It's finally out! Here's how much time and effort I've put into this thing: Spent around 7 months gathering clips Spent about 2 months capturing (thnx to Kappa Beta, otherwise known as KB on this site) Had to upload 4 music vids onto youtube just to see what isn't copyrighted Entirely reedited it once Had to export it about 4 times (total waiting time: about 7 hrs) Spent 'bout $80 on a new operating system and iLife '09 Spent around $20 so someone could cap for me in really good quality If you don't like it, well, I may be forced to slap you. So here it is.. you can watch it in HQ if you want: YouTube - The Awesometage - A Halo 3 Funtage Plz at least comment. This is only my 2nd funtage and I really really really want feedback.
Some of the clips weren't really funtage material. Like 3:59 is just an everyday assassination. That's how half of assassinations happen.
Bad Zander! Be more positive about life! Anyway, in the clip you're talking about he circled the pillar a couple of times and frustrated the guy, then finished with a humiliating backslap. Hm? I enjoyed watching, I laughed out loud more than once, and you had my full attention despite it being over 9 minutes in length. Thanks for sharing.
Yea, sorry about it being so long. I had around 50 clips and I really didn't want to break it into different parts. :/
I learn something from this:Never getting in any vehicle with you Some of those clips were pretty good I must admit.
Thanks for the replies guys... but is there anything more you wanna say?? This took me close to 9 months and I'd REALLY like comments... Did you like the music? What was your favorite clip? What was the worst clip? Did it flow well? Did you like the editing? What about the quality? I hope I payed $20 to cap in good quality for a reason.. Overall score? Also, I was planning on submitting it to FBWalshyFTW's youtube account, but it's suspended for some reason... is there any chance this vid could make it? I really appreciate comments guys. I've put tons of work into this..
Honestly it made me giggle a good amount. This is why I like halo 3 over other games. ALOT of other things and randomness can happen lol. Good tage man. Music fit pretty well and killing the sniper like that is always fun haha.
Its pretty good! I found it very enjoyable to watch :] Had some really good clips and it doesnt have shittty music like most tage's. Smashing pumpkins? All in all, its ****ing great. 9/10
I actually really enjoyed it to be honest. I didn't think I would watch for the entire time, but I did, and I'm glad I did. A few parts made me laugh, especially when the elite threw the plasma on Valhalla, and you pushed him into it. The music was pretty good, I preferred the second to the first song, but whatever. Quality was fine, I didn't have to squint to see all of what you were doing. Um, lets see, my favorite one was the double splatter with the mongoose on rats nest, where you do a wheelie and then get em. I dunno, sending people off the cliffs got a bit old after a while, but I do it all the time... I don't really know a score to give it though...
i really liked this, and laughed out loud two or three times.. my favourite was the elite assassination around 4:09 where you come up from behind him and dance.. although teabagging was excessive, it was fun to watch. good job
Yea lol I had to edit out A LOT of teabagging... there was just too much, so I at least tried to take it out. Oh yea and thanks youtuber, I'm glad you liked the 'drive into the guy who throws a grenade then blows himself up' part. That was my best friend btw lol
1. I honestly did not like the music but thats just my preference, I just turned the sound off anyway. 2. My favorite clip was probably when you parked the warthog on the edge of the cliff and the guys friend tried to help him but died. Made me lol. 3. Least favorite was probably when you assassinated that girl/pedophile (idk) on Assembly. 4. I guess the flow was good, nothing really stood out as bad. 5. Editing was good, except some of the transitions were kind of annoying. 6. Quality was good. 7. overall score is a 4.5/5. I liked it and it made me lol. I liked how it was actually a funtage and not just someone showcasing their killamanjaros and calling it a funtage. I really didn't notice the length untill the very end. It seemed like 4 minutes to me. GOOD JOB!
You don't like Smashing Pumpkins or Boston?! Whaa- lol thanks for the comment.. I tried submitting this into Bnet, but I don't know how long it'd take for it to be accepted.. anyone know?
lol erico, i liked the random teabagging behind the people whilst theyre alive.. ive managed to stand on some guys head and teabag him whilst hes alive and attempting to snipe a team mate