For many years people have been asking bungie questions along the lines of: "ZOMG! Can we r haz boatz in halo plz?!!!1!!1" Now, I, UrgentFusionguy have supplied everyone with an answer... Boats on Water Boats on water is a fun new gametype for a range of 4-14 people. It is a map on the Halo: Mythic disks' map: LONGSHORE. Anyway, without any further ado, I show you the pictures! (seeing as they're all that anyone looks at anyway.) ^Players start the game on Longshores' fishing coast, there are two boats infront of them and the hill is in the water. It's quite easy to guess what to do. ^Use your brute shot! Blast the boats into the water, then (obviously) jump onto them! ^Shoot the engine to make the boats move towards the hill! ^use your Brute shot to knock the opposition off their boat! ^If your boat flips upside down don't despair! You can still drive them, however you will fall off easier. ^Didn't get a boat? Help your team! Whip out your assult rifle and give your friends a push! ^This takes a bit of skill, but, you can use your assult rifle to balance your boat! ^Your boat will sink after a while, so the game doesn't go too fast. Players are invincible, so the only way to kill them is to tip their boat! (suicide penaltys are dissabled for this reason. And, that, fellow 'hubbers is Boats on Water Download link is below Download the map, water here! Download the game type, Boats here! All coments appreciated. V.2 on the way! Edit: Grav lifts keep you on the water a little bit longer so you don't go down as easily Edit 2: Sugessted ways to play. No shooting until the hill is contested! Get your boat to the hill as fast as possible! Don't shoot until the enemy gets to the hill! Turn rafting! Take it in turns to get to the hill! One team drives their boats, the other trys to knock the other team off their boat! 2 people rafting! One person shoots the other drives, your rafts tip faster but the extra firepower makes the game fun! coming soon... Pirates on the high seas (v.2)
Petty good idea, But I don't think it has much of a re playability factor - Oh, and meleeing you boat gets it to re inflate.
I like this idea, and it's definitely the first map to use the dingies like this. Depending on how long you can remain floating on the dingies(poster above me suggested that meleeing the dingy causes it to resurface), and how maneuverable they are, this could have some potential as a fun minigame. I think what you've done is created a cool gametype, not necessarily a map. For a V2 maybe have some structures in the water, at least aesthetically. If you can keep the rafts up indefinitely by meleeing them, this could be really cool.
Thanks for the reply Makisupa. I think I'll put in some structures for V.2 and mabye some barrels to shoot into the water as an alternate way across. Also the boxes float so that might work... What does everyone think of a boat race with structures?
This is a really innovative idea, I like the way you found out how to steer it and how you made it into a game too. A couple things I would change is take off the overshield because personally it looks icky. Another thing I would do is take off the Brute Shots and maybe replace it with a different weapon. If you keep the Brute Shots the game will aim towards knocking the others off instead of driving the boat which is the innovative thing about it. This is an awesome idea no matter what, I'll be playing this later tonight and see if I can think of anything else to change.
Thanks for the Download CaMOfo! I thought I might replace the brute shot with rockets, thoughts? And, yes the oversheild is going.
You almost stole my idea, for a map I've been trying to perfect since the third day ODST came out. Only mine is VIP, and will play differently compared to this. I like the idea though, but I've found that you need to make boundries so the boat doesn't try to float past the invisible barrier with you on it. Then you die. If you ever make a v2, make boundries. Trust me, it's better that way.
thanks for the heads up Master Debayter. I thought the boundry thing was a nice way of making the map more difficult, you can't let your boat go too far. I may make boundries, i may not, I'll decide when I make V.2, and good luck with your version
It looks like a fun concept, I think you should add trip mines at the start, it would be useful to pick one and use it, obviously missing a boat and landing it in the water would destroy it, but it could be fun to throw trip mines at enemy boats. Also, what about boarding enemy dingies, is that allowed?
I'll try and think about that, dread. I'll probabally make a battle map or a race map, depends what works best.
Or you could make both, it might be fun having a battle mode and a race mode. For the race mode you could take the suggestion to remove brute shots. For the battle mode, you could have something similar to an armoury, before fighting.
i downloaded this and played it with a party of a whopping size(THREE!! buts thats not the point)... it is a very fun map & concept... there is a way to stop the boats sinking(melee or shoot it)... anyway i've dled and im now gunna rate it on playability ect. 5/5 <- originality, fun, humour and gampleplay!
Thank you for the 5/5 guys! I'll start making a race and battle map now and mabye update this one. For future referance: Mode 1: KOTH Mode 2: Race Mode 3: Battle also is there a way outside the map? As that would help make the new versions.
I checked it out and it was a cool idea. The problem is the boats sink. This really ruins the idea. What if you were to make a sub floor right below the surface of the water? Would the boats appear to float then? I am not sure if you would still be able to move them like this though. It's just an idea. I wish bungie would have included a few more options for the boats..
As someone on page one posted, if you melee the boats they reinflate. I will try and incorparate this idea into my next boat map and I think a 'sub-floor' would make the boats stop all together, also that way the people wouldn't die when they fell out of their boats, so, no it wouldn't work
EDIT: Jeez... Calm down. You're usually much more fun than this but oh well. I really think the idea is great but there should be some more choice to the weaponry involved. I'm sure something like a gravity hammer or missile pod could be used to remove the Dhingy from the dock. I also agree that floating structures would be good along with hidden weapon caches inside the floating structures if plausible.
Your post isn't up to standards, Hawk, you must say something constructive about the map and a reason why you do/don't like it. Please also realise that this isn't a forum for meeting friends, this is actually quite formal. Please edit your post.
Yeah, your right, the boats would not move then. Again, I like the idea. I just wish bungie would have made the boats float. I can think of several games I could make if the boats had a few more options.