spawns for me, so whenever he gets the time we can start making maps.
  13. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: xWooden leafx
    Times you can get on: inconsistent
    Mic yes/no?: no
    Something describing yourself: i have a busy schedule, so just trading off the map would work best for me. i focus on aesthetics and originality.
    Some of your work: finishing a map is too time consuming.

    *i love all types of maps and will do whatever kind you want to do.

    GOG TOXIC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: GOG TOXIC
    Times you can get on:Friday to SUnday varing times
    Mic: yes
    Describe yourself: I can come up with some good ideas and I'm decent at desighning. Very good at geomerging and interlocking with the no clip glitch. Look for people who like to make minigames.
    Some of your work:Raining Cats and Dogs
    Add Me and Send me a party invite
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    GT: Organite

    Times: mon,wed,fri- 9pm-whenever; tue,Thur- 10am-1pm; weekends are hit and miss.

    new times as of jan 17: weeknights after 7pm and weekends still hit and miss.

    Description: I've been experimenting with ghost merging alot lately. I enjoy infection the most and as such I enjoy building infection maps which tend to be linear progression maps. Mostly looking for someone who could help with atmosphere, physics, and possibly switches.

    Works: Riding on Hells reigns. Dead on the Floor. Town Square (under revision).

    Message me or friend request me of you're interested
    #35 Organite, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
  16. padres1944

    padres1944 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: StarshipNC51
    Times available: Most all day on weekends, PST
    Mic: Yes
    Description: I'm an idea guy. I'm not all that great at ghost-merging, but I can come up with ideas for maps. I have two right now that I need help making. I also do weapons, equipment, vehicles, spawns, and aesthetics. I basically need some help from someone that can do the majority of the geometry forging.
    Examples of my work: In my signature, I came up with the ideas and forged Projection and Verticality, I coforged Egyptian Sphinx but it was not my idea, and had the ideas for Shipyard and Dark Creek, but did very little of the forging other than weapons and spawns.

    Contact me here or XBL if you want to help me out.
  17. Battle Katt

    Battle Katt Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Need a helping hand.

    My gamertag : BaTTle KaTT

    My availabilty: any night after 10pm.
    Mic?: Yes
    About me: I am an experienced forger who needs another experienced forger to speed up the mapmaking process. In other words, I am looking for someone who will not only contribute to the idea of the map, but I am also looking for someone who can commit to helping me to develop and finish the map in an effiecient manner. It would be nice to have someone help me who knows a lot about good spawn placement and weapon placement. I am good at ghosting, merging, weapon placement, aesthetics, and I have a LOT of forging patience.

    My maps: Greyskull Vs4, Isles of Snipes, and others that I have not yet posted to ForgeHub yet. Click my Gamertag to visit my fileshare if you are interested in seeing some of my work.

    Please feel free to send me a message here, or just sign on to XBL and send a friend request ALONG WITH A MESSAGE that says something to the effect of "Hey, Battle Katt! Wanna forge?."
  18. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Need people with a good forge Exp for my map !

    Everytime i will be here if you want to forge !
  19. SD X3

    SD X3 Forerunner

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    GT : SD X3 mmmmmmmmm

    Availability: just about all of the time
    Micophone?: Yes
    Description: I have some great ideas, just not so great forge skill or the drawn out patience to keep forging for past an hour. Need experienced forger(s) who can help bring some of my ideas to reality.

    My maps: I havn't uploaded any to this site due to the fact they all look like garbage, my interlocking is kinda bad lol.

    GT : SD X3 mmmmmmmmm

    Availability: just about all of the time
    Micophone?: Yes
    Description: I have some great ideas, just not so great forge skill or the drawn out patience to keep forging for past an hour. Need experienced forger(s) who can help bring some of my ideas to reality.

    My maps: I havn't uploaded any to this site due to the fact they all look like garbage, my interlocking is kinda bad lol.
  20. cody cero

    cody cero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: CodyCero635
    Times you can get on: Until winter break is over I can get on generally anytime that I'm awake if I choose to. I sleep from 11:15 P.M EST. to what usually varies between 8:00 to 9:30 A.M EST. After winter break I would say I can get on between 6:15 P.M. EST to 11:15 P.M EST.
    Mic yes/no?: yes
    Something describing yourself: Self-taught programmer. Halo 3 forge noob. Xbox360 noob.
    Some of your work: Don't have none I just got halo 3. Though I have messed around with some switches since I started.

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