thats weird why is that? why would bungie want to stop with something that has made them a **** load?
Would you rather have it end now and watch as their games go in a completely new direction, or do you want halo games forever? Thought so.
I'm hoping it's not another game that "since the first game was popular, let's bring our players into all kinds of varied environments like snow and sand and so on and use a similar plot from before!". That seems to be a new fad with games I'm not a big fan of. I'm also hoping they stick to something similar to H3's engine, anything like the Unreal or Call of Duty engines would really ruin the feel unless that's how the game is played.
They already said Reach will be based on a new engine, but i think it will be built off of the havok engine. And who says reach will be 1 disc?
id rather it end on a good note, then another company take over who can easily ruin the games, since they havnt made all the ones before.
Or they could improve it. Remember that not all people are happy with Bungie's changes to the game. Halo 1 had a lot of participation of Microsoft and it ended up as being one of the best games ever. Some say the best of the trilogy.
So what has been confirmed by Bungie that we know about Reach? I assume it takes place in the battle of reach. I assume it's a fps since Bungie has so much experience in that area. I know Bungie is now a separate branch though, so it can basically do whatever the **** it wants. ?
Actually, the MP was beta tested because the Halo 3 engine was a brand new game engine and that in effect makes the multiplayer completely different from Halo 2 even if they didn't change anything, they also tweaked weapons and added new ones and used the beta to see how'd they perform in the environment. As far as all the people saying that Reach was Bungie's last Halo game, yes that was something Lars Bakken said at one point, but it's been clarified on IGN since then by other people at Bungie. IGN has an article or a followup on it somewhere. Basically Bungie doesnt know what they're doing yet.