
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Sep 21, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I don't see how your point is valid to be honest. Although I am not very enthusiastic towards mini-games, I think that any genre of playable content is grounds for feature. Upon the release of Halo 3, Forge was originally intended just to move some objective spawns. It then evolved and evolved into a what is today. You can't really correlate any map or gametype to another one inside the game, regardless of genre. Saying one's map is better just because it's competitive is slightly one-sided. In the end, it just depends upon whether or not the Author completed his/her map the way he or she intended it to be. I guess you could call it delivery. That's all that matters in my opinion. If you were going to blame it on anything, blame it on your distaste for it, personally. I know some of the staff likes mini-games.

    P.S. Don't take it as an insult but more of as my philosophical opinion.
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Played it.
    Didn't like the map. I can basically get 1 kill and play ring-around with my opponent with a large pillar.

    I might actually try that actually.
  3. Psych

    Psych Ancient
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    Awful map is awful. And if you don't think teleporters cause camping during competitive play than play me.
  4. vash2341

    vash2341 Ancient
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    tis true he rapes me with them on warlock remakes and such all the time.
  5. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I'm glad I can have a chance to enlighten you. Teleports are used as escapes and are used to cut off an opponent moving about the map. Fact is teleports are situational. It's a players choice to stay near the sender or receiver, that's call a tactic. Tactics, mixed with playstyle, skill, and weapon usage make Cayanne versatile. Basing your assumptions on your game is not very sound and I suggest you play different opponents before you call a map awful. Show some class.
  6. vash2341

    vash2341 Ancient
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    i also like to "enlighten" you to read a post before u quote it. he said that they cause camping, and probably didn't feel like hearing an arrogant man go in about a rant which has no place in being here, and since u almost proved his point with your post about tacitcs, one of which being camping, that if u have a sniper and a teleporter around the map u can basically trap them in a good area and know were they will be.
    #26 vash2341, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  7. Sarg338

    Sarg338 Ancient
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    QFT. This guy knows what hes talking about (except for his god awful spelling...)

    Teleporters do cause camping. Camping makes any map awful. A good map isn't one where you can grab a sniper, camp a portal, and win.
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Anyone who falls victim to teleport camping, especially on this map is a ****ing idiot.

    Enough said.
  9. Dewski

    Dewski Ancient
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    I found that out too, it might be interesting to try, but only with a slight lead.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Dude, if you're down, I will too!
  11. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    While your going to be enlightening my ****, I've got a lot going on in my head at moment, it might be a while before you take it all in...Tz made the map, so he has a reason to be here. He built the map, so he should be proud of and if some lil brat comes in here and bases gameplay off of one game then Tz reserves to slap his lil ***** ass around.

    Yeah man, this guy really shows intelligence. A good logical leap is based on playing the map. Just becuz yo boy ass rapes you guys on warlock, doesn't mean you suck less ****.

    Honestly, I can't wait till you ****ers leave. Your a bunch of e-tard assholes.

    And you have tiny penises...only real men around here.

    You didn't figure it out, I showed you.
  12. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    You are my new hero.
  13. Sarg338

    Sarg338 Ancient
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    I just love this community. Such warm welcomes to new members. I can see my self hanging out here a LOOOOONG time, and even inviting my friends. If i do, can you guys flame them and act gangsta on the internet to them? Im sure they will love it!!

    I would post my opinion here, but i would get flamed (lolegangsters) and apparently, people cant take constructive criticism, which i would think people of THIS Community would be able to do.
    #33 Sarg338, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  14. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Work ftw. These arguments need to stop. Be mature and if you have anything else to say do so in PM's.

    #34 Transactionzero, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  15. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    This a large difference between constructive criticism and "this map sucks ****ing ass". You need to provide solid reasoning and advice rather than "yeaaah I get raped on it..sooo it sucks.."

    We take criticism very well, like the massive amount of changes done to all the maps in the about...four to five months we tested them. I think it's a bit more viable than someone else's one game.
  16. Sarg338

    Sarg338 Ancient
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    Who said that? Because i never did.

    I'm just agreeing with everyone else that says Portals cause camping. I express MY OPINION here and get flamed and attacked for it (seems to be happening alot lately) for it by some kid who acts tough on the internet (Not you, but you know who im talking about).
    #36 Sarg338, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Portals don't cause camping if they're used properly. You don't blindly run through a teleporter knowing the guy is on the other end. A teleporter, properly used, is a tactic and not generally a part of player movement (though it can be, not usually in a 1v1). Consider what advantages you have watching the teleporter and what advantages and disadvantages there are in going through it in the first place. If you're running through it without thinking, you're a moron. There's a reason this map was chosen to be near the end; if we had put this near the beginning it would be a campfest. With people that know what they're doing, it shouldn't be the case.
  18. vash2341

    vash2341 Ancient
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    o im sorry are u trying to show you have a form on intelligence higher then a illbred? other wise make some good points in your post instead of FLAME LOLOLOL. regardless if u think he has a right to slap a ***** ass around?, its the internet learn to deal with the minor criticisms and let the map maker debate with us instead of hoping on the nut suck train and boost ur awesome forge hub rep. If the maker disagrees thats fine there is no reason to go all fantastic 4 and flame on, if someone doesn't voice an opinion then nothing would ever be made better.

    again, take the teles out.

    EDIT: i agree insane that if the 2 people know what there doing it shouldn't be a problem and putting it at the end of the comp was a good idea, regardless it is a good map and fun to play, but i wouldn't recommend it for people who generally aren't good or for any early round tournaments.
    #38 vash2341, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  19. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Hopefully, you realize changes won't be made.

    I like the map the way it is Tz.
  20. vash2341

    vash2341 Ancient
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    yea its good, but without criticism nothing can be imroved, so if someone wanted to update this map later on, say in a few months, and they read these posts about teles, they might change/remove and see how it works, even if it was a shitty idea its worth trying.

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