Nice, isn't it. But while i have your attention; Is Bungie morally right to be including slaughtered Zebras into their ODST title? Were the leaders of this once peaceful creature informed of such actions? Perhaps if the Zebra people were capable of making contact with such significant figures in ODST's release like Shishka and that other guy, then an agreement could have been made? Personally i think it is unacceptable that an animal incapable of purchasing transport to western civilization so that it can rightfully defend it's kind from electronic abuse has been used in this way. It's already having negative effects on the Zebra population. Just look at the facts! What do you guys think about our planet's endangered animals and the protection (or lack thereof) that we afford them? What about animals that are endangered being protected based on their attractiveness and ability to be marketed to us humans? For example, the siberian tiger is an endangered species, and widely touted as a cause to rally behind. But there are hundreds of critically endangered species in far more trouble than the siberian tiger - they just look rather mundane. Should nature be allowed to take its course (eg. Pandas)? Why do we feel responsible for every animal that is threatened - surely extinction is a natural part of the changes in the Earth's ecosystems? Or is it our responsibility to protect these creatures? Look at these great facts about Zebras. They're presented in a really fun way so anyone can enjoy zebra information, young or old. Zebras have been known to read, ride bikes and use rudimentary tools. These assets could prove invaluable in boosting commercial labour during our time of need. Top fact. Did you know Zebras were skilled climbers? I didn't, until someone told me. Would you lay down your life for a burning zebra? I know I would. Just look at the Fern. The worlds oldest living organism that you can plant. Everybody has heard of a fern, or better, owns a sanctuary. Because of this, the fern is allowed to evolve and adapt into the fern we know and love. If this attitude was passed on to the Zebra, who knows where our alliance would stand in a decades time. Legions of Zebras, on bikes! Fight the power! Yours now and forever more. Matty and Shock Theta x
I hear they've got a sense of humor on ebay for pretty cheap, you should go check it out. As for the Zebras, I would, without hesitation, lay my life down for a burning zebra.
OHSHI- OP was edited. And I have a respect for all animals, except poodles. But I would definatly not kill a zebra in-game. Even in FC2 when you could kill zebras, I just named them and herded them into battle to be my trusty steeds. Needless to say, my zebra's didn't last long. The only time I remember killing a zebra in FC2 was when cruising the train tracks in my Jeep Wrangler a wild zebra appeared. I held a funeral and everything. Nobody came, except me and his zebra friends.
Bad joke is pointless. The debate section is for serious philosophical debates and the only thing that makes you different from the next guy posting random crap that deserves a lock is that there is a chance that you won't get the lock.
I believe the debates section is for debating. Wether that debate is philosophical is unimportant. I'll just say that unless we are causing the extinction of these animals, then I'll help them. If not, I'll let them die out.
As well you should apologize, naive. It's not a joke, it's a full fledged debate. If you mean that it's not an important debate, or that debates themselves are unimportant or ridiculous I would ask that you leave. We're hear to discuss a very serious topic, and you're shenanigans wont help, they'll only hurt. Nobody wants to see this turn into the "god" thread. I don't see how that joke is relevant, unless you're not joking, in which case that is very interesting. Would you? You don't really know until you find yourself in that situation. Nobody really knows how to lay their life down until they are called to do so. Imagine yourself in the safari. The wind blows by through the grass, making a scenic rustling noise, blowing the sweet and earthy smells to your nose. You look around, noticing all the tiny details. The watering whole, filled with animals prey and predator a like, the grass full of life just barely hidden, and the wonderful glories wide sky full of the tiniest specks of black birds. You close your eyes, taking it all in. You feel at home. Everything feels right in the world, and you can sense, feel, almost breathe the natural balance of the world. Then it happens. An acrid stench fills your nostrils, carried by a suddenly oppressive and dank wind sweeping across the planes. Something is wrong, something evil is afoot, but you don't know what. You see a dark shadow rising to tower above the Savannah, and you're drawn to it. Racing, flying across the Savannah you should feel at peace. You don't you feel like instead of flying free across the world you're running from some dark dank horror-- no, running towards it. You top the nearest hill in the golden rolling landscape, and you see it. A Zebra. The most innocent, loving, intelligent creature on gods green earth. But it's burning, wrapped in red and scarlet flame, dancing over its body, killing it, squeezing the life from it. The shadows and light dance across your face as you revel in the sheer horror of it. Your eye catches its eye, and your souls lock together, melded for an eternity in that split second. Would you lay down your life? Makes one think doesn't it. Spam shalt not be tolerated in a thread of this much importance, but yes I indeed less than three zebras as well. I was quite aware myself, I've been keeping up with this thread since day one, writing down notes on anything important, and studying it's responses. Flying to war across golden plains with your trusted zebra warriors at your side is the most exhilarating, perfect, and fulfilling experience of anyone's life. Ever. That jeep is cursed, you are cursed, and your entire family will suffer miss fortune from the wrath you have brought down from god, over the destruction of his chosen creature. A zebra would never attack you, but if you attacked it first of course it would defend itself, and in all likelihood kill you without breaking a sweet. That is wrong. No, not because it's bestiality, but because of the sheer corrupting power having sex with a zebra has. Why would you taint so perfect a creature as a zebra by forcing you genitalia into it? Is twenty three seconds of the most ecstatic sexual pleasure of your entire life worth the blackening of this creatures perfect soul? No. Zebras shall never die, we shall stand by them and protect them. Once again, I take it as a personal insult that you feel this thread isn't a serious debate. This. Debate. Is. Serious. If you cannot get over that fact and respond intelligently, I would ask you to leave. Please, do us all a favor and don't interrupt our intellectual discussion on the lives and freedoms of these creatures. If you see a baby burning alive, and you have a fire extinguisher in your hand, would not you save the baby? By your logic, you would never even think about it, you would just continue on your way, because babies aren't going extinct of course. You should save them, you should save any creature, and these even more so. See the thing is, every baby at some point bursts into flame. If everyone was like you, waiting until they believe babies are almost extinct, babies would continue dieing. This horror would eventually end with the death of all babies, by fire. Destroying the human race. Do you want this to happen to zebras?
Told you I'd lock it matty. If you're going to make a thread in the debate forum, take it seriously, otherwise every one of them is going to get the same treatment. I can't even infract comments like "I luv zebras" because it makes sense in the context of your OP, and that is ****ing retarded.